Class | Description |
HtmlAnnotationEscaper |
ReferenceInsertionEventHandler that HTML encodes any value not annotated
as being HtmlSafe. |
HtmlFragment |
Simple wrapper class for adding HtmlSafe values directly to a Velocity context.
HtmlRegExps |
Holder of static regular expression patterns for detecting common HTML structures
HtmlSafeAnnotationUtils |
Utilities for working with the
HtmlSafe annotation |
HtmlSafeClassAnnotator |
This method annotator will annotate various methods that are known to be HTML safe from library classes.
HtmlSafeMethodNameAnnotator |
Method annotator that marks certain methods as being HtmlSafe based on the method name.
PossibleIncorrectHtmlEncodingEventHandler |
Reference insertion handler to be used before the
HtmlAnnotationEscaper . |
Annotation Type | Description |
HtmlSafe |
Declares that this method returns an object that does not require encoding if it is printed to a HTML document via
Object.toString() method |
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