Package com.atlassian.confluence.cache

Interface Summary
CacheConfigManager Manages cache configuration changes (such as max cache size).
CacheConfigurationLoader A Cache configuration loader.
CacheSettingsManager A manager for cache settings, providing operations for retrieving and storing settings to persistent storage.
CacheStatistics Interface for reporting cache statistics
CacheStatisticsManager Provides information on how effective each managed cache is.
ConfigurableCache<K,V> Defines a configurable Cache.
ReadThroughCacheFactory Implemented by cache factories that can provide special read-through cache functionality.

Class Summary
CacheAdapter<K,V> Delegates to an underlying cache.
CacheOperations<K,V> A cache operation recorder.
CacheStatisticsAction Deprecated. since 5.5.
CacheStatisticsHelper Provides utility methods useful for classes that implement the CacheStatistics interface.
DefaultCacheSettingsManager Implementation of CacheSettingsManager that uses a read-only Configuration file that specifies the cache defaults.
DeferredOperationsCache<K,V> An implementation of Cache that records changes to a delegate cache, only actually performing them when DeferredOperationsCache.sync() is called.
DummyCache A Cache implementation that does no caching.
DummyCacheProvider Builds and returns a DummyCache which will provide no caching (and therefore consume no memory).
ThreadLocalCache A generic cache for "stuff" that is only needed for the lifetime of a web request or scheduled job.
ThreadLocalCacheAccessor<K,V> A type-safe way of accessing the threadlocal cache
TransactionalCacheFactory A cache factory that produces transactional caches.
TransactionalCacheFactoryCleanupFilter A servlet filter which ensures that any thread-bound transactional caches (as managed by TransactionalCacheFactory) are properly cleaned up and not allowed to pollute subsequent usages of the same request thread.
WarnBeforeMethodAdvice Deprecated. Since 5.5.

Enum Summary
CacheStatisticsCapability Describes optional capabilities as exposed by the Cache Statistics service

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