Class WikiContentRendererHandler

  extended by com.atlassian.renderer.v2.components.WikiContentRendererHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WikiContentRendererHandler
extends Object
implements WikiContentHandler

Constructor Summary
WikiContentRendererHandler(MacroRendererComponent macroRendererComponent, RenderContext context)
Method Summary
 void handleMacro(StringBuffer buffer, MacroTag macroTag, String body)
          Handle macro and output the result into the passed buffer.
 void handleText(StringBuffer buffer, String s)
          Handle text, i.e.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WikiContentRendererHandler(MacroRendererComponent macroRendererComponent,
                                  RenderContext context)
Method Detail


public void handleMacro(StringBuffer buffer,
                        MacroTag macroTag,
                        String body)
Description copied from interface: WikiContentHandler
Handle macro and output the result into the passed buffer. Note that nested macros will NOT be handled separately, only the outer ones will be passed to this method. Implementation will need to handle inner macros that might be present inside the body.

Specified by:
handleMacro in interface WikiContentHandler
buffer - the buffer to output the result
macroTag - a macro descriptor for the macro to be handled. Should have MacroTag.getEndTag() set if there is a body.
body - text between the start and end tags


public void handleText(StringBuffer buffer,
                       String s)
Description copied from interface: WikiContentHandler
Handle text, i.e. anything that is not inside a macro tag. Output the result to the given buffer.

Specified by:
handleText in interface WikiContentHandler

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