Interface Matcher

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContainsIgnoreCaseMatcher, EndsWithIgnoreCaseMatcher, EqualsIgnoreCaseMatcher, StartsWithIgnoreCaseMatcher

public interface Matcher

An interface for matching the contents of a string against a search term. Implements will describe the situations in which they match.

Method Summary
 boolean matches(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String searchTerm)
          Returns true if the content "matches" the searchTerm, according to the matching rules of the implementation.

Method Detail


public boolean matches(java.lang.String content,
                       java.lang.String searchTerm)
Returns true if the content "matches" the searchTerm, according to the matching rules of the implementation.

content - the content to search
searchTerm - the term to search for
true if the content matches the search term, according to the matching rules of the implementation, otherwise false.

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