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1   /*
2    * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
3    * User: owen
4    * Date: Nov 22, 2002
5    * Time: 3:33:35 PM
6    * CVS Revision: $Revision: 1.7 $
7    * Last CVS Commit: $Date: 2005/05/10 00:41:22 $
8    * Author of last CVS Commit: $Author: schang $
9    * To change this template use Options | File Templates.
10   */
11  package com.atlassian.mail.server.managers;
13  import com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.CoreFactory;
14  import com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.util.EntityUtils;
15  import com.atlassian.core.user.preferences.DefaultPreferences;
16  import com.atlassian.mail.MailException;
17  import com.atlassian.mail.server.MailServer;
18  import com.atlassian.mail.server.PopMailServer;
19  import com.atlassian.mail.server.SMTPMailServer;
20  import com.atlassian.mail.server.impl.PopMailServerImpl;
21  import com.atlassian.mail.server.impl.SMTPMailServerImpl;
22  import com.opensymphony.util.TextUtils;
23  import org.ofbiz.core.entity.EntityUtil;
24  import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException;
25  import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue;
26  import org.ofbiz.core.util.UtilMisc;
28  import java.util.ArrayList;
29  import java.util.HashMap;
30  import java.util.List;
31  import java.util.Map;
33  public class OFBizMailServerManager extends AbstractMailServerManager
34  {
35      public MailServer getMailServer(Long id) throws MailException
36      {
37          try
38          {
39              GenericValue gv = CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().findByPrimaryKeyCache("MailServer", UtilMisc.toMap("id", id));
40              if (gv == null)
41                  return null;
42              else
43                  return constructMailServer(gv);
44          }
45          catch (GenericEntityException e)
46          {
47              throw new MailException(e);
48          }
49      }
51      public MailServer getMailServer(String name) throws MailException
52      {
53          try
54          {
55              GenericValue gv = EntityUtil.getOnly(CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().findByAndCache("MailServer", UtilMisc.toMap("name", name)));
56              if (gv == null)
57                  return null;
58              else
59                  return constructMailServer(gv);
60          }
61          catch (GenericEntityException e)
62          {
63              throw new MailException(e);
64          }
65      }
67      public List getServerNames() throws MailException
68      {
69          try
70          {
71              List mailServerGVs = CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().findAllCache("MailServer", UtilMisc.toList("id asc"));
72              List mailServers = new ArrayList();
73              for (int i = 0; i < mailServerGVs.size(); i++)
74              {
75                  GenericValue emailServerGV = (GenericValue) mailServerGVs.get(i);
76                  mailServers.add(constructMailServer(emailServerGV));
77              }
78              return mailServers;
79          }
80          catch (GenericEntityException e)
81          {
82              throw new MailException(e);
83          }
84      }
86      public List getSmtpMailServers() throws MailException
87      {
88          return getMailServersByType(SERVER_TYPES[1]);
89      }
91      public List getPopMailServers() throws MailException
92      {
93          return getMailServersByType(SERVER_TYPES[0]);
94      }
96      public Long create(MailServer mailServer) throws MailException
97      {
98          try
99          {
100             GenericValue storedMailServer = EntityUtils.createValue("MailServer", getMapFromColumns(mailServer));
101             return storedMailServer.getLong("id");
102         }
103         catch (GenericEntityException e)
104         {
105             throw new MailException(e);
106         }
107     }
109     public void update(MailServer mailServer) throws MailException
110     {
111         try
112         {
113             GenericValue storedMailServer = getMailServerGV(mailServer.getId());
114             storedMailServer.setFields(getMapFromColumns(mailServer));
115   ;
116         }
117         catch (GenericEntityException e)
118         {
119             throw new MailException(e);
120         }
121     }
123     public void delete(Long mailServerId) throws MailException
124     {
125         try
126         {
127             GenericValue storedMailServer = getMailServerGV(mailServerId);
128             storedMailServer.remove();
129         }
130         catch (GenericEntityException e)
131         {
132             throw new MailException(e);
133         }
134     }
137     public SMTPMailServer getDefaultSMTPMailServer()
138     {
139         SMTPMailServer smtps = null;
140         try
141         {
142             DefaultPreferences dp = new DefaultPreferences();
143             smtps = (SMTPMailServer) getMailServer(dp.getString("DefaultSmtpServer"));
144             if (smtps != null)
145                 return smtps;
146         }
147         catch (Exception e)
148         {
149         }
151         try
152         {
153             if (getSmtpMailServers() == null || getSmtpMailServers().size() == 0)
154                 return null;
155             return (SMTPMailServer) getSmtpMailServers().get(0);
156         }
157         catch (MailException e)
158         {
159         }
161         return null;
162     }
164     public PopMailServer getDefaultPopMailServer()
165     {
166         PopMailServer pops = null;
167         try
168         {
169             DefaultPreferences dp = new DefaultPreferences();
170             pops = (PopMailServer) getMailServer(dp.getString("DefaultPopServer"));
171             if (pops != null)
172                 return pops;
173         }
174         catch (Exception e)
175         {
176         }
178         try
179         {
180             if (getPopMailServers() == null || getPopMailServers().size() == 0)
181                 return null;
182             return (PopMailServer) getPopMailServers().get(0);
183         }
184         catch (MailException e)
185         {
186         }
188         return null;
189     }
191     protected List getMailServersByType(String serverType) throws MailException
192     {
193         List returnValue = new ArrayList();
194         List mailServers = getServerNames();
195         for (int i = 0; i < mailServers.size(); i++)
196         {
197             MailServer mailServer = (MailServer) mailServers.get(i);
198             if (serverType.equals(mailServer.getType()))
199                 returnValue.add(mailServer);
200         }
201         return returnValue;
202     }
204     protected GenericValue getMailServerGV(Long id) throws MailException
205     {
206         try
207         {
208             return CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().findByPrimaryKeyCache("MailServer", UtilMisc.toMap("id", id));
209         }
210         catch (GenericEntityException e)
211         {
212             throw new MailException(e);
213         }
214     }
216     protected MailServer constructMailServer(GenericValue gv)
217     {
218         if (SERVER_TYPES[0].equals(gv.getString("type")))
219             return new PopMailServerImpl(gv.getLong("id"), gv.getString("name"), gv.getString("description"), gv.getString("servername"), gv.getString("username"), gv.getString("password"));
220         else if (SERVER_TYPES[1].equals(gv.getString("type")))
221         {
222             // this is to fix upgrade errors when smtp port is null in the DB
223             String port = gv.getString("smtpPort");
224             if(port == null)
225                 port = SMTPMailServer.DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT;
227             if (TextUtils.stringSet(gv.getString("servername")))
228             {
229                 return new SMTPMailServerImpl(gv.getLong("id"), gv.getString("name"), gv.getString("description"), gv.getString("from"), gv.getString("prefix"), false, gv.getString("servername"), gv.getString("username"), gv.getString("password"), port);
230             }
231             else
232             {
233                 return new SMTPMailServerImpl(gv.getLong("id"), gv.getString("name"), gv.getString("description"), gv.getString("from"), gv.getString("prefix"), true, gv.getString("jndilocation"), gv.getString("username"), gv.getString("password"), port);
234             }
235         }
236         else
237             return null;
238     }
240     protected Map getMapFromColumns(MailServer mailServer) throws MailException
241     {
242         Map columns = new HashMap();
243         columns.put("name", mailServer.getName());
244         columns.put("description", mailServer.getDescription());
245         columns.put("username", mailServer.getUsername());
246         columns.put("password", mailServer.getPassword());
247         columns.put("type", mailServer.getType());
248         columns.put("servername", mailServer.getHostname());
250         if (SERVER_TYPES[0].equals(mailServer.getType()))
251         {
252             //Do nothing different
253         }
254         else if (SERVER_TYPES[1].equals(mailServer.getType()))
255         {
256             SMTPMailServer smtp = (SMTPMailServer) mailServer;
257             columns.put("from", smtp.getDefaultFrom());
258             columns.put("prefix", smtp.getPrefix());
259             columns.put("smtpPort", smtp.getSmtpPort());
260             if (smtp.isSessionServer())
261             {
262                 columns.put("jndilocation", smtp.getJndiLocation());
263             }
264             else
265             {
266                 columns.put("servername", smtp.getHostname());
267             }
268         }
269         else
270         {
271             throw new MailException("The Type of Mail Server is not recognised");
272         }
273         return columns;
274     }
277 }