Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSeleniumTest

Uses of AbstractSeleniumTest in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium

Subclasses of AbstractSeleniumTest in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium
 class AbstractEditorAutocompleteTester
          Tests Autocomplete dropdown in the RTE.
 class AbstractEditorPropertyPanelTest
 class AbstractLinkBrowserTest
 class AbstractMoveDialogTester
          A base class to be extended by the tests for the Move Dialog.
 class AbstractMultimediaMacroTest
 class AbstractNotificationTest
 class ActivityStreamGadgetTest
 class AjaxNotificationErrorTest
 class AnonymousUserTest
 class AuthorFilteringOnSearchTest
 class BackupAdminTest
 class BlogEditorTest
 class CopyPasteFromViewToEditorTest
 class DocThemeSearchTest
          Search tests that are specific to the doc theme - See DOC-68
 class DraftChangesTest
 class EasyUserInviteMailTest
 class EasyUserInviteTest
          Selenium test for invite users page.
 class EditorAutocompleteLinkShortcutTest
          Tests Link Autocomplete in the RTE.
 class EditorAutocompleteMacroNotIExploreTest
          Tests that the Autocomplete component responds to typing events - testing that the component works in different locations and with different results is left to EditorAutocompleteLinkShortcutTest.
 class EditorAutocompleteMacroTest
 class EditorAutocompleteMediaShortcutTest
          Tests Media Autocomplete in the RTE.
 class EditorAutocompleteTriggerNotIExploreTest
          Tests that the Autocomplete component responds to typing events - testing that the component works in different locations and with different results is left to EditorAutocompleteLinkShortcutTest.
 class EditorCommentsTest
 class EditorDoubleClickToEditTest
 class EditorDraftsTest
          Tests should be migrated from here to com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.EditorDraftsTest
 class EditorExternalLinkPropertyPanelTest
 class EditorImagePropertyPanelNotIExploreTest
 class EditorImagePropertyPanelTest
          Tests Image Property Panel in the RTE.
 class EditorInsertImageDialogNotIExploreTest
 class EditorInsertImageDialogTest
          Tests the insert image dialog.
 class EditorLinkPropertyPanelNotIExploreTest
 class EditorLinkPropertyPanelTest
          Tests Link Property Panel in the RTE.
 class EditorLinkStyleTest
 class EditorPreviewTest
 class EditorRichTextTest
          Editor on bamboo is very slow, so delays in this class are intentionally higher than the defaults.
 class EditorSettingsTest
          Test user editor settings allows a user to enable/disable autoformat and autocomplete
 class EditorTableToolbarTest
 class EditorTest
 class EditorThemeTest
          Tests some editor functionality across themes that has or could break.
 class EmbeddedImageTest
 class ExpandMacroTest
 class FavouritePagesMacroTest
          This test tests finctionality that codced inside a bundle plugin.
 class FindSpaceAttachmentsJSPTest
 class FollowDisabledUserTest
 class FooterTest
 class GeneralConfigurationTest
 class GroupPickerTest
 class HeartbeatTest
 class InlineTasksTest
 class KeyboardShortcutTest
 class LinkBrowserAdvancedLinkTest
 class LinkBrowserAttachmentTest
 class LinkBrowserBreadcrumbNotIExploreTest
          Tests breadcrumbs.
 class LinkBrowserDialogTest
 class LinkBrowserHistoryTest
 class LinkBrowserSearchTest
 class LinkBrowserWebLinkTest
 class LinkToImageTest
 class LinkToThisPageTest
 class MacroBrowserSmartFieldsTest
          Tests for the smart fields in the Macro Browser
 class MacroBrowserTest
 class MacroPropertyPanelNotIExploreTest
 class MacroPropertyPanelTest
 class MarkupMacroBrowserTest
          Tests for the macro browser in only the markup editors.
 class MentionsTest
 class MoveNewPageTestDarkFeature
          Set page location on save is currently a dark feature, but will be available in a future release.
 class MovePageTest
 class MoveViewedPageTest
          Test the move page mechanism when you are viewing a page.
 class MultimediaMacroAVITest
 class MultimediaMacroFlashTest
 class MultimediaMacroMp3Test
 class MultimediaMacroMp4Test
 class MultimediaMacroQuickTimeNotIExploreTest
 class MultimediaMacroWMATest
 class MultimediaMacroWMVTest
 class OfficeConnectorMacroBrowserSmartFieldsTest
          TODO move this tests into OC Tests for the smart fields customisations as used in the Office Connector bundled plugin
 class PageChildrenTest
 class PageNotFoundTest
 class PageOrderingTest
 class PagePermissionsDialogTest
 class PagePermissionsTest
          Tests page permissions everywhere except in the permissions dialog.
 class PopularStreamTest
 class QuickNavigationTest
 class ScheduledJobAdminTest
          Tests the Scheduled Job Admin UI functionality.
 class SearchTest
 class SiteExportTest
 class SpacePermissionsTest
 class ThumbnailTest
 class TinyMceColorPickerTest
 class TinyMceConfluenceFormatTest
 class TinyMceEditingNotIExploreTest
          For testing that typing behaves correctly in various scenarios.
 class TinyMceEmoticonTest
 class TinyMceInsertMenuTest
 class TinyMceLinkBrowserCursorTestTODOXHTML
 class TinyMceLinkBrowserTest
 class TinyMceMacroBrowserNotIExploreTest
          Run tests specific to RTE that require typing, cursor placement or pressing of the Enter key.
 class TinyMceMacroBrowserTest
          Run tests specific to RTE.
 class TinyMceNotIExploreTest
          Contains general TinyMCE tests that perform operations known to have problems on IE.
 class TinyMcePasteTest
 class TinyMceShortcutsTest
 class TinyMceTableTest
 class TinyMceToolbarNotIExploreTest
          Tests of Toolbar that have currently only successfully run in Firefox.
 class TinyMceToolbarTest
          Tests of Toolbar that have run successfully in both IE and Firefox.
 class ToolsMenuFavouriteItemTest
 class UPMTest
 class UserFollowTest
 class UserHoverTest
 class UserPickerTest
 class UserStatusNotIExploreTest
 class WebSudoTest
          Selenium tests for WebSudo

Uses of AbstractSeleniumTest in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.gadgets

Subclasses of AbstractSeleniumTest in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.gadgets
 class AbstractGadgetSeleniumTest
 class AnonymousAccessTest
 class GadgetMacroTest
 class GadgetsMacroBrowserTest
 class PageGadgetConfigTest
          WARNING: Due to iframe goodness these tests can only be run in multiple windows mode.
 class PageGadgetContentTest
          WARNING: Due to iframe goodness these tests can only be run in multiple windows mode.
 class PublishedGadgetDirectoryTest
 class QuickNavTest
          NOTE: Since quick nav uses top.window.location these tests only work in Multiple Window mode.

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