Interface ThemeStylesheet

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClasspathThemeStylesheet, PluginThemeResource

Deprecated. since 3.4. Use ThemeResource instead.

public interface ThemeStylesheet

Represents a custom stylesheet associated with a theme.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCompleteModuleKey()
          Deprecated. Returns the plugin module key which this stylesheet belongs to, or the plugin key if the resource is specified at the plugin level.
 java.lang.String getLocation()
          Deprecated. Returns the location of this stylesheet resource on the classpath of the Velocity classloader.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Deprecated. Returns the name of the stylesheet resource.
 boolean isIeOnly()
          Deprecated. Returns true iff the ieonly param is set to true in the plugin, false otherwise.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getLocation()
Returns the location of this stylesheet resource on the classpath of the Velocity classloader. Used to load it as a Velocity template using #parse() in the main stylesheet.


java.lang.String getCompleteModuleKey()
Returns the plugin module key which this stylesheet belongs to, or the plugin key if the resource is specified at the plugin level. Returns null if the stylesheet is not part of a plugin.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the stylesheet resource.


boolean isIeOnly()
Returns true iff the ieonly param is set to true in the plugin, false otherwise.

true if the ieonly param is set to true.

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