Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
LongRunningTaskMonitorAction.getCurrentStatus() |
String |
GeneralConfigurationAction.getRenderedCustomErrorMessage() |
String |
LongRunningTaskMonitorAction.getTaskName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AbstractDecoratorAction.getContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultWelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessage() |
String |
WelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessage() |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<String,WebResourceDependenciesRecorder.RecordedResources> |
DefaultWelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessageResource() |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<String,WebResourceDependenciesRecorder.RecordedResources> |
WelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessageResource() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
VersionHistorySummary.getRenderedVersionComment() |
String |
ContentEntityObject.getRenderedVersionComment() |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
List list) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
Object[] args) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
String defaultValue)
This can be used for internationalisation where a non-internationalised default string exists.
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getTextStrict(String key) |
static String |
VersionHistorySummary.renderVersionComment(String versionComment)
Provide a standard wiki-rendering for version comments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DashboardAction.getWelcomeMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
StaticHtmlChangeChunkRenderer.getFormattedText(ChangeChunk chunk)
String |
HtmlChangeChunkRenderer.getFormattedText(ChangeChunk chunk)
String |
HtmlCharacterChunkRenderer.getFormattedText(CharacterChunk chunk)
String |
HtmlLineChunkRenderer.getFormattedText(LineChunk chunk)
String |
HtmlWordChunkRenderer.getFormattedText(WordChunk chunk)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewPageAction.getCommentAsXHtmlForWysiwyg() |
String |
AbstractEditPageAction.getDiff() |
String |
AbstractDiffPagesAction.getDiff() |
String |
ViewPageAction.getPageXHtmlContent() |
String |
PageVariablesAction.getRenderedTemplateContent() |
Map<Comment,String> |
ViewPageAction.getXHtmlComments() |
String |
AbstractPreviewPageAction.getxHtmlContent() |
String |
AbstractBlogPostsAction.renderBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getPopupLink(String imageParameters)
Get some HTML that will cause a thumbnail to be rendered inline, with a popup-link to
the full-sized image.
String |
This method generates an a tag with the 'confluence-thumbnail-link' class.
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getPopupLinkSuffix() |
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getThumbnailImageHtml(String imageParameters) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertToPreview(String inputText,
String contentId,
String spaceKey,
String fromMode) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(ContentEntityObject content,
String wikiMarkup) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(ContentEntityObject content,
String spaceKey,
String wikiMarkup) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(String wikiMarkup,
String pageId) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(String wikiMarkup,
String pageId,
String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup(String xhtml,
String pageId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Returns the macro help as rendered HTML, or null if there is no help.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ConfluenceWebLabel.getDisplayableLabel(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
Map params) |
String |
ConfluenceWebLabel.getDisplayableLabel(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
WebInterfaceContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getAdminCssResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getCssResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getCssResources(String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getEditorCssResources(String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getJsResources() |
Map<String,String> |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getMetadata() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getThemeJsResources(String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DocThemeHelper.addSpaceName(String separator,
com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.Page sitemeshPage) |
String |
DocThemeHelper.getThemeFooter(ThemeHelper helper) |
String |
DocThemeHelper.getThemeHeader(ThemeHelper helper) |
String |
DocThemeHelper.getThemeNavigation(ThemeHelper helper) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewLabelAction.getPaginationUrl() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewPageTemplateAction.getPageXHtmlContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewSourceAction.getSourceHtml() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
RenderContentAction.getRenderedContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SearchSiteAction.CriteriaParameters.getQueryParameters() |
String |
SearchSiteAction.getSummaryForResult(SearchResult result)
String |
SearchSiteAction.getTitleForResult(SearchResult result)
String |
SearchSiteAction.newSearchResult(SearchResult searchResult,
String showExcerpts,
String queryString)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
HitHighlighter.getBestFragments(String text)
Use the Lucene Highlighter directly.
String |
HitHighlighter.getSummary(String text)
Get a summary, suitable for displaying excerpts of search results.
String |
HitHighlighter.highlightText(String text)
Highlights text without fragmenting it.
String |
HitHighlighter.highlightWikiMarkup(String markup)
Highlight text without fragmenting, after stripping wiki markup.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default String |
Gets the title of the search result appropriate for displaying to a user with matches highlighted.
default String |
Gets excerpt from the context of the search result, as
SearchResult.getResultExcerpt() , but in a HTML-safe manner. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
LuceneSearchResult.getDisplayTitleWithHighlights() |
String |
LuceneSearchResult.getResultExcerptWithHighlights() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SetupWebResourceManager.getResources() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getAfterBodyStart() |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getBeforeBodyEnd() |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getBeforeHeadEnd() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getConfluenceResourceTags(String styleSheetAction,
String spaceKey) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getRequiredResources() |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getResourceTags(String moduleCompleteKey) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticPluginResource(com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor,
String resourceName) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticPluginResource(String moduleCompleteKey,
String resourceName) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix() |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter,
com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode urlMode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewSpaceAction.getPageXHtmlContent(Page page) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
QUnitTestResourceProvider.getScriptSrcIntegrationTest() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
PageHelper.getCustomFooter(String key) |
String |
PageHelper.getCustomHeader(String key) |
String |
GlobalHelper.getText(String property) |
String |
GlobalHelper.getText(String property,
Object[] args) |
String |
GlobalHelper.renderConfluenceMacro(String wikiCall) |
String |
GlobalHelper.renderConfluenceMacro(String messageFormatString,
String... args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
HelpLinkAction.getLinkUrlKey() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ForgotUserPasswordAction.getChangePasswordLink() |
String |
SiteSupportAction.getMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
InlineWikiStyleRenderer.render(String text)
Renders a piece of text with inline styles
String |
StatusTextRenderer.render(String text)
Renders a piece of text with inline styles
String |
DefaultStatusTextRenderer.render(String status)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
GeneralUtil.appendAmpersandOrQuestionMark(String str)
Appends an ampersand if the given string already contains a question mark, or a question mark otherwise.
static String |
GeneralUtil.appendAmpsandOrQuestionMark(String str)
since 5.7. Call
GeneralUtil.appendAmpersandOrQuestionMark(String) instead. |
static String |
GeneralUtil.cleanQuietly(String stringToClean)
Sanitizes the input by removing unsafe elements or attributes.
static String |
GeneralUtil.customGetPageUrl(AbstractPage page)
Need a special case of generalutils getpageurl that appends ? or ampersand smartly
this is used to prefix url parameters that are appended after this path like:
static String[] |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(Object... items)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in all the input items as HTML entities.
static String[] |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(String... items)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in all the input items as HTML entities.
static String |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(String text)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in the input as HTML entities.
static String |
GeneralUtil.escapeXml(String stringToEscape) |
String |
since 4.2. Use
WelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessage() instead |
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEncode(String text)
TODO introduce deprecation: deprecated since 5.3.2.
static String |
HtmlUtil.htmlEncode(String text)
Encodes the given text to be HTML safe using entity escapes.
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEncodeAndReplaceSpaces(String text)
TODO introduce deprecation: deprecated since 5.3.2.
static String |
HtmlUtil.htmlEncodeAndReplaceSpaces(String text)
Encodes the given text to be HTML safe using entity escapes, and embedding non-breaking spaces in place of spaces.
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEscapeQuotes(String input)
Take a string and escape the quotes in it with \" and HTML escape them afterwards.
static String |
GeneralUtil.plain2html(String text) |
static String |
GeneralUtil.refineOsDestination(String osDestination)
Escape XML and replace all space with %20
static String |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.toHtml(String plainText)
The function converts plain text into html in two steps.
String |
HTMLPairType.toString() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(Message message) |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(String key)
Get the i18n text for a particular key.
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(String key,
List list) |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(String key,
Object[] args)
Get the i18n text for a particular key, formatted through MessageFormat with the given arguments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultMessage.getText() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
VelocitySitemeshPage.getProperty(String s) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
WarmInstanceAction.getWarm() |
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