Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleSiteStructure   

Uses of SimpleSiteStructure in

Methods in that return SimpleSiteStructure
static SimpleSiteStructure SimpleSiteStructure.createFromStream( str)
          Utility method to create a SimpleSiteStructure as represented by the supplied InputStream.
static SimpleSiteStructure Exporter.downloadAndParseExport( url, User user)
          Download and parse xml backup into SimpleSiteStructure, useful to validate site exports in acceptance tests.
static SimpleSiteStructure Exporter.getSimpleSiteStructure( file)
          Return SimpleSiteStructure object useful to validate site exports in acceptance tests.
 SimpleSiteStructure XmlSiteExportHandler.getStructure()
          When called after parsing is complete it will return the SimpleSiteStructure which has been constructed.

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