Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractUpgradeTask

Uses of AbstractUpgradeTask in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade

Subclasses of AbstractUpgradeTask in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade
 class AbstractDeferredRunUpgradeTask

Uses of AbstractUpgradeTask in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask

Subclasses of AbstractUpgradeTask in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask
 class AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask
          An abstract upgrade task for when you just want to run a bunch of constraint creation statements from a properties file.
 class AbstractPageTemplateMigrationUpgradeTask
          Base class for upgrade tasks that want to migrate page templates from one format to another.
 class AbstractUserMappingUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object exist.
 class AddSpaceStatusColumnUpgradeTask
          Populate the space status column.
 class AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask
          This task adds a unique constraint to the AttachmentId column on the AttachmentData table.
 class AtlassianUserToEmbeddedCrowdConfigurationUpgradeTask
          An upgrade task used to migrate the repository configuration from Atlassian User into the appropriate directories in Embedded Crowd.
 class AttachmentLabellingUpgradeTask
 class BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask
          Alter the Bandana table to make sure the Bandana context and keys have not null and unique constraints on them.
 class ConditionallyEnableMailArchivePluginUpgradeTask
          The mail archive feature is now packaged as a plugin and disabled by default.
 class ContentPermissionConstraintsUpgradeTask
          Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the content permission tables.
 class ContentPermissionUserDeduplicationUpgradeTask
          This upgrade task finds and deletes any redundant duplicate identifier values in the configured list of tables and columns.
 class CorrectPNGImageAttachmentMimeTypeUpgradeTask
          CONF-26848 - This task will update the mime type for png images that incorrectly had it set to 'img/png' If you run this task manually, you should flush the Attachments cache
 class CrowdUsersUserMappingUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to ensure that for all the users in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object exist.
 class DefaultSpaceContentPageLayoutsUpgradeTask
          Updates the default space content that will be used for new spaces to use page layouts.
 class DefaultSpaceContentToPageTemplateUpgradeTask
 class DeleteDidYouMeanIndexFolderUpgradeTask
 class DisableConfluenceInvitePluginUpgradeTask
          Disables the Confluence Invite Plugin - which used to be bundled as part of the Confluence Fireball release, but may have also been installed by customers in a behind the fireball instance.
 class DropContentLockTableUpgradeTask
          The CONTENTLOCK table was finally removed in Confluence 4.2, and needs to be dropped lest its hanging foreign key constraint cause issues.
 class EhCacheConfigMigrationUpgradeTask
          An upgrade task which migrates EhCache config.
 class EmbeddedCrowdInitUpgradeTask
          Initialises data that is required by Embedded Crowd.
 class EmbeddedCrowdPropertySetFactoryMigrationUpgradeTask
          Converts user preferences and other user properties (e.g.
 class EmbeddedCrowdSchemaUpgradeTask
          Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the Crowd database tables This upgrade task is only retained due to its usage in DefaultHibernateConfigurator.
 class EmbeddedCrowdSynchronisationUpgradeTask
 class InstallationDateUpgradeTask
          Persists installation date of the Confluence instance.
 class JiraIssueMacroServerParamsUpgradeTask
          CONF-25329: This upgrade task adds additional JIRA Issue macro params that allow us to resolve a renamed application link.
 class LikesDanglingFKCleanupUpgradeTask
          Previously likes on comments were not deleted when the parent page was removed.
 class LoginInfoDuplicateEntryRemovalUpgradeTask
          Goes through the LoginInfo database table and looks for multiple rows corresponding to the same user, removing duplicates where it finds them.
 class LowerCaseUsernameReferencesUpgradeTask
          Updates username references to contain lower-cased usernames.
 class MailConvertToCustomContentUpgradeTask
 class MailServerUpgradeTask
 class MigrateMailArchiveConfigurationUpgradeTask
 class MigrateOndemandDocThemeCustomizations
 class NewColourUpgradeTask
 class NotificationPageColumnUpgradeTask
 class OnDemandSpacePermissionsDefaultUpgradeTask
          Migrates A la carte default space permission settings from a studio specific context to the Confluence default context.
 class PageTemplateWikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask
          Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.
 class PageTemplateXhtmlRoundTripMigrationUpgradeTask
          Migrates page templates using a storage format round trip process.
 class PersonalSpaceCreatorCheckUpgradeTask
          An upgrade task which ensures that all personal spaces have a creator user which matches their user name.
 class RebuildIndexUpgradeTask
          Trigger a rebuild of the lucene index
 class ReferencedUsersUserMappingUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object exist.
 class RemoveEmailToPageWelcomeUpgradeTask
 class RemoveFixedWidthThemeUpgradeTask
 class RemovePeopleDirectoryDuplicatesUpgradeTask
          The index flushing strategy is (intentionally) inaccurate and relies on an in-memory 'flushed entries' cache to prevent the same object being flushed twice.
 class RemoveRemoteAppsPluginUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to remove the remotable app i18n plugin from existing confluence instances.
 class UserIndexingUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names attached to content in Confluence a PersonalInformation objects exist.
 class UserKeyReferenceUpgradeTask
          Upgrade tasks to update all tables with user name references to have user key references.
 class UserMappingLowerUsernameSchemaUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task which will make lower_username column nullable.
 class UserMappingSchemaUpgradeTask
          Upgrade tasks which will explicitly create the UserMapping table (from Hibernate configuration).
 class WelcomeMessageUpgradeTask
 class WikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask
          Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.
 class XhtmlRoundTripMigrationUpgradeTask
          Convert all legacy formatted content to the current XHTML format as part of the upgrade.

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