Class Restriction.RestrictionWithProperty<T>

Enclosing class:

public static class Restriction.RestrictionWithProperty<T> extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • RestrictionWithProperty

      public RestrictionWithProperty(Property<T> property)
  • Method Details

    • exactlyMatching

      public PropertyRestriction<T> exactlyMatching(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property exactly matches the given value.
      value - value to exactly match
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property exactly matches the given value.
    • exactlyMatchingAny

      public SearchRestriction exactlyMatchingAny(Collection<T> values)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property exactly matches any of the given values
      values - values to exactly match
      restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property exactly matches any of the given values.
    • startingWith

      public PropertyRestriction<T> startingWith(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property starts with the given value.
      value - prefix value
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property starts with the given value.
    • endingWith

      public PropertyRestriction<T> endingWith(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property ends with the given value. Please note, on some systems this query will result in full scan because suffix search might not use indexes. Try to avoid using this search option for performance reasons.
      value - suffix value
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property ends with the given value.
    • containing

      public PropertyRestriction<T> containing(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property contains the given value.
      value - value to contain
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property contains the given value
    • lessThan

      public PropertyRestriction<T> lessThan(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is less than the given value.
      value - value to be less than
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is less than the given value
    • lessThanOrEqual

      public PropertyRestriction<T> lessThanOrEqual(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is less than or equal to the given value.
      value - value to be less than or equal
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is less than or equal to the given value
    • greaterThan

      public PropertyRestriction<T> greaterThan(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is greater than the given value.
      value - value to be greater than
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is greater than the given value
    • greaterThanOrEqual

      public PropertyRestriction<T> greaterThanOrEqual(T value)
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is greater than or equal to the given value.
      value - value to be greater than or equal to
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is greater than or equal to the given value
    • isNull

      public PropertyRestriction<T> isNull()
      Returns a property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is null.
      property restriction that is only satisfied if the value of the property is null