Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
since 5.7, use
SimpleValidationResult instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ValidationResult |
CoreValidationResultFactory.create(boolean authorized,
Collection<ValidationError> coreErrors) |
static ValidationResult |
CoreValidationResult.create(Message message,<String,? extends ServiceException> exceptionSupplier)
since 5.7, use {@link com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.validation.SimpleValidationResult.Builder instead.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
ContentServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
SpaceServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateCreate(Space space,
boolean isPrivate) |
ValidationResult |
ContentServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateDelete(Content content) |
ValidationResult |
SpaceServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateDelete(Space space) |
protected ValidationResult |
ContentServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
ContentEntityObject currentCeo) |
ValidationResult |
SpaceServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateUpdate(Space space) |
Constructor and Description |
ApiBackedActionHelper(ValidationResult validationResult) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
LegacyDraftValidator.validateDelete(ContentId draftId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
PageContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
CommentContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
AttachmentContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
AttachmentContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
Attachment existingEntity) |
ValidationResult |
BlogPostContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
BlogPost existingEntity) |
ValidationResult |
CommentContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
Comment existingEntity) |
ValidationResult |
PageContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
Page sceo) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
PersonServiceImpl.ValidatorImpl.validateView() |
ValidationResult |
GroupServiceImpl.GroupValidator.validateView() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
OperationServiceImpl.canPerform(Person person,
Operation operation,
Target target) |
ValidationResult |
OperationServiceImpl.canPerformWithoutExemptions(Person person,
Operation operation,
Target target) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateAddDirectRestrictionForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateAddRestrictions(ContentId contentId,
Collection<? extends ContentRestriction> contentRestrictions) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateDeleteAllDirectRestrictions(ContentId contentId) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateDeleteDirectRestrictionForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateGetRestrictions(ContentId contentId) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateGetRestrictionsForOperation(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey opKey) |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateHasDirectRestrictionsForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject) |
protected ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionServiceImpl.validateSelfAccessRetained(Map<String,Collection<ContentPermission>> contentPermissionByPermissionTypeMap)
Validates that currently logged in user will have direct specific ContentPermission specified for self
in case when provided
contentPermissionByPermissionTypeMap will become the actual ContentPermissions. |
ValidationResult |
DefaultContentRestrictionServiceValidator.validateUpdateRestrictions(ContentId contentId,
Collection<? extends ContentRestriction> contentRestrictions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationServiceImpl.canPerform(Person person,
Operation operation,
Iterable<Target> targets) |
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationServiceImpl.canPerformWithoutExemptions(Person person,
Operation operation,
Iterable<Target> targets) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
DefaultValidatingRelationDescriptor.canRelate(S source,
T target) |
ValidationResult |
AuthenticatedUserRelationDescriptor.canRelate(S source,
T target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
OperationCheck.canPerform(Person person,
Target target)
Check whether the specified Person can perform this operation on the specified target.
ValidationResult |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerform(Person person,
Target target)
ValidationResult |
OperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToState(Person person,
Target target)
Check whether the specified Person can perform this operation on the specified target based on its state.
ValidationResult |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToState(Person person,
Target target)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationCheck.canPerform(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Check whether the specified Person can perform this operation on ALL of the specified targets.
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerform(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Validates targets are the correct
TargetType ,
then delegates to BaseOperationCheck.canPerformImpl(Person, java.lang.Iterable) . |
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToState(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Check whether the specified Person can perform this operation on each of the specified targets based on their state.
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToState(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Validates targets are the correct
TargetType ,
then delegates to BaseOperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToStateImpl(Person, java.lang.Iterable) . |
protected abstract Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerformAccordingToStateImpl(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Subclass implements this to perform canPerformAccordingToState checks on a collection of targets.
protected abstract Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
BaseOperationCheck.canPerformImpl(Person person,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Subclass implements this to perform canPerform checks on a collection of targets.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <S extends Relatable,T extends Relatable> |
RelationDescriptors.canRelate(S source,
RelationDescriptor<S,T> relationDescriptor,
T target)
since 5.11. Use
ValidatingRelationDescriptor.canRelate(Relatable, Relatable) instead |
ValidationResult |
ValidatingRelationDescriptor.canRelate(S source,
T target)
ValidationResult , which indicates if two given entities may
form a relation, described by this RelationDescriptor object |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A validation result that also encapsulates the result of a merge operation.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SimpleMergeValidationResult |
class |
Represents the simplest kind of ValidationResult.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ValidationResult |
A singleton unauthorized result.
static ValidationResult |
A singleton valid result.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult | |
static ValidationResult |
SimpleValidationResults.conflictResult(String message,
Object... args)
A conflict result usually occurs when trying to create something that already exists
static ValidationResult |
SimpleValidationResults.forbiddenResult(String message,
Object... args) |
ValidationResult |
since 5.8 - no longer used; result typically supplied via
instead. |
static ValidationResult |
SimpleValidationResults.notFoundResult(String message,
Object... args) |
static ValidationResult |
SimpleValidationResults.notImplementedResult(String message,
Object... args)
To be used where some functionality hasn't been implemented.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends BadRequestException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.badRequestException() |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends ConflictException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.conflictException() |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends GoneException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.goneException() |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends NotFoundException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.notFoundException() |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends NotImplementedServiceException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.notImplemented() |
static com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends PermissionException> |
ServiceExceptionSupplier.permissionExceptionException() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SimpleMergeValidationResult.Builder |
SimpleMergeValidationResult.builder(ValidationResult result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleValidationResult.Builder |
SimpleValidationResult.Builder.addExceptionSupplier(com.atlassian.fugue.Function2<String,ValidationResult,? extends ServiceException> exceptionSupplier) |
Constructor and Description |
Builder(ValidationResult validationResult) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
AuditService.Validator.validateCreate(AuditRecord record)
Validate that an audit record can be created.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
ContentLabelService.Validator.validateAddLabels(ContentId contentId,
Label... labels)
Validates that the list of labels can be added to the given content
ValidationResult |
ContentService.Validator.validateCreate(Content newContent)
Validate that a piece of content can be included, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentPropertyService.Validator.validateCreate(JsonContentProperty newProperty)
Validate that a content property can be created, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyService.Validator.validateCreate(JsonSpaceProperty newProperty)
Validate that a space property can be created, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpaceService.Validator.validateCreate(Space newSpace,
boolean isPrivate)
Validate that a Space can be added, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentService.Validator.validateDelete(Content content)
Validate that a piece of content can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
AttachmentService.Validator.validateDelete(Content attachment)
Validate that an Attachment can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentDraftService.DraftValidator.validateDelete(ContentId contentId)
Validates whether a draft can be deleted
ValidationResult |
ContentVersionService.Validator.validateDelete(ContentId contentId,
int versionNumber)
Validate delete operation
ValidationResult |
ContentPropertyService.Validator.validateDelete(JsonContentProperty property)
Validate that a content property can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyService.Validator.validateDelete(JsonSpaceProperty property)
Validate that a space property can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpaceService.Validator.validateDelete(Space spaceToDelete)
Validate that a Space can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentVersionService.Validator.validateGet(ContentId contentId)
Validate get operation
ValidationResult |
ContentTrashService.Validator.validatePurge(Content content)
Validate that a piece of content can be purged, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentTrashService.Validator.validateRestore(Content content)
Validate that a piece of content can be restored, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentVersionService.Validator.validateRestore(ContentId contentId,
VersionRestoreParameters restData)
Validate restore operation
ValidationResult |
ContentTrashService.Validator.validateTrash(Content content)
Validate that a piece of content can be trashed, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentPropertyService.Validator.validateUpdate(JsonContentProperty property)
Validate that a content property can be updated, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyService.Validator.validateUpdate(JsonSpaceProperty property)
Validate that a space property can be updated, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
SpaceService.Validator.validateUpdate(Space space)
Validate that a Space can be updated, including permission checks.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
ContentTemplateService.Validator.validateCreate(ContentTemplate newContentTemplate)
Validate that the specified contentTemplate can be created by the current user.
default ValidationResult |
ContentTemplateService.Validator.validateCreateInstance(ContentBlueprintInstance instance)
Validate instance is legit to create draft/page instance.
ValidationResult |
ContentTemplateService.Validator.validateDelete(ContentTemplateId contentTemplateId)
Validate that a piece of contentTemplate can be deleted, including permission checks.
ValidationResult |
ContentTemplateService.Validator.validateGet(ContentTemplateId contentTemplateId)
Validate that current user has permission to view a particular template.
ValidationResult |
ContentTemplateService.Validator.validateUpdate(ContentTemplate contentTemplate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
since 5.8 - use
instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Option<ValidationResult> |
ServiceException.getOptionalValidationResult() |
Constructor and Description |
BadRequestException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
ConflictException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
GoneException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
InternalServerException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
NotFoundException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
PermissionException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
ServiceException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
Constructor and Description |
NotImplementedServiceException(String message,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
Validate that current user can view user profiles
ValidationResult |
Validate that the logged in user has permission to view groups
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
OperationService.canPerform(Person person,
Operation operation,
Target target)
Check whether a person can perform a particular operation on a particular target.
ValidationResult |
OperationService.canPerformWithoutExemptions(Person person,
Operation operation,
Target target)
Check whether a person can perform a particular operation on a particular target.
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateAddDirectRestrictionForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject)
Validates that:
OperationKey supplied is supported
Subject supplied is either User or a Group and does exist
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
Currently logged-in user is allowed to alter ContentRestrictions on and edit the content specified
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateAddRestrictions(ContentId contentId,
Collection<? extends ContentRestriction> contentRestrictions)
Validates that:
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
Currently logged-in user is allowed to alter ContentRestrictions on and edit the content specified
Input data is enough to proceed with the operation
Input data should not conflict with any restrictions existing
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateDeleteAllDirectRestrictions(ContentId contentId)
Validates that:
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
Currently logged-in user is allowed to alter ContentRestrictions on and edit the content specified
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateDeleteDirectRestrictionForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject)
Validates that:
OperationKey supplied is supported
Subject supplied is either User or a Group
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
Currently logged-in user is allowed to alter ContentRestrictions on and edit the content specified
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateGetRestrictions(ContentId contentId)
Validates whether content specified exists and whether currently logged in user can read restrictions on a content specified.
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateGetRestrictionsForOperation(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey opKey)
Validates whether OperationKey supplied is supported, whether content specified exists, whether currently logged in user can read restrictions on a content specified
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateHasDirectRestrictionsForSubject(ContentId contentId,
OperationKey operationKey,
Subject subject)
Validates that:
OperationKey supplied is supported
Subject supplied is either User or a Group
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
ValidationResult |
ContentRestrictionService.Validator.validateUpdateRestrictions(ContentId contentId,
Collection<? extends ContentRestriction> contentRestrictions)
Validates that:
Content specified exists AND can be viewed by the currently logged-in user
Input data is enough to proceed with the operation
Currently logged-in user is allowed to alter ContentRestrictions on and edit the content specified
Returns first of the failed validation results or a
ValidationResult which is both authorised and valid. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationService.canPerform(Person person,
Operation operation,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Check whether the specified Person can perform a particular operation on each of the specified targets.
Map<Target,ValidationResult> |
OperationService.canPerformWithoutExemptions(Person person,
Operation operation,
Iterable<Target> targets)
Check whether the specified Person can perform a particular operation on each of the specified targets.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<S extends Relatable,T extends Relatable> |
RelationService.Validator.validateCreate(S source,
RelationDescriptor<S,T> relationDescriptor,
T target)
Validate create operation
<S extends Relatable,T extends Relatable> |
RelationService.Validator.validateDelete(S source,
RelationDescriptor<S,T> relationDescriptor,
T target)
Validate delete operation
<S extends Relatable,T extends Relatable> |
RelationService.Validator.validateDeleteAllWithType(Relatable relatable,
RelationDescriptor<S,T> relationDescriptor)
Validate the delete all operation
<S extends Relatable,T extends Relatable> |
RelationService.Validator.validateFetch(S source,
RelationDescriptor<S,T> relationDescriptor,
T target)
Validate fetch operation to check whether a user can view the specifed relation
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
ContentCreator.validateCreate(ConfluenceUser confluenceUser,
Content newContent,
Class<? extends ContentEntityObject> entityClass)
Perform common validation checks for creation of content in a space
ValidationResult |
ContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent)
Validate the create operation
ValidationResult |
BaseContentTypeApiSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
NullCommentExtensionsSupport.validateExtensionsForCreate(Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder) |
ValidationResult |
CommentExtensionsSupport.validateExtensionsForCreate(Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder)
Validation hook for create operations.
ValidationResult |
NullCommentExtensionsSupport.validateExtensionsForUpdate(Comment comment,
Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder) |
ValidationResult |
CommentExtensionsSupport.validateExtensionsForUpdate(Comment comment,
Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder)
Validation hook for update operations.
ValidationResult |
ContentCreator.validateUpdate(ConfluenceUser user,
Content updatedContent,
ContentEntityObject entity)
Perform common validation checks for updating content
ValidationResult |
ContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content oldContent,
T existingEntity)
Validate the update operation
ValidationResult |
BaseContentTypeApiSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
T existingEntity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Long,ValidationResult> |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.hasContentLevelPermission(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
Collection<Long> contentIds) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Long,ValidationResult> |
ContentPermissionManagerInternal.hasContentLevelPermission(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
Collection<Long> contentIds)
Check permission for a collection of content at once.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ValidationResult |
RelationUtils.validateAgainstApiModel(RelatableEntity source,
RelatableEntity target,
RelationDescriptor relationDescriptor)
Helper method, which can be used to validate relation based on input parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
RelationUtils.extractError(ValidationResult validationResult,
String defaultMessage)
Extracts all errors from the
ValidationResult as a single
String . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
DummyAvailableContentTypeSupport.validateCreate(Content newContent) |
ValidationResult |
DummyCommentExtensionSupport.validateExtensionsForCreate(Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder) |
ValidationResult |
DummyCommentExtensionSupport.validateExtensionsForUpdate(Comment comment,
Map<String,Object> extensions,
SimpleValidationResult.Builder validationResultBuilder) |
ValidationResult |
DummyAvailableContentTypeSupport.validateUpdate(Content updatedContent,
CustomContentEntityObject existingEntity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyValidatorImpl.validateCreate(JsonSpaceProperty newProperty) |
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyValidatorImpl.validateDelete(JsonSpaceProperty property) |
ValidationResult |
SpacePropertyValidatorImpl.validateUpdate(JsonSpaceProperty property) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
The data returned here is a
ValidationResult so that clients can process the i18n key and
arguments. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
REST-friendly version of a
ValidationResult . |
Constructor and Description |
RestValidationResult(ValidationResult that) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
AggregationWarningManager.setAcknowledged(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult | |
ValidationResult |
Validation.getValidationResult() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Either<ValidationResult,T> |
Returns an either projection of this validation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MessageHolder |
XWorkValidationResultSupport.addAllMessages(MessageHolder holder,
ValidationResult validationResult) |
static <T> Validation<T> | fail) |
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