Class SpacePermissionCheckDispatcherCoordinator

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
SpacePermissionManager, SpacePermissionSaver

public class SpacePermissionCheckDispatcherCoordinator
extends java.lang.Object
implements SpacePermissionManager

Space permission manager wrapper that updates the permission check dispatcher cache on operations that add or remove permissions.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space)
 void createInitialSpacePermissions(Space space)
          Creates all the initial permissions (in this list SpacePermission.GENERIC_SPACE_PERMISSIONS) in the specified space.
 void createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space)
 void flushCaches()
 java.util.List getAllPermissionsForGroup(java.lang.String group)
 java.util.Set<SpacePermission> getDefaultGlobalPermissions()
          Returns the default global permissions that are created when Confluence is set up.
 java.util.List getGlobalPermissions()
 java.util.List getGlobalPermissions(java.lang.String permissionType)
 java.util.Map getGroupsForPermissionType(java.lang.String permissionType, Space space)
 java.util.Collection getGroupsWithPermissions(Space space)
          Returns all groups wich have permissions in a space or on a global level.
 java.util.Map getUsersForPermissionType(java.lang.String permissionType, Space space)
 java.util.Collection getUsersWithPermissions(Space space)
          Returns a collection of user objects with VIEWSPACE_PERMISSION in the space.
 boolean groupHasPermission(java.lang.String permissionType, Space space, java.lang.String group)
          Checks whether the given group has the given permission

If a null space is specified, this method looks up matching global permissions, otherwise space's permissions list is queried to see if the permission matches.

 boolean hasAllPermissions(java.util.List<java.lang.String> permissionTypes, Space space, com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
          Determines if remoteUser has all of the given permissions in space

If remoteUser lacks any of the given permissions, false is returned.

 boolean hasPermission(java.util.List permissionTypes, Space space, com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
          Determines if remoteUser has the given permissions in space

If remoteUser lacks any of the given permissions, false is returned.

 boolean hasPermission(java.lang.String permissionType, Space space, com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
          Determines if remoteUser has the given permission in space Unless you're writing code that is part of the permission checking implementation, or you're changing space permissions, you should be using PermissionManager instead.
 boolean hasPermissionForSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user, java.util.List permissionTypes, Space space)
 boolean permissionExists(SpacePermission permission)
          Check whether the given SpacePermission exists.
 void removeAllPermissions(Space space)
          Removes all permissions belonging to space
 void removeAllPermissionsForGroup(java.lang.String group)
 void removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user)
 void removeAllUserPermissions(java.lang.String username)
 void removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user, java.lang.String permissionType)
          Removes global permission of specified type that is directly associated with a user
 void removePermission(SpacePermission permission)
 void savePermission(SpacePermission permission)
          Saves the permission.
 void setPermissionCheckDispatcherResultCache(PermissionCheckDispatcherResultCache permissionCheckDispatcherResultCache)
 void setSpacePermissionManager(SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SpacePermissionCheckDispatcherCoordinator()
Method Detail


public void savePermission(SpacePermission permission)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionSaver
Saves the permission.

Specified by:
savePermission in interface SpacePermissionSaver


public void removeAllPermissions(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Removes all permissions belonging to space

Specified by:
removeAllPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager
space - The space to remove the permissions for


public void removePermission(SpacePermission permission)
Specified by:
removePermission in interface SpacePermissionManager


public boolean hasPermission(java.lang.String permissionType,
                             Space space,
                             com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Determines if remoteUser has the given permission in space Unless you're writing code that is part of the permission checking implementation, or you're changing space permissions, you should be using PermissionManager instead.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface SpacePermissionManager
permissionType - The permission type to look up
space - The space the permission applies to (can be null for global permissions)
remoteUser - The user to look up (can be null for the anonymous user)
true if remoteUser has the permission, false otherwise


public boolean hasPermission(java.util.List permissionTypes,
                             Space space,
                             com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Determines if remoteUser has the given permissions in space

If remoteUser lacks any of the given permissions, false is returned.

Unless you're writing code that is part of the permission checking implementation, or you're changing space permissions, you should be using PermissionManager instead.

Specified by:
hasPermission in interface SpacePermissionManager
permissionTypes - A List of permission types (see SpacePermission) to check
space - The space the permissions apply to
remoteUser - The user to look up
true if remoteUser has the permission, false otherwise


public boolean hasAllPermissions(java.util.List<java.lang.String> permissionTypes,
                                 Space space,
                                 com.atlassian.user.User remoteUser)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Determines if remoteUser has all of the given permissions in space

If remoteUser lacks any of the given permissions, false is returned.

Unless you're writing code that is part of the permission checking implementation, or you're changing space permissions, you should be using PermissionManager instead.

Specified by:
hasAllPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager
permissionTypes - A List of permission types (see SpacePermission) to check
space - The space the permissions apply to
true if remoteUser has the permission, false otherwise


public void removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user)
Specified by:
removeAllUserPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public void removeAllUserPermissions(java.lang.String username)

Specified by:
removeAllUserPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public void removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
                                          java.lang.String permissionType)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Removes global permission of specified type that is directly associated with a user

Specified by:
removeGlobalPermissionForUser in interface SpacePermissionManager
user - the user to look up
permissionType - the permission type to remove


public void removeAllPermissionsForGroup(java.lang.String group)
Specified by:
removeAllPermissionsForGroup in interface SpacePermissionManager


public java.util.List getAllPermissionsForGroup(java.lang.String group)
Specified by:
getAllPermissionsForGroup in interface SpacePermissionManager


public java.util.List getGlobalPermissions()
Specified by:
getGlobalPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public java.util.List getGlobalPermissions(java.lang.String permissionType)
Specified by:
getGlobalPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public void flushCaches()
Specified by:
flushCaches in interface SpacePermissionManager


public boolean groupHasPermission(java.lang.String permissionType,
                                  Space space,
                                  java.lang.String group)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Checks whether the given group has the given permission

If a null space is specified, this method looks up matching global permissions, otherwise space's permissions list is queried to see if the permission matches.

Similarly, if permissionType is not a space permission, a matching global permission is looked up.

Specified by:
groupHasPermission in interface SpacePermissionManager
permissionType - The permission type to look up
space - The space the permission applies to (can be null for global permissions)
group - The group to look up the permission for
true if the group has the required permission, false otherwise


public void createInitialSpacePermissions(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Creates all the initial permissions (in this list SpacePermission.GENERIC_SPACE_PERMISSIONS) in the specified space.

Specified by:
createInitialSpacePermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public void createDefaultSpacePermissions(Space space)
Specified by:
createDefaultSpacePermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public void createPrivateSpacePermissions(Space space)
Specified by:
createPrivateSpacePermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager


public boolean hasPermissionForSpace(com.atlassian.user.User user,
                                     java.util.List permissionTypes,
                                     Space space)
Specified by:
hasPermissionForSpace in interface SpacePermissionManager


public java.util.Collection getGroupsWithPermissions(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Returns all groups wich have permissions in a space or on a global level. If space is null, permissions on the global level will be checked.

Specified by:
getGroupsWithPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager
space - - space to query, if null global permissions returned
Collection of groups with permissions


public java.util.Map getGroupsForPermissionType(java.lang.String permissionType,
                                                Space space)
Specified by:
getGroupsForPermissionType in interface SpacePermissionManager


public java.util.Collection getUsersWithPermissions(Space space)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Returns a collection of user objects with VIEWSPACE_PERMISSION in the space. If no space is provided A list of users with USE_CONFLUENCE_PERMISSION will be returned

Specified by:
getUsersWithPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager
space - - space to query, if null global permissions returned
Collection of User objects


public java.util.Map getUsersForPermissionType(java.lang.String permissionType,
                                               Space space)
Specified by:
getUsersForPermissionType in interface SpacePermissionManager


public boolean permissionExists(SpacePermission permission)
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Check whether the given SpacePermission exists. Checks by attribute equality rather than by id.

Specified by:
permissionExists in interface SpacePermissionManager
permission - the permission to look for.
true if the permission is recognised by the manager as existing.


public java.util.Set<SpacePermission> getDefaultGlobalPermissions()
Description copied from interface: SpacePermissionManager
Returns the default global permissions that are created when Confluence is set up. These will exist in a newly set up system but may be removed afterwards. Note that the returned objects are freshly created and therefore do not have IDs or other persistence data. By default, confluence-administrators group has admin access, the default confluence users group can view the system and anonymous access is disabled.

Specified by:
getDefaultGlobalPermissions in interface SpacePermissionManager
a collection of SpacePermissions.


public void setPermissionCheckDispatcherResultCache(PermissionCheckDispatcherResultCache permissionCheckDispatcherResultCache)


public void setSpacePermissionManager(SpacePermissionManager spacePermissionManager)

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