Interface Summary | |
CaptchaAware | Interface used to mark Action s that require captcha validation. |
CaptchaManager | |
DeactivatedUserChecker | Deprecated. since 3.5 use UserAccessor.isDeactivated(User) instead |
ExternalUserManagementAware | Actions implementing this are external user management aware actions. |
GateKeeper | Manages the granting of temporary permissions to retrieve resources. |
ImplementsIsPermitted | |
PermissionCheckExemptions | |
PermissionDelegate | Each type of target that can have permissions checked against it will have a delegate. |
PermissionManager | Generalised interface for checking whether a particular action in Confluence is allowed, without any knowledge of the specific implementation of permissions as they relate to spaces, pages and so on. |
PermissionManager.Criterion | A criterion for whether an entity should be permitted or not |
SetSpacePermissionChecker | Class that checks whether a user has sufficient privileges to set a SpacePermission . |
SpacePermissionDefaultsStore | A store for managing the space permissions that new spaces receive by default. |
SpacePermissionDefaultsStoreFactory | Factory of SpacePermissionDefaultsStores. |
SpacePermissionManager | Responsible for the addition, modification and removal of space permissions. |
SpacePermissionSaver |
Class Summary | |
AbstractSpacePermissionManager | |
CachingSpacePermissionManager | Implementation of SpacePermissionManager that implements caching before a SpacePermission is requested, saved or removed from the SpacePermissionDao. |
CleanCaptchaEngine | |
ConfluenceAdministratorsPermissionCheckExemptions | Allows members of the 'confluence-administrators' group to be exempt from permission checks. |
ConfluenceCaptchaEngine | |
ConfluenceGroupCache | This class replaces com.atlassian.seraph.util.GroupCache, and works with atlassian-user. |
ConfluenceImageCaptchaService | |
ConfluenceRoleMapper | |
ContentPermission | Allows a user to lock content against editing by other users. |
ContentPermissionSet | |
CrowdDeactivatedUserChecker | Deprecated. since 4.0 use CrowdDisabledUserManager or
the DisabledUserManager interface instead. |
DefaultCaptchaManager | |
DefaultPermissionManager | Default implementation of PermissionManager. |
DefaultSetSpacePermissionChecker | |
DefaultSpacePermissionDefaultsStore | |
DefaultSpacePermissionDefaultsStoreFactory | Returns a store that uses bandana. |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager | |
DistortedCaptchaEngine | The captcha as used by FishEye/Crucible. |
DownloadGateKeeper | GateKeeper for the Confluence downloads directory. |
Permission | Enumeration of all possible permission types for use with the PermissionManager. |
PermissionCheckDispatcher | Deprecated. since 2.7 see PermissionManager |
PermissionCheckDispatcherResultCache | |
PermissionHelper | Provides methods to allow the PermissionManager to be more easily called from within Velocity templates |
PermissionsFormHandler | |
PermissionUtils | |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager | |
SpacePermission | A SpacePermission restricts access to different functions on a space. |
SpacePermissionCheckDispatcherCoordinator | Space permission manager wrapper that updates the permission check dispatcher cache on operations that add or remove permissions. |
SpacePermissionCoordinator | Space permission manager that adds a layer of security over the write operations in this class. |
SpacePermissionDefaultsPermissionChecker | |
ThreadLocalPermissionsCache | Wrapper around the ThreadLocalCache to deal with caching space permissions and application access. |
Exception Summary | |
EntityRuntimeException | Thrown during a user or group operation where the user or group does not exist |
InvalidOperationException |