Class EditorLinkUnmarshaller

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EditorLinkUnmarshaller
extends java.lang.Object
implements Unmarshaller<Link>

Responsible for unmarshalling links in editor XML.

Currently, there are two strategies. One relies on resource id and type being declared in the link and the other on the actual link state (such as space key and title) being found as attributes on the link itself. We still need to retain the latter strategy due to unresolved links.

Constructor Summary
EditorLinkUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller<LinkBody<?>> linkBodyUnmarshaller, Unmarshaller<ResourceIdentifier> actualLinkStateAnalyzingResourceIdentifierUnmarshaller, Unmarshaller<ResourceIdentifier> idAndTypeResourceIdentifierUnmarshaller, ResourceIdentifierResolver<IdAndTypeResourceIdentifier,java.lang.Object> idAndTypeResourceIdentifierResolver)
Method Summary
 boolean handles( startElementEvent, ConversionContext conversionContext)
          Determines whether or not this unmarshaller should be applied to a fragment with the specified start element.
 Link unmarshal( reader, FragmentTransformer mainFragmentTransformer, ConversionContext conversionContext)
          Unmarshalls a StAX event stream to an object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EditorLinkUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller<LinkBody<?>> linkBodyUnmarshaller,
                              Unmarshaller<ResourceIdentifier> actualLinkStateAnalyzingResourceIdentifierUnmarshaller,
                              Unmarshaller<ResourceIdentifier> idAndTypeResourceIdentifierUnmarshaller,
                              ResourceIdentifierResolver<IdAndTypeResourceIdentifier,java.lang.Object> idAndTypeResourceIdentifierResolver)
Method Detail


public Link unmarshal( reader,
                      FragmentTransformer mainFragmentTransformer,
                      ConversionContext conversionContext)
               throws XhtmlException
Description copied from interface: Unmarshaller
Unmarshalls a StAX event stream to an object.

Specified by:
unmarshal in interface Unmarshaller<Link>
reader - a reader over the fragment to unmarshall
mainFragmentTransformer - TODO
conversionContext - the conversion context
the unmarshalled object
XhtmlException - if some other problem occurs


public boolean handles( startElementEvent,
                       ConversionContext conversionContext)
Description copied from interface: Unmarshaller
Determines whether or not this unmarshaller should be applied to a fragment with the specified start element.

Specified by:
handles in interface Unmarshaller<Link>
startElementEvent - start element
conversionContext - the conversion context
true if this unmarshaller can be applied, false otherwise

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