public class ConfluenceSeleniumAssertions
extends com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumAssertions
Constructor and Description |
ConfluenceSeleniumAssertions(ConfluenceSeleniumClient client) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
assertLinkInserted(String linkText) |
void |
assertLinkInserted(String linkText,
BlogPost blog) |
void |
assertLinkInserted(String linkText,
Page page) |
void |
elementDisabled(String selector) |
void |
elementHasClass(String elementId,
String className) |
void |
elementNotDisabled(String selector) |
void |
elementNotVisibleByTimeout(String locator,
String errorMsg,
long timeout)
Asserts that by the timeout an element specified by the locator cannot be found or is hidden.
void |
elementWithXpathContainsText(String locator,
String text) |
void |
imagePresent(String imageName) |
void |
infoNotVisible() |
void |
infoVisibleWithText(String text)
Assert that an Info message is present on the page and contains the specified text.
void |
pageTitleEquals(String title)
Assert that the page title (the Confluence one, not the browser one) contains the specified text.
void |
tablePresent(int rows,
int columns,
int headerRow)
Assert that a table is present on the view page.
void |
tablePresent(TinyMce tinyMce,
int rows,
int columns,
int headerRow)
Assert that a table is present in the tinymce editor.
void |
tablePresent(TinyMce tinyMce,
int rows,
int columns,
int[] headerRows)
Assert that a table is present in the tinymce editor.
attributeContainsValue, attributeContainsValue, attributeDoesntContainValue, attributeDoesntContainValue, byTimeout, byTimeout, byTimeout, elementContainsText, elementContainsText, elementDoesNotContainText, elementDoesNotContainText, elementDoesntHaveText, elementDoesntHaveText, elementHasText, elementHasText, elementNotPresent, elementNotPresent, elementNotPresentByTimeout, elementNotPresentByTimeout, elementNotPresentByTimeout, elementNotPresentByTimeout, elementNotPresentUntilTimeout, elementNotPresentUntilTimeout, elementNotPresentUntilTimeout, elementNotPresentUntilTimeout, elementNotVisible, elementNotVisible, elementPresent, elementPresent, elementPresentByTimeout, elementPresentByTimeout, elementPresentByTimeout, elementPresentByTimeout, elementPresentUntilTimeout, elementPresentUntilTimeout, elementPresentUntilTimeout, elementPresentUntilTimeout, elementsSameHeight, elementsSameHeight, elementsVerticallyAligned, elementsVerticallyAligned, elementVisible, elementVisible, elementVisibleContainsText, elementVisibleContainsText, formElementEquals, generateByTimeoutConfig, generateByTimeoutConfig, htmlNotPresent, htmlPresent, linkNotPresentWithText, linkPresentWithText, linkVisibleWithText, notVisibleByTimeout, notVisibleByTimeout, notVisibleByTimeout, notVisibleByTimeout, textNotPresent, textNotPresentByTimeout, textNotPresentByTimeout, textPresent, textPresentByTimeout, textPresentByTimeout, untilTimeout, untilTimeout, visibleByTimeout, visibleByTimeout, visibleByTimeout, visibleByTimeout, windowClosed, windowOpen
public ConfluenceSeleniumAssertions(ConfluenceSeleniumClient client)
public void infoVisibleWithText(String text)
- text to appear in the displayed Info.public void infoNotVisible()
public void imagePresent(String imageName)
public void pageTitleEquals(String title)
- page title to appearpublic void tablePresent(TinyMce tinyMce, int rows, int columns, int headerRow)
Will fail if there are header cells at rows other than headerRow.
- number of rows to assertcolumns
- number of columns to assertheaderRow
- 0 based index of the row that is expected to be a header row.
Use -1 for tables with no header row.public void tablePresent(TinyMce tinyMce, int rows, int columns, int[] headerRows)
Will fail if there are header cells at rows other than those specified in headerRows.
- number of rows to assertcolumns
- number of columns to assertheaderRows
- 0 based indexes of the rows that is expected to be a header row.
Rows < 0 and > the number of rows are ignored. Null or empty array means no
header rows.public void tablePresent(int rows, int columns, int headerRow)
- number of rows to assertcolumns
- number of columns to assertheaderRow
- 0 based index of the row that is expected to be a header row.
Use -1 for tables with no header row.public void elementNotVisibleByTimeout(String locator, String errorMsg, long timeout)
This is the same assertion as elementNotVisible.
- errorMsg
- timeout
- public void elementDisabled(String selector)
public void elementNotDisabled(String selector)
public void assertLinkInserted(String linkText)
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