Class ViewLinkMarshallerFactoryImpl

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ViewLinkMarshallerFactoryImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements ViewLinkMarshallerFactory

Constructor Summary
ViewLinkMarshallerFactoryImpl(ResourceIdentifierResolver<PageResourceIdentifier,Page> pageResourceIdentifierResolver, ResourceIdentifierResolver<BlogPostResourceIdentifier,BlogPost> blogPostResourceIdentifierResolver, SpaceManager spaceManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, XmlStreamWriterTemplate xmlStreamWriterTemplate, Marshaller<Link> linkBodyMarshaller, HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator, Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller, UserAccessor userAccessor, PersonalInformationManager personalInformationManager, SettingsManager settingsManager, ModelToRenderedClassMapper mapper)
Method Summary
 Marshaller<Link> newBlogPostLinkMarshaller()
 Marshaller<Link> newBlogPostLinkMarshaller(HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator, Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
          Get a new instance of a blog post link view marshaller which will usage a specific HrefEvaluator instead of the default for creating the actual href attribute in the rendererd link.
 Marshaller<Link> newPageLinkMarshaller()
          Get a new instance of the default page link view marshaller.
 Marshaller<Link> newPageLinkMarshaller(Marshaller<CreatePageLink> createPageLinkMarshaller, HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator, Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
          Get a new instance of a page link view marshaller which will use a specific 'create page' link Marshaller and a specific HrefEvaluator for creating the actual rendered link.
 Marshaller<Link> newUserLinkMarshaller()
 Marshaller<Link> newUserLinkMarshaller(HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator, Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
          Get a new instance of a user link view marshaller which will usage a specific HrefEvaluator instead of the default for creating the actual href attribute in the rendererd link.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ViewLinkMarshallerFactoryImpl(ResourceIdentifierResolver<PageResourceIdentifier,Page> pageResourceIdentifierResolver,
                                     ResourceIdentifierResolver<BlogPostResourceIdentifier,BlogPost> blogPostResourceIdentifierResolver,
                                     SpaceManager spaceManager,
                                     PermissionManager permissionManager,
                                     XmlStreamWriterTemplate xmlStreamWriterTemplate,
                                     Marshaller<Link> linkBodyMarshaller,
                                     HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator,
                                     Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller,
                                     UserAccessor userAccessor,
                                     PersonalInformationManager personalInformationManager,
                                     SettingsManager settingsManager,
                                     ModelToRenderedClassMapper mapper)
Method Detail


public Marshaller<Link> newPageLinkMarshaller()
Description copied from interface: ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
Get a new instance of the default page link view marshaller.

Specified by:
newPageLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
a new instance of a Marshaller suitable for view marshalling of page Links


public Marshaller<Link> newPageLinkMarshaller(Marshaller<CreatePageLink> createPageLinkMarshaller,
                                              HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator,
                                              Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
Description copied from interface: ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
Get a new instance of a page link view marshaller which will use a specific 'create page' link Marshaller and a specific HrefEvaluator for creating the actual rendered link.

If any of the parameters are null then the default version will be used in the returned marshaller.

Specified by:
newPageLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
createPageLinkMarshaller - a custom 'create page' link Marshaller to be used by the returned marshaller
hrefEvaluator - a custom hrefEvaluator to be used by the returned marshaller.
unresolvedLinkMarshaller - the marshaller to be used for unresolved links
a new instance of a Marshaller suitable for view marshalling of page links.


public Marshaller<Link> newBlogPostLinkMarshaller()
Specified by:
newBlogPostLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
a new instance of Link marshaller suitable for view marshalling of blog links.


public Marshaller<Link> newBlogPostLinkMarshaller(HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator,
                                                  Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
Description copied from interface: ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
Get a new instance of a blog post link view marshaller which will usage a specific HrefEvaluator instead of the default for creating the actual href attribute in the rendererd link.

Specified by:
newBlogPostLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
hrefEvaluator - a custom hrefEvaluator to be used to the returned marshaller.
unresolvedLinkMarshaller - the marshaller to be used for unresolved links
a new instance of Link marshaller suitable for view marshalling of blog links.


public Marshaller<Link> newUserLinkMarshaller()
Specified by:
newUserLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
a new instance of Link marshaller suitable for view marshalling user links.


public Marshaller<Link> newUserLinkMarshaller(HrefEvaluator hrefEvaluator,
                                              Marshaller<Link> unresolvedLinkMarshaller)
Description copied from interface: ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
Get a new instance of a user link view marshaller which will usage a specific HrefEvaluator instead of the default for creating the actual href attribute in the rendererd link.

Specified by:
newUserLinkMarshaller in interface ViewLinkMarshallerFactory
hrefEvaluator - a custom hrefEvaluator to be used to the returned marshaller.
unresolvedLinkMarshaller - the marshaller to be used for unresolved links
a new instance of Link marshaller suitable for view marshalling of user links.

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