Interface CookieEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
EncryptedCookieEncoder, InsecureCookieEncoder

Deprecated. replaced by the RememberMeService code

public interface CookieEncoder

Encodes and decodes the username and password for remember-me cookies

Method Summary
 String[] decodePasswordCookie(String cookieVal, String encoding)
          Deprecated. Decodes a cookie string containing a username and password.
 String encodePasswordCookie(String username, String password, String encoding)
          Deprecated. Builds a cookie string containing a username and password, using offsets to customise the encoding.

Method Detail


String encodePasswordCookie(String username,
                            String password,
                            String encoding)
Builds a cookie string containing a username and password, using offsets to customise the encoding.

username - The username.
password - The password.
encoding - A String used to customise cookie encoding (only the first 3 characters are used)
String encoding the input parameters, an empty string if one of the arguments equals null.


String[] decodePasswordCookie(String cookieVal,
                              String encoding)
Decodes a cookie string containing a username and password.

cookieVal - The cookie value.
encoding - A String used to customise cookie encoding (only the first 3 characters are used) - should be the same string you used to encode the cookie!
String[] containing the username at index 0 and the password at index 1, or { null, null } if cookieVal equals null or the empty string.

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