Class Summary |
Category |
Represents a category in which results coming back from a content name search can be put in. |
ContentNameSearchContext |
A context of the environment that is passed to ContentNameSearchSectionsProvider.getSections(java.util.List, ContentNameSearchContext) . |
ContentNameSearcherInitialisation |
ContentNameSearchSection |
Defines a section in the results of the quick nav dropdown. |
ContentNameSearchSectionsProviderModuleDescriptor |
DefaultContentNameSearchSectionsProvider |
The default section provider for quick nav that searches through pages, blogs, attachments, peoples and spaces. |
DefaultContentNameSearchService |
FloatArrayDocumentResultScores |
A DocumentScores implementation which will keep each score in a float array where the position in the
array matches the docId for each document. |
QueryToken |
A token emitted from tokenization performed by QueryTokenizer . |
ResultTemplate |
Class that allows clients to specify what categories of results to get back from any content name search. |
SearchResult |
Represents a search result from a content name search. |
SemaphoreHolder |
Holds the semaphore used to enforce a limit on the number of simultaneous quick nav searches. |
SemaphoreRefreshListener |
Listener that listens for changes to the global configuration. |