Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ContentEntityObject> |
DraftAttributesCopier.copyDraftAttributes(T entity,
Draft draft)
Transfers all metadata from draft to the entity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends ContentEntityObject> |
ContentCreator.saveForCreate(T entity,
com.atlassian.fugue.Option<Draft> draft)
Save a newly created CEO
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
DraftResourceIdentifierResolver.resolve(DraftResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier,
ConversionContext conversionContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
DefaultResourceIdentifierMatcher.matches(Draft draft,
ResourceIdentifier ri) |
Constructor and Description |
AttachmentOwningContentResolver(ResourceIdentifierResolver<PageResourceIdentifier,Page> pageResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<BlogPostResourceIdentifier,BlogPost> blogPostResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<ContentEntityResourceIdentifier,ContentEntityObject> contentEntityResourceResolver,
ResourceIdentifierResolver<DraftResourceIdentifier,Draft> draftResourceResolver) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.createDraftForEditor(AbstractPage page)
Draft |
DraftService.createDraftForEditor(AbstractPage page)
since 5.7. Not used, so no replacement.
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.createNewContentDraft(String spaceKey,
DraftService.DraftType type) |
Draft |
DraftService.createNewContentDraft(String spaceKey,
DraftService.DraftType type) |
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.findDraftForEditor(long contentId,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String spaceKey) |
Draft |
DraftService.findDraftForEditor(long contentId,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String spaceKey)
Find and return a draft of the specified content Id and type for the current user.
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.findOrCreateDraftForEditor(String spaceKey,
DraftService.DraftType type) |
Draft |
DraftService.findOrCreateDraftForEditor(String spaceKey,
DraftService.DraftType type)
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.getDraft(long draftId) |
Draft |
DraftService.getDraft(long draftId)
gets the draft by id for the authenticated user
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.saveDraftFromEditor(Long draftId,
String title,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String content,
Long contentId,
String spaceKey,
int pageVersion) |
Draft |
DraftService.saveDraftFromEditor(Long draftId,
String title,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String content,
Long contentId,
String spaceKey,
int pageVersion)
Create and store a draft for the current user with the supplied details.
Draft |
DefaultDraftService.saveDraftFromEditor(String title,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String content,
String contentId,
String spaceKey,
int pageVersion)
Draft |
DraftService.saveDraftFromEditor(String title,
DraftService.DraftType type,
String content,
String contentId,
String spaceKey,
int pageVersion)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Draft> |
DefaultDraftService.findDrafts(int limit,
int offset) |
List<Draft> |
DraftService.findDrafts(int limit,
int offset)
Finds the users drafts.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceCommand |
BlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf) |
ServiceCommand |
DefaultBlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
BlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
DefaultBlogPostService.newCreateBlogPostCommand(BlogPostProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
PageService.newCreatePageCommand(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
Retrieve a command for creating a new page for the specified user.
ServiceCommand |
DefaultPageService.newCreatePageCommand(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf) |
ServiceCommand |
PageService.newCreatePageCommand(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
DefaultPageService.newCreatePageCommand(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
PageService.newCreatePageCommandFromExisting(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
DefaultPageService.newCreatePageCommandFromExisting(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf)
ServiceCommand |
PageService.newCreatePageCommandFromExisting(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
SpaceProvider spaceProvider)
This is not a public API method! Creating a page from an existing page has different authorisation and validation logic
from creating a brand new page.
ServiceCommand |
DefaultPageService.newCreatePageCommandFromExisting(PageProvider provider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
SpaceProvider spaceProvider) |
Constructor and Description |
CreateBlogPostCommandImpl(PageManager pageManager,
SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager,
ContentPermissionManager contentPermissionManager,
DraftService draftService,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
NotificationManager notificationManager,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
BlogPostProvider blogPostProvider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
ContentPropertyManager contentPropertyManager,
LabelManager labelManager,
DraftsTransitionHelper draftsTransitionHelper)
since 5.10
Constructor and Description |
CreateAbstractPageCommandImpl(PageManager pageManager,
ContentPermissionManager contentPermissionManager,
DraftService draftService,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
NotificationManager notificationManager,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
ContentPropertyManager contentPropertyManager,
LabelManager labelManager,
DraftsTransitionHelper draftsTransitionHelper)
since 5.10
CreatePageCommandImpl(PageManager pageManager,
PermissionManager permissionManager,
ContentPermissionManager contentPermissionManager,
DraftService draftService,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
NotificationManager notificationManager,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
PageProvider pageProvider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
ContentPropertyManager contentPropertyManager,
LabelManager labelManager,
DraftsTransitionHelper draftsTransitionHelper)
since 5.10
CreatePageFromExistingCommandImpl(PageManager pageManager,
PermissionManager permissionManager,
ContentPermissionManager contentPermissionManager,
DraftService draftService,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager,
NotificationManager notificationManager,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher,
PageProvider pageProvider,
ContentPermissionProvider permissionProvider,
CreateContextProvider contextProvider,
Draft draft,
com.atlassian.user.User user,
boolean notifySelf,
SpaceProvider spaceProvider,
ContentPropertyManager contentPropertyManager,
LabelManager labelManager,
DraftsTransitionHelper draftsTransitionHelper)
since 5.10
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
ViewDiffOfDraftAction.getDraft() |
Constructor and Description |
ConfluenceDiffDraftBean(ContentEntityObject original,
Draft latest,
Differ differ) |
Constructor and Description |
DraftAttachmentLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.GenericLinkParser parser,
Draft draft,
AttachmentManager attachmentManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
DraftManager.create(String username,
DraftService.DraftType draftType,
String spaceKey)
Creates a new persistent draft of the specified draft type in the space
for the user.
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.create(String username,
DraftService.DraftType draftType,
String spaceKey) |
Draft |
DraftManager.createDraftForPage(AbstractPage page,
String username)
since 5.7. No replacement.
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.createDraftForPage(AbstractPage page,
String username)
Draft |
DraftManager.findDraft(Long pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Finds the draft with the given page ID, owner and type.
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.findDraft(Long pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey) |
Draft |
DraftManager.findDraft(String pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
since 4.3 use
DraftManager.findDraft(Long, String, String, String) |
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.findDraft(String pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Draft |
DraftManager.getDraft(long draftId)
Finds the draft given a specific draft id.
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.getDraft(long draftId) |
Draft |
DraftManager.getOrCreate(String username,
String draftType,
String spaceKey)
since 5.7. No replacement.
Draft |
DefaultDraftManager.getOrCreate(String username,
String draftType,
String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Draft> |
DraftManager.findDraftsForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Returns the drafts for the user provided or an empty list if the user has no drafts.
List<Draft> |
DefaultDraftManager.findDraftsForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user) |
List<Draft> |
DraftManager.getDraftsForSpace(String spaceKey)
since 5.7. No replacement.
List<Draft> |
DefaultDraftManager.getDraftsForSpace(String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DraftManager.getMergedContent(Draft draft)
since 4.0 use mergeContent(Draft draft) instead.
String |
DefaultDraftManager.getMergedContent(Draft draft)
since 4.0 use the MergeResult mergeContent(Draft draft) instead.
boolean |
DraftManager.isMergeRequired(Draft draft)
Returns true if the draft version of a page is different to the current version of a page, otherwise false.
boolean |
DefaultDraftManager.isMergeRequired(Draft draft) |
MergeResult |
DraftManager.mergeContent(Draft draft)
Attempts the merge the changes done by this draft with the latest version of the content.
MergeResult |
DefaultDraftManager.mergeContent(Draft draft)
Merges the draft with the original version compared to the latest version of the page.
void |
DraftManager.removeDraft(Draft draft)
Removes the draft specified.
void |
DefaultDraftManager.removeDraft(Draft draft) |
void |
DraftManager.saveDraft(Draft draft)
Saves the provided draft to the data store.
void |
DefaultDraftManager.saveDraft(Draft draft) |
void |
AbstractPage.setContentPropertiesFromDraft(Draft draft)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Draft |
CreatePageAction.createDraft() |
protected Draft |
since 5.10
Draft |
since 5.10 use
AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.getDraftAsCEO() |
Draft |
AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.getExistingDraft() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
SessionDraftDao.getDraft(long draftId) |
Draft |
DraftDao.getDraft(long draftId)
Returns the draft with the given ID, or null if no draft is found with that ID.
Draft |
SessionDraftDao.getDraft(Long pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Draft |
DraftDao.getDraft(Long pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
since 5.2. Use
DraftDao.getDraft(String, com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, String, String) instead. |
Draft |
SessionDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser owner,
String type,
String spaceKey) |
Draft |
DraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Finds and returns a draft object with all the specified properties or null if none is found.
Draft |
SessionDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Draft |
DraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
String owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
since 5.2. Use
DraftDao.getDraft(String, com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, String, String) instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Draft> |
SessionDraftDao.findAll() |
List<Draft> |
Returns all drafts stored in the data store.
List<Draft> |
SessionDraftDao.findByCreatorName(String creatorName) |
List<Draft> |
DraftDao.findByCreatorName(String creatorName)
Returns the drafts stored against the given username.
List<Draft> |
SessionDraftDao.getAllDraftsForSpace(String spaceKey)
List<Draft> |
DraftDao.getAllDraftsForSpace(String spaceKey)
since 5.7. No replacement.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SessionDraftDao.remove(Draft draft) |
void |
DraftDao.remove(Draft draft)
Removes a draft based on its page ID, owner and type.
void |
SessionDraftDao.saveOrUpdate(Draft draft) |
void |
DraftDao.saveOrUpdate(Draft draft)
Saves the draft.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getByClassId(long id) |
Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getDraft(long draftId) |
Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getDraft(Long pageId,
String creatorName,
String draftType,
String spaceKey)
Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser creator,
String draftType,
String spaceKey) |
Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
String creatorName,
String draftType,
String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Draft> |
HibernateDraftDao.findByCreatorName(String creatorName) |
List<Draft> |
HibernateDraftDao.getAllDraftsForSpace(String spaceKey)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HibernateDraftDao.remove(Draft draft) |
void |
HibernateDraftDao.saveOrUpdate(Draft draft) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
since 5.9. Use only if you still need access to legacy drafts, otherwise use
WebInterfaceContext.getPage() |
Draft |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DraftData |
DraftData.create(Draft draft)
Creates a DraftData without the content filled in.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Draft> |
since 5.10. Use
ViewMyDraftsAction.getContentDrafts() |
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