public interface PageDao extends ContentEntityObjectDao
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Counts the total number of all page entities across all spaces, including non-current pages
int |
Counts the total number of current pages across all spaces
List<AbstractPage> |
findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for blog posts in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
current or previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String blogTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for blogs in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version,
and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a
previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<AbstractPage> |
findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder,
String pageTitle,
Space space,
int maxResultCount)
Searches for pages in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version,
and returns the first maxResultCount results.
List<Page> |
findPagesWithHistoricalTitle(String pageTitle)
since 3.1. Use #findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace or #findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages created on the given date and are in the , that also match the given filter, limited to the page request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all pages found in this instance of Confluence, within any of the given statuses.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPages(Space space,
List<ContentType> contentTypes,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Retrieves a page response for all content (pages and/or blog posts) in the given space, within any of the specified statuses and content types.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPages(Space space,
String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages from a space that exactly match the given title and are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given filter, limited to the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPages(String title,
List<ContentStatus> statuses,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages that exactly match the given title, are in any of the specified statuses, and match the given filter, limited to the pagination request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPagesByCreationDate(org.joda.time.DateTime date,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages created on the given date, that also match the given filter, limited to the page request.
PageResponse<AbstractPage> |
getAbstractPagesByTitle(String title,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
Returns the abstract pages that exactly match the given title, limited to the pagination request.
int |
getAuthoredPagesCountByUser(String username) |
PageResponse<BlogPost> |
getBlogPosts(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super BlogPost> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all the current blog posts in the give space.
PageResponse<Page> |
getChildren(Page page,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> predicate,
Depth depth) |
int |
getCommentCountOnPage(long id)
Count the number of comments on the passed in page.
List<Long> |
getDescendantIds(Page page)
Finds the ids of all descendant pages of the given page
List<Page> |
getDescendants(Page page)
Finds all descendant pages (recursive) of the given page
List<String> |
getDescendantTitles(Page page)
Finds all descendant titles of the given page
List<Long> |
getDescendentIds(Page page)
since 5.5.1. Use
getDescendantIds(com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page) |
List<Page> |
getDescendents(Page page)
since 5.5.1. Use
getDescendants(com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page) |
Integer |
getMaxSiblingPosition(Page page)
Gets the highest position value of all the page's siblings.
List<Page> |
getOrphanedPages(String spaceKey) |
Page |
getPage(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Get the page by space and title.
Page |
getPageById(long id)
Get the page with the given id.
Page |
getPageByIdWithComments(long id)
Get the page with the given id, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children.
Collection<Long> |
getPageIds(Space space)
Get the ids of all pages (current and historical) in the given space.
List<Page> |
getPageInTrash(String spaceKey,
String title) |
PageResponse<Page> |
getPages(LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> filter)
Retrieves a page response of all the current pages of the Confluence instance.
List<Page> |
getPages(Space space,
boolean currentOnly) |
PageResponse<Page> |
getPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> filter)
Retrieves a page response of the current content in the given space.
List<Page> |
getPagesByIds(Iterable<Long> ids)
Get the pages with the given ids.
List<Page> |
getPagesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(Date previousLoginDate) |
List<Page> |
getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
String s) |
Page |
getPageWithComments(Space space,
String pageTitle)
Get the page by space and title, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children.
List<Page> |
getPermissionPages(Space space) |
List<Page> |
getRecentlyAddedPages(int maxCount,
String spaceKey) |
List<Page> |
getRecentlyAuthoredPagesByUser(String username,
int maxCount) |
List<Page> |
getRecentlyUpdatedPages(int maxCount,
String spaceKey) |
List<Page> |
getTopLevelPages(Space space) |
PageResponse<Page> |
getTopLevelPages(Space space,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super Page> predicate) |
List<Page> |
getUndefinedPages(String spaceKey) |
countContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findDraftFor, findHistoricalVersionsAfterVersion, findPreviousVersions, findUnpublishedContentWithUserContributions, getAllCurrentEntities, getById, getContentAuthoredByUser, getFirstVersionAfter, getFirstVersionBefore, getLastEditedVersionsOf, getLockedContentBySpace, getObjectType, getOldestPageCreationDate, getPageAndBlogPostsVersionsLastEditedByUser, getRecentlyAddedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntitiesForUser, getRecentlyModifiedForChangeDigest, getTrashedContent, getVersion, getVersionHistorySummary, getVersionsLastEditedByUser
findLatestVersionsCount, findLatestVersionsIterator, save
findAll, findAllSorted, findAllSorted, findByClassIds, getPersistentClass, refresh, remove, replicate, save, saveRaw
Page getPageById(long id)
- of the page to loadList<Page> getPagesByIds(Iterable<Long> ids)
Page getPageByIdWithComments(long id)
- of the page to loadint getCommentCountOnPage(long id)
Page getPage(Space space, String pageTitle)
- The space the page belongs topageTitle
- The title of the pagePage getPageWithComments(Space space, String pageTitle)
- The space the page belongs topageTitle
- The title of the pagePageResponse<Page> getPages(Space space, LimitedRequest pageRequest, @Nullable<? super Page> filter)
- the space to locate the page inpageRequest
- the start and offset of the pages to retrievefilter
- the predicate to pages the returned results by, may be nullPageResponse<Page> getPages(LimitedRequest pageRequest, @Nullable<? super Page> filter)
- the start and offset of the pages to retrievefilter
- the predicate to filter the returned results by, may be nullPageResponse<BlogPost> getBlogPosts(Space space, LimitedRequest pageRequest, @Nullable<? super BlogPost> filter)
- the space to locate the blog posts inpageRequest
- the start and offset of the pages to retrievefilter
- the predicate to filter the returned results by, may be nullint getAuthoredPagesCountByUser(String username)
List<Page> getRecentlyAuthoredPagesByUser(String username, int maxCount)
List<Page> getPagesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(Date previousLoginDate)
@Deprecated List<Page> findPagesWithHistoricalTitle(String pageTitle)
List<AbstractPage> findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder, String pageTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
Only pages in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.
- title of a page in a previous
- Space to search. Must not be null.maxResultCount
- maximum pages to returnList<AbstractPage> findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder, String blogTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
Only blogs in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.
- required to determine how to construct database queries for space permissions, for
the current userblogTitle
- title of a page in a previous
- Space to search. Must not be null.maxResultCount
- maximum pages to returnList<AbstractPage> findBlogsWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder, String blogTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
Only pages in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.
- Title of the blog to findspace
- Space to exclude from search. If null, all spaces are searched.maxResultCount
- maximum blog posts to returnList<AbstractPage> findPagesWithCurrentOrHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(SpacePermissionQueryBuilder permissionQueryBuilder, String pageTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
Only pages in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.
- title of a page in a previous
- Space to exclude from search. If null, all spaces are searched.maxResultCount
- maximum pages to returnint countCurrentPages()
int countAllPages()
@Deprecated List<Page> getDescendents(Page page)
List<Page> getDescendants(Page page)
- List<String> getDescendantTitles(Page page)
- @Deprecated List<Long> getDescendentIds(Page page)
- List<Long> getDescendantIds(Page page)
- PageResponse<Page> getTopLevelPages(Space space, LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<? super Page> predicate)
PageResponse<Page> getChildren(Page page, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super Page> predicate, Depth depth)
Integer getMaxSiblingPosition(Page page)
- The page whose siblings from which to get the max positionCollection<Long> getPageIds(Space space)
- space to retrieve page ids from, can not be null.PageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPagesByTitle(String title, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- the title of the page to matchpageRequest
- the pagination requestedfilter
- the predicate to apply to the results before returningPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPagesByCreationDate(org.joda.time.DateTime date, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- - the creation date to matchpageRequest
- the pagination requestfilter
- the predicate to apply to the results before returningPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPages(List<ContentType> contentTypes, List<ContentStatus> statuses, LimitedRequest pageRequest, @Nullable<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- list of content types to findstatuses
- list of statuses the pages can be inpageRequest
- the start and offset of the pages to retrievefilter
- the predicate to filter the returned results by, may be nullPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPages(Space space, List<ContentType> contentTypes, List<ContentStatus> statuses, LimitedRequest pageRequest, @Nullable<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- the space to locate the page incontentTypes
- list of content types to findstatuses
- list of statuses the pages can be inpageRequest
- the pagination requestfilter
- the predicate to pages the returned results by, may be nullPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPages(Space space, String title, List<ContentStatus> statuses, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- space the page belongs totitle
- the title of the page to matchstatuses
- list of statuses the content can be inpageRequest
- the pagination requestedfilter
- the predicate to apply to the results before returningPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPages(String title, List<ContentStatus> statuses, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- the title of the page to matchstatuses
- list of statuses the content can be inpageRequest
- the pagination requestedfilter
- the predicate to apply to the results before returningPageResponse<AbstractPage> getAbstractPages(org.joda.time.DateTime date, List<ContentStatus> statuses, LimitedRequest pageRequest,<? super AbstractPage> filter)
- the creation date to matchstatuses
- list of statuses the content can be inpageRequest
- the pagination requestfilter
- the predicate to apply to the results before returningCopyright © 2003–2016 Atlassian. All rights reserved.