Interface SourceCodeFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormatter, ActionScriptFormatter, JavaFormatter, JavaScriptFormatter, NoneFormatter, SqlFormatter, XmlFormatter

public interface SourceCodeFormatter

Strategy for converting a block of source code into pretty-printed HTML. SourceCodeFormatters MUST be forgiving: they will be dealing with user-supplied input, so they can't afford to blow up on bad data.

Method Summary
 String format(String code, String language)
          Convert source code into HTML.
 String[] getSupportedLanguages()
          Inform the CodeMacro which languages this formatter supports.

Method Detail


String[] getSupportedLanguages()
Inform the CodeMacro which languages this formatter supports. So if someone writes {code:java}, then only the formatter that returns "java" from this method will be used to format it.

an array of languages that this formatter supports


String format(String code,
              String language)
Convert source code into HTML.

code - the source code as a string
language - the programming language that it is believed this code is written in
the source code formatted as HTML

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