Uses of Class

Packages that use UpgradeException

Uses of UpgradeException in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade that throw UpgradeException
protected  boolean AbstractUpgradeManager.permitDatabaseUpgrades()
          This is used to guard against database upgrades being performed multiple times on the same database.
 void UpgradeManager.upgrade(com.atlassian.johnson.JohnsonEventContainer agentJohnson)
 void AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade(com.atlassian.johnson.JohnsonEventContainer agentJohnson)

Uses of UpgradeException in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.impl

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.impl that throw UpgradeException
protected  boolean DefaultUpgradeManager.permitDatabaseUpgrades()
          If we are in a clustered setup, only one node should be allowed to perform upgrades that affect the database.

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