Class CreateCommentCommandImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.service.AbstractServiceCommand
      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.content.service.comment.CreateCommentCommandImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
CreateCommentCommand, ServiceCommand
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CreateCommentCommandImpl
extends AbstractServiceCommand
implements CreateCommentCommand

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String commentBody
Constructor Summary
CreateCommentCommandImpl(PermissionManager permissionManager, PageManager pageManager, CommentManager commentManager, long pageId, long parentCommentId, java.lang.String commentBody)
CreateCommentCommandImpl(PermissionManager permissionManager, PageManager pageManager, CommentManager commentManager, long pageId, java.lang.String commentBody)
Method Summary
protected  void executeInternal()
          Template method for implementations to perform command execution.
 Comment getComment()
          Gets the comment that was created.
protected  AbstractPage getPage()
protected  boolean isAuthorizedInternal()
          Template method for implementations to perform authorization.
protected  void validateInternal(ServiceCommandValidator validator)
          Template method for implementations to perform validation.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.service.AbstractServiceCommand
execute, getCurrentUser, getValidationErrors, isAuthorized, isValid
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.core.service.ServiceCommand
execute, getValidationErrors, isAuthorized, isValid

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String commentBody
Constructor Detail


public CreateCommentCommandImpl(PermissionManager permissionManager,
                                PageManager pageManager,
                                CommentManager commentManager,
                                long pageId,
                                java.lang.String commentBody)


public CreateCommentCommandImpl(PermissionManager permissionManager,
                                PageManager pageManager,
                                CommentManager commentManager,
                                long pageId,
                                long parentCommentId,
                                java.lang.String commentBody)
Method Detail


protected void validateInternal(ServiceCommandValidator validator)
Description copied from class: AbstractServiceCommand
Template method for implementations to perform validation. Implementations should add validation errors using the provided methods. Validation will succeed or fail based on whether the list of validation errors is empty at the end of this method.

Implementations can assume that if this method is called, authorization was already successful.

Specified by:
validateInternal in class AbstractServiceCommand


protected boolean isAuthorizedInternal()
Description copied from class: AbstractServiceCommand
Template method for implementations to perform authorization.

Specified by:
isAuthorizedInternal in class AbstractServiceCommand
true if the current user is authorized to perform this command, false otherwise


protected void executeInternal()
Description copied from class: AbstractServiceCommand
Template method for implementations to perform command execution. Implementations can assume that if this method is called, both authorization and validation have already been completed successfully.

Specified by:
executeInternal in class AbstractServiceCommand


protected AbstractPage getPage()


public Comment getComment()
Description copied from interface: CreateCommentCommand
Gets the comment that was created. Will be null if called before execute().

Specified by:
getComment in interface CreateCommentCommand
the comment that was created, or null if the command has not been executed successfully.

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