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public final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestOrder

Class Overview

Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - oldest first or newest first.

See Also


Enum Values
PullRequestOrder  CLOSED_DATE  Indicates pull requests will be ordered by closed timestamp in descending order. 
PullRequestOrder  NEWEST  Indicates newer pull requests should be shown before older ones  
PullRequestOrder  OLDEST  Indicates older pull requests should be shown before newer ones  
PullRequestOrder  PARTICIPANT_STATUS  Indicates pull requests should be shown in an order based on status
Public Methods
static PullRequestOrder fromString(String stringValue, PullRequestOrder defaultValue)
Coerces a string to a PullRequestOrder or returns the supplied default value if this is not possible.
@Nonnull static PullRequestOrder getDefaultOrder()
static PullRequestOrder valueOf(String name)
final static PullRequestOrder[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final PullRequestOrder CLOSED_DATE

Indicates pull requests will be ordered by closed timestamp in descending order. Specifically open pull requests will be shown before closed ones, then most recently closed pull requests. Where pull requests are still in the open state newer pull requests are be shown before older ones (i.e. last updated descending).

public static final PullRequestOrder NEWEST

Indicates newer pull requests should be shown before older ones

public static final PullRequestOrder OLDEST

Indicates older pull requests should be shown before newer ones

public static final PullRequestOrder PARTICIPANT_STATUS

Indicates pull requests should be shown in an order based on status. For PRs where the participant has the same status NEWEST order will be applied

See Also
  • {@link PullRequestService#search(PullRequestSearchRequest, PageRequest)} for more information on restrictions

Public Methods

public static PullRequestOrder fromString (String stringValue, PullRequestOrder defaultValue)

Coerces a string to a PullRequestOrder or returns the supplied default value if this is not possible.

stringValue the string value of the pull request
defaultValue the default value to return if coercion is not possible

@Nonnull public static PullRequestOrder getDefaultOrder ()


public static PullRequestOrder valueOf (String name)

public static final PullRequestOrder[] values ()

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