Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<Content> |
AttachmentServiceImpl.addAttachments(ContentId containerId,
ContentStatus containerStatus,
Collection<AttachmentUpload> uploads) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Content |
ContentServiceImpl.buildContent(ContentEntityObject entity,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
Expansion... expansions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static<? super ContentEntityObject> |
FinderPredicates.statusPredicate(List<ContentStatus> statuses) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Option<Content> |
AttachmentContentTypeApiSupport.getById(ContentId attachmentId,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
Expansions expansions) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ContentStatus |
The default state of content ready to be viewed and edited.
static ContentStatus |
The state of content that has not yet been published
static ContentStatus |
The state of content that is not at its latest version
static ContentStatus |
The state of content that has been trashed but not yet purged from the system.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static List<ContentStatus> |
ContentStatus.BUILT_IN |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentStatus |
Content.getStatus() |
ContentStatus |
ContentSelector.getStatus() |
static ContentStatus |
ContentStatus.valueOf(String str)
Return the
ContentType for the given type string. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Content.ContentBuilder |
Content.ContentBuilder.status(ContentStatus status) |
ContentSelector.ContentSelectorBuilder |
ContentSelector.ContentSelectorBuilder.status(ContentStatus status) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Option<List<ContentStatus>> |
SearchContext.getContentStatuses() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SearchContext.Builder |
SearchContext.Builder.contentStatus(List<ContentStatus> contentStatuses) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<Content> |
AttachmentService.addAttachments(ContentId containerId,
ContentStatus containerStatus,
Collection<AttachmentUpload> uploads)
Add one or more attachments to a piece of
Content . |
boolean |
AttachmentService.Validator.canCreateAttachments(ContentId containerId,
ContentStatus status)
Checks if the user is permitted to add attachments to the given content
ContentService.ContentFinder |
ContentService.ParameterContentFinder.withStatus(ContentStatus... status)
Restrict the fetched content to that matching the given statuses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentService.ContentFinder |
ContentService.ParameterContentFinder.withStatus(Iterable<ContentStatus> statuses)
Restrict the fetched content to that matching the given statuses.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Content> |
ContentMatchers.hasStatus(ContentStatus contentStatus) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentStatus |
Get the api layer enum for content status, distinguishing CURRENT/HISTORICAL/DRAFT/TRASHED.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentStatus |
ContentUpdatedEvent.getContentStatus() |
Constructor and Description |
ContentUpdatedEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus contentStatus,
String spaceKey,
String syncRev) |
ContentUpdatedEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus contentStatus,
String spaceKey,
String syncRev,
PageUpdateTrigger updateTrigger) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns pages and blog posts created on the specified date, that are in any of the given statuses, and also match the given predicate, limited to the page request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns all content in the instance within any of the specified statuses, limited to the specified content types and the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns all content in the space within any of the specified statuses and content types, limited to the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns pages and blog posts that belong to the space, exactly match the given title, are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given predicate, limited to the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageManagerInternal.getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter)
Returns pages and blog posts that exactly match the given title, are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given predicate, limited to the pagination request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
DefaultPageManager.getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage>... filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Long> |
PageDao.getDescendantIds(Page page,
ContentStatus... statuses)
Finds the ids of all descendant pages of the given page
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages created on the given date and are in the , that also match the given filter, limited to the page request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all pages found in this instance of Confluence, within any of the given statuses.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Retrieves a page response for all content (pages and/or blog posts) in the given space, within any of the specified statuses and content types.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages from a space that exactly match the given title and are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given filter, limited to the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
PageDao.getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages that exactly match the given title, are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given filter, limited to the pagination request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Long> |
HibernatePageDao.getDescendantIds(Page page,
ContentStatus... contentStatus) |
List<Long> |
CachingPageDao.getDescendantIds(Page page,
ContentStatus... statuses) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
CachingPageDao.getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
CachingPageDao.getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
CachingPageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
CachingPageDao.getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
HibernatePageDao.getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
CachingPageDao.getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
RelationResource.create(String sourceType,
String sourceKey,
String relationName,
String targetType,
String targetKey,
ContentStatus sourceStatus,
ContentStatus targetStatus,
Integer sourceVersion,
Integer targetVersion)
Add a relationship between two user, space, or content entities.
| |
RelationResource.delete(String sourceType,
String sourceKey,
String relationName,
String targetType,
String targetKey,
ContentStatus sourceStatus,
ContentStatus targetStatus,
Integer sourceVersion,
Integer targetVersion)
Remove a relationship between two user, space, or content entities.
| |
RelationResource.isRelated(String sourceType,
String sourceKey,
String relationName,
String targetType,
String targetKey,
ContentStatus sourceStatus,
ContentStatus targetStatus,
Integer sourceVersion,
Integer targetVersion)
Determines whether a relationship exists between two user, space or content entities.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RestList<Content> |
AttachmentResource.createAttachments(ContentId containerId,
ContentStatus containerStatus,
List<> fileParts,
List<> comments,
List<> minorEdits,
List<> hiddens)
Add one or more attachments to a Confluence Content entity, with optional comments.
Content |
ContentResource.createContent(Content content,
ContentStatus status,
String expand)
Creates a new piece of Content or publishes the draft if the content id is present.
| |
ContentResource.delete(ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus status)
Trashes or purges a piece of Content, based on its
ContentType and ContentStatus . |
Content |
ContentBlueprintResource.publishLegacyDraft(ContentId draftId,
Content content,
ContentStatus status,
String expand)
Publishes a legacy draft of a Content created from a ContentBlueprint
Content |
ContentBlueprintResource.publishSharedDraft(ContentId draftId,
Content content,
ContentStatus status,
String expand)
Publishes a shared draft of a Content created from a ContentBlueprint
Content |
ContentResource.update(ContentId contentId,
Content content,
ContentStatus status,
ContentDraftService.ConflictPolicy conflictPolicy)
Updates a piece of Content, including changes to content status
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<Content> |
ContentResource.getContent(String type,
String spaceKey,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
String postingDay,
String expand,
int start,
int limit, uriInfo)
Returns a paginated list of Content.
Content |
ContentResource.getContentById(ContentId id,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
Integer version,
String expand)
Returns a piece of Content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<PageResponse<Content>> |
RemoteAttachmentService.addAttachments(ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus status,
Collection<AttachmentUpload> uploads) |
com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<PageResponse<Content>> |
RemoteAttachmentServiceImpl.addAttachments(ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus status,
Collection<AttachmentUpload> uploads) |
RemoteContentService.RemoteContentFinder |
RemoteContentService.RemoteContentFinder.withStatus(ContentStatus... status) |
RemoteContentService.RemoteContentFinder |
RemoteContentServiceImpl.RemoteContentFinderImpl.withStatus(ContentStatus... status) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContentIndexTask |
IndexTaskFactory.createContentIndexTask(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> contentStatuses,
JournalEntryType journalEntryType) |
Constructor and Description |
ContentIndexTask(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> contentStatuses,
JournalEntryType journalEntryType,
PageDao pageDao,
BatchOperationManager batchOperationManager,
IndexTaskFactory indexTaskFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<ContentStatus> |
ContentStatusFilter.getContentStatuses() |
Constructor and Description |
ContentStatusFilter(ContentStatus... contentStatuses) |
Constructor and Description |
ContentStatusFilter(Collection<ContentStatus> contentStatuses) |
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