Interface HibernateCacheFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
CoherenceHibernateCacheFactory, EhCacheHibernateCacheFactory, HazelcastHibernateCacheFactory

public interface HibernateCacheFactory

Factory for instantiating hibernate cache classes which may differ based on the underlying cache implementation. The correct implementation of this factory should be provided by the bootstrap Spring context.

Method Summary
 net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider getCacheProvider()
          Gets a new instance of the configured hibernate cache provider
 net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheConcurrencyStrategy getReadWriteCacheConcurrencyStrategy()
          Gets a new instance of the configured hibernate Read/Write cache strategy

Method Detail


net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider getCacheProvider()
Gets a new instance of the configured hibernate cache provider

a hibernate cache provider instance


net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheConcurrencyStrategy getReadWriteCacheConcurrencyStrategy()
Gets a new instance of the configured hibernate Read/Write cache strategy

a hibernate read/write cache strategy

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