Class HibernateSpaceDao

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
              extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
                  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.ConfluenceHibernateObjectDao
                      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernateSpaceDao
All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectDao, VersionedObjectDao, SpaceDao, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean

public class HibernateSpaceDao
extends ConfluenceHibernateObjectDao
implements SpaceDao

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CACHE_KEY_SPACE_KEY_TO_SPACEID
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
cacheFactory, confluenceUserDao
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int countPermittedSpacesForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.util.List<com.atlassian.user.Group> groups, java.lang.String permission)
 int countSpaces(SpacesQuery query)
          Count the spaces specified by the SpacesQuery.
 int findPageTotal(Space space)
          Fast way to count pages in a space without loading them.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> findSpaceKeysWithStatus(java.lang.String status)
          find all space keys where the space status is equal to the given status.
 java.lang.String findUniqueVersionOfSpaceKey(java.lang.String spaceKey)
          Return a unique version of the supplied spaceKey.
protected  com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject getByClassId(long l)
          Retrieve the object with a particular id from the database.
 Space getById(long id)
 int getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space)
          Fast way to count blog posts in a space without loading them.
 int getNumberOfMail(Space space)
          Fast way to count pages in a space without loading them.
 java.lang.Class<Space> getPersistentClass()
 Space getPersonalSpace(ConfluenceUser user)
 Space getSpace(java.lang.String spaceKey)
          first tries to fetch the space from the cache by space id if not, fetch it from database
 Space getSpaceByContentId(long contentId)
          Get the space that some content belongs to in a single db query.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpaces(SpacesQuery query)
          Get a list of spaces specified by the SpacesQuery.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpaces(SpacesQuery query, int offset, int maxResults)
          Get a list of spaces specified by the SpacesQuery.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpacesContainingCommentsByUser(java.lang.String username)
          Find all spaces containing comments by a particular user.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpacesContainingPagesEditedByUser(java.lang.String username)
          Find all spaces containing pages that were edited by a particular user.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedAfter(java.util.Date creationDate)
 java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedByUser(java.lang.String username)
          Find all the spaces created by a given user.
 java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(java.util.Date previousLoginDate)
 void remove(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject entity)
          Override the parent remove method as we want to remove the object out of the cache as well
 void setUserAccessor(UserAccessor userAccessor)
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
findAllSorted, findLatestVersionsCount, findLatestVersionsIterator, save, setCacheFactory, setConfluenceUserDao, updateModificationData
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
findAll, findAllSorted, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findSingleObject, getCountResult, index, refresh, reIndex, replicate, save, saveRaw, setIndexer, unIndex, uniqueResult
Methods inherited from class
checkDaoConfig, convertHibernateAccessException, createHibernateTemplate, getHibernateTemplate, getSession, getSession, getSessionFactory, releaseSession, setHibernateTemplate, setSessionFactory
Methods inherited from class
afterPropertiesSet, initDao
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface bucket.core.persistence.ObjectDao
findAll, findAllSorted, findAllSorted, refresh, replicate, save, saveRaw

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CACHE_KEY_SPACE_KEY_TO_SPACEID
Constructor Detail


public HibernateSpaceDao()
Method Detail


protected com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject getByClassId(long l)
Description copied from class: HibernateObjectDao
Retrieve the object with a particular id from the database. The object must be of the same class as the DAO's getPersistentClass() method returns.

getByClassId in class HibernateObjectDao
l - the id of the object to look up
the corresponding object, or null if the object does not exist with the appropriate class and id.


public Space getById(long id)
Specified by:
getById in interface SpaceDao


public Space getSpace(java.lang.String spaceKey)
first tries to fetch the space from the cache by space id if not, fetch it from database

Specified by:
getSpace in interface SpaceDao


public Space getPersonalSpace(ConfluenceUser user)
Specified by:
getPersonalSpace in interface SpaceDao
user - the user who's personal space is to be retrieved
the personal space for the specified user or null if none exists


public java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedByUser(java.lang.String username)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Find all the spaces created by a given user.

Specified by:
getSpacesCreatedByUser in interface SpaceDao


public java.util.List<Space> getSpacesContainingPagesEditedByUser(java.lang.String username)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Find all spaces containing pages that were edited by a particular user. This is for tracking down whether a user can be safely deleted or not.

Specified by:
getSpacesContainingPagesEditedByUser in interface SpaceDao
username - the name of the user to track down
a list of the spaces containing pages that were edited by this user, or the empty list if no such spaces exist.


public java.util.List<Space> getSpacesContainingCommentsByUser(java.lang.String username)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Find all spaces containing comments by a particular user. This is for tracking down whether a user can be safely deleted or not. Does currently not include personal spaces, but probably should.

Specified by:
getSpacesContainingCommentsByUser in interface SpaceDao
username - the name of the user to track down
a list of the spaces containing comments by this user, or the empty list if no such spaces exist.


public java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(java.util.Date previousLoginDate)
Specified by:
getSpacesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate in interface SpaceDao


public int findPageTotal(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Fast way to count pages in a space without loading them. Counts all pages, not just the current versions.

Specified by:
findPageTotal in interface SpaceDao
returns the number of all versions of all pages in a space


public void remove(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject entity)
Override the parent remove method as we want to remove the object out of the cache as well

Specified by:
remove in interface ObjectDao
remove in class HibernateObjectDao
entity - the object to remove


public java.lang.Class<Space> getPersistentClass()
Specified by:
getPersistentClass in interface ObjectDao


public int getNumberOfBlogPosts(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Fast way to count blog posts in a space without loading them. Counts all blog posts, not just the current versions.

Specified by:
getNumberOfBlogPosts in interface SpaceDao
returns the number of all versions of all blog posts in a space


public int getNumberOfMail(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Fast way to count pages in a space without loading them. Counts all mail, not just the current versions.

Specified by:
getNumberOfMail in interface SpaceDao
returns the number of all versions of all mail in a space


public java.util.List<Space> getSpacesCreatedAfter(java.util.Date creationDate)
Specified by:
getSpacesCreatedAfter in interface SpaceDao


public int countPermittedSpacesForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user,
                                                  java.util.List<com.atlassian.user.Group> groups,
                                                  java.lang.String permission)

Specified by:
countPermittedSpacesForUser in interface SpaceDao
the number of spaces permitted.


public java.util.List<Space> getSpaces(SpacesQuery query,
                                       int offset,
                                       int maxResults)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Get a list of spaces specified by the SpacesQuery.

Specified by:
getSpaces in interface SpaceDao


public java.util.List<Space> getSpaces(SpacesQuery query)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Get a list of spaces specified by the SpacesQuery. Its recommended to use the SpaceDao.getSpaces(com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpacesQuery, int, int) form of this method where ever possible.

Specified by:
getSpaces in interface SpaceDao


public int countSpaces(SpacesQuery query)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Count the spaces specified by the SpacesQuery.

Specified by:
countSpaces in interface SpaceDao


public Space getSpaceByContentId(long contentId)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Get the space that some content belongs to in a single db query. This will only work for content that directly belongs to a space (i.e. Pages, Blog Posts, Space Descriptions but not Comments or Attachments) and it will only work for current content (old content is dissassociated from its space)

Specified by:
getSpaceByContentId in interface SpaceDao
contentId - the ID of the content
the space that content belongs to


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> findSpaceKeysWithStatus(java.lang.String status)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
find all space keys where the space status is equal to the given status.

Specified by:
findSpaceKeysWithStatus in interface SpaceDao
status - the status to search for
all space keys of spaces that match that status


public java.lang.String findUniqueVersionOfSpaceKey(java.lang.String spaceKey)
Description copied from interface: SpaceDao
Return a unique version of the supplied spaceKey. This is done by checking the database for a duplicate and following the algorithm of counting up until a duplicate is achieved e.g. spaceKey_1, spaceKey_2, etc.

Specified by:
findUniqueVersionOfSpaceKey in interface SpaceDao
spaceKey - the space key to create a unique version of
the unique space key


public void setUserAccessor(UserAccessor userAccessor)

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