Interface | Description |
CachingHeaders |
Represents the different types of caching headers used by Confluence.
Class | Description |
ConfluenceCachingFilter |
Provides a list of caching strategies to use with Confluence.
ConfluenceOpenSessionInViewFilter |
Extracted from
FlushingSpringSessionInViewFilter and FlushingSpringSessionInViewFilterForHibernate . |
ConfluenceSecurityFilter |
Removes the Seraph ALREADY_FILTERED attribute from requests, so that requests from the error dispatcher get their
security context set up.
ConfluenceTimeoutFilter |
Manual calculation of session timeout that can take into account "excluded urls" which do not prolong the life of
the session
ConfluenceTimingFilter |
Spring Bean based filter for monitoring web request times.
DebugFilter |
Emits diagnostic info about the response.
DropIfNotSetupFilter |
This filter will drop any request that comes in when Confluence is not finished setting up.
HttpRequestStatsFilter |
Filter that will gather HTTP request statistics and publish them as an
analytics event.
LanguageExtractionFilter |
Extracts the language cookie, or if it is not present the browser language string
MauEventFilter |
Send MAU events in each servlet request
ResponseOutputStreamFilter |
Wraps the
HttpServletResponse 's ServletOutputStream so that it is closed properly. |
ThreadLocalCacheFilter |
Filter that sets up and destroys the per-web-request generic threadlocal cache.
TranslationModeFilter |
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