Uses of Class

Packages that use BuildNumber

Uses of BuildNumber in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport that return BuildNumber
 BuildNumber ImportExportManager.getOldestSpaceImportAllowed()
          The oldest build number a space can be imported from.
 BuildNumber DefaultImportExportManager.getOldestSpaceImportAllowed()

Uses of BuildNumber in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.impl

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.impl that return BuildNumber
 BuildNumber ExportDescriptor.getBuildNumber()
          Get the BuildNumber specified in the exportDescriptor properties file.
 BuildNumber ExportDescriptor.getCreatedByBuildNumber()
          Get the CreatedByBuildNumber specified in the exportDescriptor properties file.

Uses of BuildNumber in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade

Subclasses of BuildNumber in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade
 class BuildAndVersionNumber
          It's a build number which also provides the human-readable version.

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade with parameters of type BuildNumber
 int BuildNumber.compareTo(BuildNumber that)
 boolean BuildNumber.hasSameMajorVersion(BuildNumber other)
          Deprecated. since 5.2, we allow cross-version export, with limitations.

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