Class StudioLogin

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client.StudioLogin
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StudioLogin
extends java.lang.Object
implements SeleniumLogin

Provides common Confluence/Studio actions with a Studio flavour.


Constructor Summary
StudioLogin(ConfluenceSeleniumClient confluenceClient)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getLogoutPath()
          The relative path of the logout screen.
 void logIn(User user, java.lang.String destination, long timeoutMillis, boolean rememberMe, java.lang.String language)
          Logs the specified User in and redirects them to a destination page (if specified).
 void logOut()
          Logs the current user out, after which the browser can be assumed to be on a "Logged Out" screen.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StudioLogin(ConfluenceSeleniumClient confluenceClient)
Method Detail


public void logOut()
Description copied from interface: SeleniumLogin
Logs the current user out, after which the browser can be assumed to be on a "Logged Out" screen.

Specified by:
logOut in interface SeleniumLogin


public java.lang.String getLogoutPath()
Description copied from interface: SeleniumLogin
The relative path of the logout screen. Should only be used by the implementing class or in the Suite facade.

Specified by:
getLogoutPath in interface SeleniumLogin


public void logIn(User user,
                  java.lang.String destination,
                  long timeoutMillis,
                  boolean rememberMe,
                  java.lang.String language)
Description copied from interface: SeleniumLogin
Logs the specified User in and redirects them to a destination page (if specified). Specifying a destination is preferred so that the calling test doesn't waste time loading the dashboard - the browser will be directed to the destination page directly from the Login screen.

Specified by:
logIn in interface SeleniumLogin
user - a Confluence user
destination - (optional) a relative path (after the context)
timeoutMillis - how long to wait for the Dashboard or destination page to load
rememberMe - whether the "Remember Me" option on the login form should be checked
language - (optional) the language to load the destination page in

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