Interface Query<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of element the query is expecting to return (eg. User, Group, etc.)
All Known Implementing Classes:
AliasQuery, ApplicationQuery, AuthenticatedTokenQuery, DirectoryQuery, EntityQuery, GroupMembershipQuery, GroupMembersOfGroupQuery, GroupQuery, MembershipQuery, TokenQuery, UserMembershipQuery, UserMembersOfGroupQuery, UserQuery

public interface Query<T>
Represents a search query for user management. Typical queries will search for users, groups or user names, group names.
  • Method Details

    • getStartIndex

      int getStartIndex()
      The index of the first element to return.
      a positive index value.
    • getMaxResults

      int getMaxResults()
      The maximum number of elements to return.
      a number of elements.
    • getReturnType

      Class<T> getReturnType()
      The type of elements to return.
      the expected type of elements to be returned by the search.
    • getSearchRestriction

      SearchRestriction getSearchRestriction()
      Restrictions to apply to the query. Typically finding users of a given name, etc.
      the search restriction to apply to this query.