Class SpaceServiceImpl.SpaceContentImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.api.impl.service.content.SpaceServiceImpl.SpaceContentImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public class SpaceServiceImpl.SpaceContentImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder

Method Summary
 PageResponse<Content> fetchMany(ContentType type, PageRequest pageRequest)
          Retrieve all content contained in this space of the particular type
 java.util.Map<ContentType,PageResponse<Content>> fetchMappedByType(PageRequest pageRequest)
          Retrieve all content contained in this space mapped by ContentType
 SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder withDepth(Depth depth)
          Applies a depth filter the content in this space retrieved by the finder, presently only pages participate in the space content hierarchy, the depth filter has no effect on other content type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder withDepth(Depth depth)
Description copied from interface: SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
Applies a depth filter the content in this space retrieved by the finder, presently only pages participate in the space content hierarchy, the depth filter has no effect on other content type

Specified by:
withDepth in interface SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
depth - - the depth to retrieve content at
a page of content in this space at the given depth


public java.util.Map<ContentType,PageResponse<Content>> fetchMappedByType(PageRequest pageRequest)
                                                                   throws BadRequestException
Description copied from interface: SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
Retrieve all content contained in this space mapped by ContentType

The pageRequest limit is restricted to a maximum page size, and applied to each value in the map

Specified by:
fetchMappedByType in interface SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
a map of content in this space keyed by content type
BadRequestException - if parameters to the finder are not recognized


public PageResponse<Content> fetchMany(ContentType type,
                                       PageRequest pageRequest)
                                throws BadRequestException
Description copied from interface: SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
Retrieve all content contained in this space of the particular type

Specified by:
fetchMany in interface SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder
pageRequest - the page request indicating the starting offset nd limit for the number of piece of content to return
a partial list of all content in this space.
BadRequestException - if parameters to the finder are not recognized

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