Class CachingGroupManager

  extended bycom.atlassian.user.impl.cache.CachingGroupManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
EntityManager, GroupManager

public class CachingGroupManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements GroupManager

Uses a generic caching strategy to provide caching for any implementation of GroupManager.

Typically used by putting the 'caching="true"' attribute on the repository in the XML configuration. The default repository loader will then wrap the GroupManager implementation in an instance of this class.

To minimise memory use, except for the direct name->object caches, the underlying caches do not store the actual group or user objects. Instead, they store just the user or group name and methods in this class retrieve the objects as required. The name->object caches will ensure that is relatively efficient.

Field Summary
protected  CacheManager cacheManager
protected  EntityRepositoryCache entityRepositoryCache
protected  GroupCache groupCache
protected  GroupsForUserCache groupsForUserCache
protected  MembershipCache membershipCache
protected  GroupManager underlyingGroupManager
Constructor Summary
CachingGroupManager(GroupManager underlyingGroupManager, CacheManager cacheManager)
Method Summary
 void addMembership(Group group, User user)
          Adds the user to the specified group.
 Group createGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Create a new group with the specified name.
 Pager getExternalMemberNames(Group group)
          Retrieves the names of those members of the specified group which are stored in another repository.
 Group getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Retrieves the group with the given name.
 Pager getGroups()
          Retrieves all groups in this repository.
 Pager getGroups(User user)
          Caches the list of groups retrieved for a particular user.
 RepositoryIdentifier getIdentifier()
 Pager getLocalMemberNames(Group group)
          Retrieves the names of those members of the specified group which are also stored in this repository.
 Pager getMemberNames(Group group)
          Retrieves the names of all members of the specified group.
 RepositoryIdentifier getRepository(Entity entity)
 boolean hasMembership(Group group, User user)
          Returns true if the user is a member of the specified group.
 boolean isCreative()
          Used to detemine whether an entity can be created (eg, can call UserManager.createUser(String) or GroupManager.createGroup(String).
 boolean isReadOnly(Group group)
          Returns true if the specified group and membership of the specified group cannot be modified in the repository.
 void removeGroup(Group group)
          Remove the group specified, if it exists in this repository.
 void removeMembership(Group group, User user)
          Removes the user from the specified group.
 boolean supportsExternalMembership()
          Returns true if the repository supports users in other repositories being members of groups in this repository.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final GroupManager underlyingGroupManager


protected final CacheManager cacheManager


protected GroupCache groupCache


protected MembershipCache membershipCache


protected GroupsForUserCache groupsForUserCache


protected EntityRepositoryCache entityRepositoryCache
Constructor Detail


public CachingGroupManager(GroupManager underlyingGroupManager,
                           CacheManager cacheManager)
Method Detail


public Pager getGroups(User user)
                throws EntityException
Caches the list of groups retrieved for a particular user. This incurs a performance hit the first time a user's groups are retrieved, because we iterate over the entire pager and cache all groups to which the user belongs. The cached stores only group names to reduce memory usage. Since this method must return Group objects in the Pager, they are retrieved using getGroup(String). This should be relatively fast for subsequent lookups because this method also uses a cache.

Specified by:
getGroups in interface GroupManager
user - the user whose groups will be retrieved. Must not be null.
a Pager containing all the groups in the underlying group manager which have this user as a member. Each item in the list is an instance of the Group type used by the underlying manager. Returns an empty pager if no such groups exist.
EntityException - if there is an error retrieving the groups.


public Group getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
               throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Retrieves the group with the given name. Returns null if the group does not exist in this repository.

Specified by:
getGroup in interface GroupManager
a Group or null if the group does not exist.


public Group createGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
                  throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Create a new group with the specified name.

Specified by:
createGroup in interface GroupManager
EntityException - if the Group could not be created.


public void removeGroup(Group group)
                 throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Remove the group specified, if it exists in this repository. If the group does not belong to this repository, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If required to maintain the consistency of the repository, the group manager should remove users from the group before removing the group itself.

Specified by:
removeGroup in interface GroupManager
EntityException - if the Group could not be removed.


public void addMembership(Group group,
                          User user)
                   throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Adds the user to the specified group.

If the user is not in this repository, and GroupManager.supportsExternalMembership() returns true, the user will be added as an external user.

Specified by:
addMembership in interface GroupManager


public boolean hasMembership(Group group,
                             User user)
                      throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Returns true if the user is a member of the specified group.

If the user is not in this repository, and GroupManager.supportsExternalMembership() returns true, external members will be checked as well.

Specified by:
hasMembership in interface GroupManager
true if the user is a member of the specified group, otherwise false.


public void removeMembership(Group group,
                             User user)
                      throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Removes the user from the specified group.

Specified by:
removeMembership in interface GroupManager
EntityException - if the membership could not be removed.


public RepositoryIdentifier getRepository(Entity entity)
                                   throws EntityException
Specified by:
getRepository in interface EntityManager
the RepositoryIdentifier of the repository in which the entity is stored, or null if the entity cannot be found.
EntityException - if the entity cannot be found, or trying to retrieve it results in an error


public Pager getGroups()
                throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Retrieves all groups in this repository.

Specified by:
getGroups in interface GroupManager
a Pager containing a Group for each group managed by the repository. An empty pager will be returned if the repository does not contain any groups.


public Pager getMemberNames(Group group)
                     throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Retrieves the names of all members of the specified group.

Specified by:
getMemberNames in interface GroupManager
a Pager containing a String with the name of each member of the group. An empty pager will be returned if the group has no members.


public Pager getLocalMemberNames(Group group)
                          throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Retrieves the names of those members of the specified group which are also stored in this repository.

If GroupManager.supportsExternalMembership() returns false, this call is equivalent to GroupManager.getMemberNames(Group).

Specified by:
getLocalMemberNames in interface GroupManager
a Pager containing a String with the name of each member of the group which is stored in the same repository. An empty pager will be returned if the group has no local members.


public Pager getExternalMemberNames(Group group)
                             throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Retrieves the names of those members of the specified group which are stored in another repository. For example, an LDAP user which is a member of a Hibernate group is an external member of the Hibernate group.

If GroupManager.supportsExternalMembership() returns false, this method throws UnsupportedOperationException.

Specified by:
getExternalMemberNames in interface GroupManager
a Pager containing a String with the name of each member of the group which is stored in a different repository. An empty pager will be returned if the group has no external members.


public boolean supportsExternalMembership()
                                   throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Returns true if the repository supports users in other repositories being members of groups in this repository.

Typically this is true of an application-specific Hibernate repository, but not of a company's LDAP server. It is designed to allow the LDAP users to be members of the application's groups for flexible application-level security.

Specified by:
supportsExternalMembership in interface GroupManager
true if users from other repositories can be granted membership to groups in this repository, otherwise false.


public boolean isReadOnly(Group group)
                   throws EntityException
Description copied from interface: GroupManager
Returns true if the specified group and membership of the specified group cannot be modified in the repository.

If this returns true, invoking methods which attempt to modify the group or membership of the group will fail with UnsupportedOperationException.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface GroupManager
true if the group and membership of the group cannot be modified, otherwise false.


public RepositoryIdentifier getIdentifier()
Specified by:
getIdentifier in interface EntityManager
the RepositoryIdentifier for the repository which is managed by this instance.


public boolean isCreative()
Description copied from interface: EntityManager
Used to detemine whether an entity can be created (eg, can call UserManager.createUser(String) or GroupManager.createGroup(String).

Specified by:
isCreative in interface EntityManager
true to indicate that Entity objects can be created by this manager, or false to indicate not.

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