Class AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeTask
      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask.AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask
All Implemented Interfaces:
BackupSupport, DatabaseUpgradeTask, UpgradeTask

public class AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask
extends AbstractUpgradeTask
implements DatabaseUpgradeTask

This task adds a unique constraint to the AttachmentId column on the AttachmentData table. Having multiple records for the one attachment id is an invalid state that causes errors (CONF-7882). In order to create the constraint this task does the following:

  1. Deletes any attachmentdata records with no attachmentid.
  2. Whenever there are multiple attachmentdata records for the same attachmentid, deletes all but the one with the lowest attachmentid.
  3. For SQL Server only, removes all the indexes on the attachmentid column in the attachmentdata table.
  4. Adds a not-null constraint on the attachmentid table, since unique constraints must be not-null on some DBs.
  5. Adds the unique constraint on the attachmentid table.

This task does not need to run in an import or on setup of a new system because the constraints are included in the hibernate schema. It MUST run pre-upgrade because it relies on the SchemaHelper.updateSchemaIfNeeded() to re-create the indices in Sql Server. See dropIndicesFromSqlServer(ConfluenceHibernateConfig).

Constructor Summary
AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask(net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory, AlterTableExecutor alterTableExecutor, DdlExecutor ddlExecutor, org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
Method Summary
 boolean breaksBackwardCompatibility()
          Returns true if a new export can't be imported in an older instance.
 void doUpgrade()
          Perform the upgrade.
 java.lang.String getBuildNumber()
 java.lang.String getShortDescription()
          A short (<50 chars) description of the upgrade action
 boolean runOnSpaceImport()
          Returns true if an older Space can't be imported in a new instance without running this task.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeTask
addAllErrors, addError, addError, getConstraint, getErrors, setBuildNumber, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeTask
getConstraint, getErrors, validate

Constructor Detail


public AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask(net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                                                  AlterTableExecutor alterTableExecutor,
                                                                  DdlExecutor ddlExecutor,
                                                                  org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getBuildNumber()
Specified by:
getBuildNumber in interface UpgradeTask
getBuildNumber in class AbstractUpgradeTask
The build number that this upgrade is applicable to


public java.lang.String getShortDescription()
Description copied from interface: UpgradeTask
A short (<50 chars) description of the upgrade action

Specified by:
getShortDescription in interface UpgradeTask
getShortDescription in class AbstractUpgradeTask


public void doUpgrade()
               throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: UpgradeTask
Perform the upgrade.

Specified by:
doUpgrade in interface UpgradeTask


public boolean runOnSpaceImport()
Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
Returns true if an older Space can't be imported in a new instance without running this task. For example:

Note that tasks don't run on space import yet, so we just reject the import in this case.

Specified by:
runOnSpaceImport in interface BackupSupport


public boolean breaksBackwardCompatibility()
Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
Returns true if a new export can't be imported in an older instance. Breaking compatibility means a snapshot of the new version will not work at all with the previous version. For example: The best way to test is whether a newer export can be imported (with fully working features) in an older instance.

Specified by:
breaksBackwardCompatibility in interface BackupSupport

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