Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence declared as Space | |
static Space |
Space |
Space |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence with parameters of type Space | |
void |
AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.createSpaceViaWebUI(Space space)
void |
PageAcceptanceTester.movePage(java.lang.String title,
Space oldSpace,
Space newSpace)
Deprecated. since 5.0 Use an EditContentBean
or appropriate rpc call such as ConfluenceRpc.movePageToTopLevel(com.atlassian.confluence.it.Page, com.atlassian.confluence.it.Space) |
org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode |
PageAcceptanceTester.setBlogLabels(Space space,
java.lang.String blogTitle,
java.lang.String labels)
Add the specified labels to the blog |
SpaceAdmin |
AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.viewSpaceAdmin(Space space)
SpacePermissions |
AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.viewSpacePermissions(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.cluster |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.cluster declared as Space | |
protected Space |
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.it declared as Space | |
Space |
protected Space |
Space |
static Space |
A sample test space. |
static Space |
static Space |
A sample test space. |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it that return Space | |
Space |
Space |
Space |
Space |
Space |
Space |
Space |
static Space |
Space.personalSpaceFor(User user)
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it with parameters of type Space | |
void |
AbstractPageEntity.setSpace(Space space)
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.it with parameters of type Space | |
BlogPost(Space space,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content)
BlogPost(Space space,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content,
java.util.Date publishDate)
Draft(User owner,
ContentType type,
java.lang.String title,
Space space)
Draft(User owner,
ContentType type,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content,
Space space)
Draft(User owner,
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content,
Page page,
Space space)
Draft(User owner,
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content,
Space space)
Location(Space space)
Located at the root of a space (i.e. |
Location(Space space,
java.lang.String parentPageTitle)
Page(Space space,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content)
Page(Space space,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String content,
long parentPageId)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.content |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.content with parameters of type Space | |
static EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder |
EditContentBean.createByUrlBuilder(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
static EditContentBean |
EditContentBean.createPage(Space space)
Returns a page creation bean by going to view the space and clicking on the 'Add Page' link on the page. |
static EditContentBean |
EditContentBean.createPage(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
static EditContentBean |
EditContentBean.createPageViaUrl(Space space)
Deprecated. since 5.4 use EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder instead. |
static EditContentBean |
EditContentBean.createPageViaUrl(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
Deprecated. since 5.4 use EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder instead. |
EditContentBean |
EditContentBean.setLocation(Space space)
Sets the location to a new space, in the top root level. |
void |
CreateSpaceBean.setSpace(Space space)
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewPage(Space space)
View the home page of the given space. |
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewPage(Space space,
java.lang.String pageTitle)
Factory method to return a ViewContentBean for the given page and space. |
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewPage(Space space,
java.lang.String pageTitle,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewPage(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewSpaceHomePage(Space space)
static ViewContentBean |
ViewContentBean.viewSpaceHomePage(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.dashboard |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.dashboard with parameters of type Space | |
void |
SpacesListMacro.assertCurrentSpacesTabContains(Space space)
void |
SpacesListMacro.assertCurrentSpacesTabDoesNotContains(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.export |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.export with parameters of type Space | |
static java.net.URL |
Exporter.exportSpace(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> excludedPageIds,
Exporter.ExporterFormOption... options)
Export a space through the web interface. |
static java.net.URL |
Exporter.exportSpace(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester,
Exporter.ContentOption contentOption)
Export a space through the web interface. |
static java.net.URL |
Exporter.exportSpace(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester,
Exporter.ContentOption contentOption,
java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> excludedPageIds)
Export a space through the web interface. |
static SimpleHtmlSpaceExportStructure |
Exporter.getSimpleHtmlExportStructure(Space space,
java.io.File htmlExportZip)
Given an export html zip, returns a structure that represents the export. |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.it.export with parameters of type Space | |
SimpleHtmlSpaceExportStructure(Space space,
java.util.zip.ZipFile exportZipFile)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.feed |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.it.feed with parameters of type Space | |
SpaceScope(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.global |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.global with parameters of type Space | |
static SiteSearch |
SiteSearch.searchInSpace(TitledContent content,
Space space)
static SiteSearch |
SiteSearch.searchInSpace(TitledContent content,
Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.mail |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.mail with parameters of type Space | |
void |
MailArchivingHelper.deleteExistingMail(Space space)
void |
MailArchivingHelper.goToAddMailAccount(Space space)
void |
MailArchivingHelper.gotoMailArchivePage(Space space)
void |
MailArchivingHelper.importMail(java.lang.String filePath,
Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rest |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rest declared as Space | |
protected static Space |
Deprecated. |
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rpc |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rpc that return Space | |
Space |
ConfluenceRpc.createPersonalSpace(User user)
Space |
ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(Space space)
Space |
ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String description)
Space |
ConfluenceRpc.getSpace(java.lang.String spaceKey)
Returns the space with the specified key. |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rpc that return types with arguments of type Space | |
java.util.List<Space> |
Retrieves spaces visible to the currently logged in rpc user |
java.util.List<Space> |
ConfluenceRpc.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(java.lang.String labelName)
java.util.List<Space> |
ConfluenceRpc.getSpacesWithLabel(java.lang.String labelName)
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.rpc with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
ConfluenceRpc.addLabelToSpace(java.lang.String label,
Space space)
Adds a label to the specified space |
void |
ConfluenceRpc.archiveSpace(Space space)
java.util.List<Page> |
ConfluenceRpc.createPageHierarchy(Space space,
int depth,
java.lang.String pageTitlePrefix)
Create a simple hierarchy of pages where each page is the parent of the next. |
Space |
ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(Space space)
long |
ConfluenceRpc.createTemplate(java.lang.String templateName,
java.lang.String content,
Space space)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.editPage(Space space,
java.lang.String pageTitle,
java.lang.String newTitle,
java.lang.String newContent)
Modifies the page with the given details |
java.lang.String |
ConfluenceRpc.exportSpace(Space space,
java.lang.String exportType)
Returns the URL of the downloadable export. |
Page |
ConfluenceRpc.getExistingPage(Space space,
java.lang.String pageTitle)
Retrieve the fully populated Page object for a page, known to
exist in confluence. |
java.util.List<java.lang.Long> |
ConfluenceRpc.getPageIdsInSpace(Space space)
java.util.List<Page> |
ConfluenceRpc.getPagesInSpace(Space space)
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ConfluenceRpc.getPermissionsForUser(Space space,
User user)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.grantAllPermissions(Entity entity,
Space space)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.grantAllPermissionsExceptAdmin(Entity entity,
Space space)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.grantAnonymousPermission(SpacePermission permission,
Space space)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.grantPermission(SpacePermission permission,
Space space,
Entity entity)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.grantPermissions(Space space,
Entity entity,
SpacePermission... permissions)
boolean |
NotificationsRpc.isWatchingSpace(Space space,
User user)
Check whether the given user is watching the given space. |
boolean |
NotificationsRpc.isWatchingSpaceForType(Space space,
ContentTypeEnum contentType,
User user)
Check whether the given user is watching the given content type (e.g. |
void |
ConfluenceRpc.movePageToTopLevel(Page page,
Space targetSpace)
Moves a page to the top of the target space |
void |
ConfluenceRpc.purgeFromTrash(Space space,
long pageId)
boolean |
ConfluenceRpc.removeLabelFromSpace(java.lang.String label,
Space space)
Removes a label from the specified space |
void |
ConfluenceRpc.revokeAnonymousPermission(SpacePermission permission,
Space space)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.revokePermission(SpacePermission permission,
Space space,
Entity entity)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.revokePermissions(Space space,
Entity entity,
SpacePermission... permissions)
Unfortunately there is no revokePermissions method on the API, so this just calls the singular method repeatedly. |
void |
ConfluenceRpc.setThemeForSpace(Space space,
BundledTheme theme)
void |
ConfluenceRpc.unarchiveSpace(Space space)
void |
NotificationsRpc.unwatchSpace(User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum contentType)
void |
NotificationsRpc.watchSpace(Space space)
Watch a space as the current user. |
void |
NotificationsRpc.watchSpace(User user,
Space space)
Watch all content in a space. |
void |
NotificationsRpc.watchSpace(User user,
Space space,
ContentTypeEnum contentType)
Watch all content of a certain type in a space. |
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.space |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.space with parameters of type Space | |
static SpaceOperations |
SpaceOperations.attachments(Space space)
static SpaceAdmin |
SpaceAdmin.getInstance(Space space)
static SpaceAdmin |
SpaceAdmin.getInstance(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester,
Space space)
static SpacePermissions |
SpacePermissions.view(Space space)
static SpacePermissions |
SpacePermissions.view(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester,
Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.it.user |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.it.user that return Space | |
Space |
UserProfile.createPersonalSpace(User user)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia declared as Space | |
protected Space |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia with parameters of type Space | |
protected java.lang.String |
AbstractMultimediaMacroAcceptanceTest.generateWikiMarkup(Space space,
ContentEntity ce,
Attachment file,
java.lang.String width,
java.lang.String height)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects with parameters of type Space | |
CreateBlog |
ConfluenceTestedProduct.loginAndCreateBlog(User user,
Space space)
CreatePage |
ConfluenceTestedProduct.loginAndCreatePage(User user,
Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component with parameters of type Space | |
FavouriteSpace(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dashboard |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dashboard with parameters of type Space | |
FavouriteSpace |
DashboardSpacesTab.getFavouriteSpace(Space space)
boolean |
DashboardSpacesTab.isSpacePresent(Space space)
boolean |
DashboardSpacesTab.isSpacePresent(Space space,
java.lang.String section)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dialog |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dialog with parameters of type Space | |
boolean |
MovePageDialog.isSpacePresentInBrowse(Space space)
Returns true if the given space is available in the space select of the browse panel |
MovePageDialog |
MovePageDialog.selectSpaceInBrowse(Space space)
MovePageDialog |
MovePageDialog.waitForBreadcrumbs(Space space,
Page parentPage)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page with parameters of type Space | |
SpaceDirectoryPage |
SpaceDirectoryPage.clickAddFavouriteLink(Space space)
ViewSpaceSummaryPage |
SpaceDirectoryPage.clickSpaceSummaryLink(Space space)
SpaceDirectoryPage |
SpaceDirectoryPage.clickTeamLabelLozenge(Space space,
java.lang.String labelName)
java.lang.String |
SpaceDirectoryPage.getSpaceLogoImageSource(Space space)
java.lang.String |
SpaceDirectoryPage.getSpaceName(Space space)
boolean |
SpaceDirectoryPage.isSpaceFavouritesVisible(Space space)
boolean |
SpaceDirectoryPage.isSpacePresent(Space space)
boolean |
SpaceDirectoryPage.isTeamLabelLozengePresent(Space space,
java.lang.String labelName)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.admin.templates |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.admin.templates with parameters of type Space | |
SpaceTemplatesPage(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.content |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.content with parameters of type Space | |
CreateBlog(Space space)
CreatePage(Space space)
PageTemplateWizard(Space space)
PageTemplateWizard(Space space,
java.lang.Long templateId)
PageTemplateWizard(Space space,
Page parentPage)
ViewSpaceAttachmentsPage(Space space)
ViewSpaceLabelsAlphabetical(Space space)
ViewSpaceLabelsHeatmap(Space space)
ViewSpacePagesAlphabetical(Space space)
ViewSpacePagesOrphaned(Space space)
ViewSpacePagesTree(Space space)
ViewSpacePagesUndefined(Space space)
ViewSpaceRecentBlogs(Space space)
ViewSpaceRecentPages(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.search |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.search with parameters of type Space | |
LabelSearchPage(Space space,
java.lang.String label)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.space |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.space declared as Space | |
protected Space |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.page.space with parameters of type Space | |
AbstractSpaceExport(Space space)
BrowseSpacePage(Space space)
ColorSchemePage(Space space)
CreatePageTemplate(Space space)
EditSpacePermissionsPage(Space space)
EditSpaceStylesheetPage(Space space)
ListPageTemplates(Space space)
PagesCollectorPage(Space space)
SiteExportResult(Space space)
SpaceHtmlExport(Space space)
SpaceXmlExport(Space space)
ViewPageTemplate(Space space,
java.lang.String entityId)
ViewSpaceStylesheetPage(Space space)
ViewSpaceSummaryPage(Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.qunit |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.qunit with parameters of type Space | |
QUnitEditorWebDriverTestSuite(java.lang.String[] directoryNames,
User user,
Space space)
QUnitEditorWebDriverTestSuite(java.lang.String directoryName,
User user,
Space space)
QUnitQuickCommentEditorWebDriverTestSuite(java.lang.String[] directoryNames,
User user,
Space space)
QUnitQuickEditEditorWebDriverTestSuite(java.lang.String[] directoryNames,
User user,
Space space)
QUnitQuickEditEditorWebDriverTestSuite(java.lang.String directoryName,
User user,
Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.qunit.pageobjects |
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.qunit.pageobjects with parameters of type Space | |
QUnitCreatePage(java.lang.String testName,
Space space)
QUnitQuickEditorOnHomePage(java.lang.String testName,
Space space)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc with parameters of type Space | |
java.util.Hashtable |
TrashRpcAcceptanceTest.getTrashContents(Space space,
int offset,
int count)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium declared as Space | |
protected Space |
protected Space |
protected Space |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium with parameters of type Space | |
protected java.util.List<Page> |
AbstractMoveDialogTester.createPageHierarchy(java.lang.String pagePrefix,
int depth,
Space space)
Create a simple hierarchy of pages where each page is the parent of the next. |
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client |
Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client with parameters of type Space | |
void |
Editor.createBlogPost(Space space)
void |
Editor.createPage(Space space)
PageTemplateWizard |
Editor.createPageFromTemplate(Space space)
PageTemplateWizard |
Editor.createPageFromTemplate(Space space,
long parentPageId)
Attachment |
AttachTo.draftFromEditor(java.lang.String attachmentPath,
java.lang.String contentType,
User remoteUser,
Space space)
java.lang.String |
LookAndFeel.getEditSpaceStylesheetUrl(Space space)
void |
GlobalEntitiesPanel.isSpacePresent(Space space)
void |
GlobalEntitiesPanel.isSpacePresent(Space space,
java.lang.String section)
SpaceBrowse |
Suite.logIn(User user,
Space destination)
TinyMce |
Editor.logInAndCreateBlogPost(User user,
Space space)
TinyMce |
Editor.logInAndCreateChildPage(User user,
Space space,
long parentPageId)
TinyMce |
Editor.logInAndCreateEditorTemplate(User user,
Space space)
TinyMce |
Editor.logInAndCreatePage(User user,
Space space)
void |
LookAndFeel.logInAndEditSpaceStyle(User user,
Space space)
void |
MovePageDialog.selectSpaceOnBrowsePanel(Space space)
Change the selected space on the browse panel. |
void |
InsertImageDialog.setSearchSpace(Space space)
void |
MovePageDialog.waitForBreadcrumbs(Space space,
Page parentPage)
Waits until the location breadcrumbs match the passed Space and parent Page. |
void |
MovePageDialog.waitForSpaceAtBrowseTreeRoot(Space space)
On the Browse panel, waits until the root node shows the required Space name. |
void |
PageGadget.waitForSpaceToBeSelected(Space space)
Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client with parameters of type Space | |
Location(Space space)
Located at the root of a space (i.e. |
Location(Space space,
java.lang.String parentPageTitle)
Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver |
Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver declared as Space | |
protected Space |