Interface PredefinedSearchBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PredefinedSearchBuilder

Class for building searches that are commonly used.

Method Summary
 ISearch buildRecentUpdateSearch(RecentUpdateQueryParameters recentUpdateQueryParameters, int startIndex, int numberOfResults)
          Create a recent update search.
 ISearch buildSiteSearch(SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams, int startIndex, int pageSize)
          Create and return the Search used to perform a site wide search in Confluence.
 ISearch buildUsersSearch(java.lang.String query, int maxResults)
          Create and return the Search used to find users know to the system based on parts of their name or user name.
 Search siteSearch(SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams, int startIndex, int pageSize)
          Deprecated. since 3.0. Use buildSiteSearch(SearchQueryParameters, int, int) instead.

Method Detail


ISearch buildSiteSearch(SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams,
                        int startIndex,
                        int pageSize)
Create and return the Search used to perform a site wide search in Confluence.

searchQueryParams - the query to execute
startIndex - to support paging, specify the index of the first result to be included in the result. The startIndex should be greater than 0,
pageSize - the maximum number of results to return. This must be greater than 0.
the site wide content search for Confluence.


ISearch buildUsersSearch(java.lang.String query,
                         int maxResults)
Create and return the Search used to find users know to the system based on parts of their name or user name. You should not use wild card within the supplied query, simply supply as much as you know of the user(s) required e.g. parts of names such as "Andr" or "Peter An" or parts of usernames.

query - the query term
maxResults - the maximum number of results to return
the user search for Confluence.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there is a problem with the supplied parameters such as maxResults less than one.


ISearch buildRecentUpdateSearch(RecentUpdateQueryParameters recentUpdateQueryParameters,
                                int startIndex,
                                int numberOfResults)
Create a recent update search.

recentUpdateQueryParameters - the params
startIndex - to support paging, specify the index of the first result to be included in the result. The startIndex should be greater than 0,
numberOfResults - the maximum number of results to return


Search siteSearch(SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams,
                             int startIndex,
                             int pageSize)
Deprecated. since 3.0. Use buildSiteSearch(SearchQueryParameters, int, int) instead.

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