AboutPageTest |
AttachmentsTest |
AutowatchTest |
Tests Autowatch feature for creating and editing pages and blogposts, and regular comments on pages and blogposts,
with and without space and space blogs watches.
BreadcrumbsTest |
CollaborativeEditingPageTest |
CollaborativeEditorSwitchOnOffTest |
ColorSchemeTest |
CopyPageAcceptanceTest |
CopyPageLinkAnonymousTest |
CopyPageLinkTest |
CustomContentTest |
CustomStylesheetTest |
DarkFeaturesTest |
DefaultSpaceContentTest |
EasyUserInviteMailTest |
EasyUserInviteTest |
EditSpaceDetailsTest |
EditUserProfileTest |
EmailToPageTest |
EmbeddedImagesTest |
FavouriteItemTest |
FindSpaceAttachmentTests |
FindSpaceAttachmentTests.FindSpaceAttachmentPage |
GalleryMacroTest |
GlobaljQueryTest |
For a long time, jQuery reference was leaked into the global namespace.
KeyboardShortcutDialogTest |
KeyboardShortcutsTest |
LikeWebDriverTest |
LinkBrowserTest |
WebDriver tests for adding an advanced link.
LoginTest |
LongRunningTaskStatusTest |
Tests that check the long running task status page.
LongRunningTaskStatusTest.MailboxImportPage |
ManageWatchersTest |
MenuTest |
MoveBlogPostTest |
MovePageTest |
PageDraftLabelsTest |
PageHistoryTest |
Tests interactions with the page history screen
PageLabelsTest |
PageMetadataTest |
ProfileMacroTest |
QuickReloadTest |
QuickSearchTest |
RebuildAncestorTableTest |
RecentlyWorkOnDashboardTest |
WebDriver tests for the mywork tabs.
RendererTest |
SearchIndexTest |
SpaceDirectoryTest |
SpacePermissionsTest |
SpacesConfigurationTest |
SupportToolsPluginTest |
Acceptance test harness for the Support Tools plugin - previously a JWebUnit suite until the Support Tools plugin
was ajaxified.
ThemingTest |
TranslationTransformTest |
UnlicensedUserMenuTest |
UPMTest |
UPMTest.ChooseSiteThemeAdminWithMarketplaceLink |
UPMTest.MacroBrowserDialogWithMarketPlaceLink |
a custom macro-browser dialog that allows you to click on the marketplace link.
UPMTest.PluginMarketplaceWithCategoryOptions |
The existing PluginMarketplace object does not allow querying of categories other than the predefined set (which is
too constrained).
UPMTest.ViewLanguagesAdmin |
Views the language configuration page.
UserHoverTest |
UserPickerTest |
ViewPageTest |
ViewSpaceTest |
Encapsulates tests related to accessing and viewing a Space at its root level.
WorkboxBasicTest |
Simple sanity test to check that workbox (aka workday aka mywork) exists when Confluence starts