Class HibernatePageDao

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
              extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
                  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao
                      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernatePageDao
All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectDao, ContentEntityObjectDao, VersionedObjectDao, PageDao, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean

public class HibernatePageDao
extends ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao
implements PageDao

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
cacheFactory, confluenceUserDao
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.List<AbstractPage> findBlogsWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(java.lang.String blogTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
          Searches for blogs in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
 java.util.List findPagesWithHistoricalTitle(java.lang.String pageTitle)
 java.util.List<AbstractPage> findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(java.lang.String pageTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
          Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
 java.util.List<AbstractPage> findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(java.lang.String pageTitle, Space space, int maxResultCount)
          Searches for pages in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.
 int getAuthoredPagesCountByUser(java.lang.String username)
 int getCommentCountOnPage(long id)
          Count the number of comments on the passed in page.
 java.util.List<java.lang.Long> getDescendentIds(Page page)
 java.util.List<Page> getDescendents(Page page)
 java.lang.Integer getMaxSiblingPosition(Page page)
          Gets the highest position value of all the page's siblings.
 java.util.Date getOldestPageCreationDate()
          Gets the creation date of the oldest page.
 java.util.List<Page> getOrphanedPages(java.lang.String spaceKey)
 Page getPage(Space space, java.lang.String pageTitle)
          Get the page by space and title.
 Page getPage(Space space, java.lang.String pageTitle, boolean eagerLoadComments)
 Page getPageById(long id)
          Get the page with the given id.
 Page getPageByIdWithComments(long id)
          Get the page with the given id, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> getPageIds(Space space)
          Get the ids of all pages (current and historical) in the given space.
 java.util.List<Page> getPageInTrash(java.lang.String spaceKey, java.lang.String title)
 java.util.List<Page> getPages(Space space, boolean currentOnly)
 java.util.Collection<Page> getPagesByIds(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> ids)
          Get the pages with the given ids.
 java.util.List<Page> getPagesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(java.util.Date previousLoginDate)
 java.util.List<Page> getPagesStartingWith(Space space, java.lang.String s)
 Page getPageWithComments(Space space, java.lang.String pageTitle)
          Get the page by space and title, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children.
 java.util.List<Page> getPermissionPages(Space space)
 java.lang.Class getPersistentClass()
 java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyAddedPages(int maxCount, java.lang.String spaceKey)
 java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyAuthoredPagesByUser(java.lang.String username, int maxCount)
 java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyUpdatedPages(int maxCount, java.lang.String spaceKey)
 java.util.List<Page> getTopLevelPages(Space space)
 java.util.List<Page> getUndefinedPages(java.lang.String spaceKey)
 void setGroupManager(com.atlassian.user.GroupManager groupManager)
 void setHibernateConfig(com.atlassian.config.db.HibernateConfig hibernateConfig)
 void setLinkDao(LinkDao linkDao)
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao
countContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findHistoricalVersionsAfterVersion, findPreviousVersions, getAllCurrentEntities, getById, getContentAuthoredByUser, getFirstVersionAfter, getFirstVersionBefore, getLastEditedVersionsOf, getLockedContentBySpace, getObjectType, getRecentlyAddedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntitiesForUser, getRecentlyModifiedForChangeDigest, getTrashedContent, getVersion, getVersionHistorySummary
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.hibernate.VersionedHibernateObjectDao
findAllSorted, findLatestVersionsCount, findLatestVersionsIterator, save, setCacheFactory, setConfluenceUserDao, updateModificationData
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
findAll, findAllSorted, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findSingleObject, getByClassId, getCountResult, index, refresh, reIndex, remove, replicate, save, saveRaw, setIndexer, unIndex, uniqueResult
Methods inherited from class
checkDaoConfig, convertHibernateAccessException, createHibernateTemplate, getHibernateTemplate, getSession, getSession, getSessionFactory, releaseSession, setHibernateTemplate, setSessionFactory
Methods inherited from class
afterPropertiesSet, initDao
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.ContentEntityObjectDao
countContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findContentBySpaceIdAndStatus, findHistoricalVersionsAfterVersion, findPreviousVersions, getAllCurrentEntities, getById, getContentAuthoredByUser, getFirstVersionAfter, getFirstVersionBefore, getLastEditedVersionsOf, getLockedContentBySpace, getObjectType, getRecentlyAddedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntitiesForUser, getRecentlyModifiedForChangeDigest, getTrashedContent, getVersion, getVersionHistorySummary
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.core.persistence.VersionedObjectDao
findLatestVersionsCount, findLatestVersionsIterator, save
Methods inherited from interface bucket.core.persistence.ObjectDao
findAll, findAllSorted, findAllSorted, refresh, remove, replicate, save, saveRaw

Constructor Detail


public HibernatePageDao()
Method Detail


public void setHibernateConfig(com.atlassian.config.db.HibernateConfig hibernateConfig)


public void setLinkDao(LinkDao linkDao)


public Page getPageById(long id)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the page with the given id.

Specified by:
getPageById in interface PageDao
id - of the page to load
the page with the given id, or null if no such page exists


public java.util.Collection<Page> getPagesByIds(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> ids)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the pages with the given ids.

Specified by:
getPagesByIds in interface PageDao


public int getCommentCountOnPage(long id)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Count the number of comments on the passed in page.

Specified by:
getCommentCountOnPage in interface PageDao


public Page getPageByIdWithComments(long id)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the page with the given id, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children. This can be used as a performance optimisation when it is known that all comments will be displayed.

Specified by:
getPageByIdWithComments in interface PageDao
id - of the page to load
the page with the given id, or null if no such page exists


public Page getPage(Space space,
                    java.lang.String pageTitle,
                    boolean eagerLoadComments)


public Page getPageWithComments(Space space,
                                java.lang.String pageTitle)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the page by space and title, and perform an eager load of the comments and their children. This can be used as a performance optimisation when it is known that all comments will be displayed.

Specified by:
getPageWithComments in interface PageDao
space - The space the page belongs to
pageTitle - The title of the page
the page with the given title in the given space, or null if no such page exists


public Page getPage(Space space,
                    java.lang.String pageTitle)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the page by space and title.

Specified by:
getPage in interface PageDao
space - The space the page belongs to
pageTitle - The title of the page
the page with the given title in the given space, or null if no such page exists


public java.util.List<Page> getPages(Space space,
                                     boolean currentOnly)
Specified by:
getPages in interface PageDao


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.Long> getPageIds(Space space)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Get the ids of all pages (current and historical) in the given space.

Specified by:
getPageIds in interface PageDao
space - space to retrieve page ids from, can not be null.
a Collection of ids for pages.


public java.util.List<Page> getPagesStartingWith(Space space,
                                                 java.lang.String s)
Specified by:
getPagesStartingWith in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyAddedPages(int maxCount,
                                                  java.lang.String spaceKey)
Specified by:
getRecentlyAddedPages in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyUpdatedPages(int maxCount,
                                                    java.lang.String spaceKey)
Specified by:
getRecentlyUpdatedPages in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getOrphanedPages(java.lang.String spaceKey)
Specified by:
getOrphanedPages in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getUndefinedPages(java.lang.String spaceKey)
Specified by:
getUndefinedPages in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getPermissionPages(Space space)
Specified by:
getPermissionPages in interface PageDao


public int getAuthoredPagesCountByUser(java.lang.String username)
Specified by:
getAuthoredPagesCountByUser in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getRecentlyAuthoredPagesByUser(java.lang.String username,
                                                           int maxCount)
Specified by:
getRecentlyAuthoredPagesByUser in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getPagesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate(java.util.Date previousLoginDate)
Specified by:
getPagesCreatedOrUpdatedSinceDate in interface PageDao


public java.lang.Class getPersistentClass()
Specified by:
getPersistentClass in interface ObjectDao
getPersistentClass in class ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao


public java.util.List findPagesWithHistoricalTitle(java.lang.String pageTitle)
Specified by:
findPagesWithHistoricalTitle in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<AbstractPage> findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(java.lang.String pageTitle,
                                                                                 Space space,
                                                                                 int maxResultCount)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Searches for pages in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.

Only pages in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.

Specified by:
findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace in interface PageDao
pageTitle - title of a page in a previous version.
space - Space to search. Must not be null.
maxResultCount - maximum pages to return


public java.util.List<AbstractPage> findBlogsWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace(java.lang.String blogTitle,
                                                                                 Space space,
                                                                                 int maxResultCount)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Searches for blogs in the space specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.

Only blogs in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.

Specified by:
findBlogsWithHistoricalTitleInPermittedSpace in interface PageDao
blogTitle - title of a page in a previous version.
space - Space to search. Must not be null.
maxResultCount - maximum pages to return
a list of pages that have the given title in a previous version


public java.util.List<AbstractPage> findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept(java.lang.String pageTitle,
                                                                                           Space space,
                                                                                           int maxResultCount)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Searches for pages in all spaces except the one specified, looking for those that have the given title in a previous version, and returns the first maxResultCount results.

Only pages in spaces the remote user is able to view will be returned.

Specified by:
findPagesWithHistoricalTitleInAllPermittedSpacesExcept in interface PageDao
pageTitle - title of a page in a previous version.
space - Space to exclude from search. If null, all spaces are searched.
maxResultCount - maximum pages to return


public java.util.List<Page> getPageInTrash(java.lang.String spaceKey,
                                           java.lang.String title)
Specified by:
getPageInTrash in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getDescendents(Page page)
Specified by:
getDescendents in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<java.lang.Long> getDescendentIds(Page page)
Specified by:
getDescendentIds in interface PageDao


public java.util.List<Page> getTopLevelPages(Space space)
Specified by:
getTopLevelPages in interface PageDao


public java.lang.Integer getMaxSiblingPosition(Page page)
Description copied from interface: PageDao
Gets the highest position value of all the page's siblings. This is useful when we need to find what position to assign to a new page that should go to the bottom.

Specified by:
getMaxSiblingPosition in interface PageDao
page - The page whose siblings from which to get the max position
The highest position value of all the page's siblings


public void setGroupManager(com.atlassian.user.GroupManager groupManager)


public java.util.Date getOldestPageCreationDate()
Description copied from interface: ContentEntityObjectDao
Gets the creation date of the oldest page.

Specified by:
getOldestPageCreationDate in interface ContentEntityObjectDao
getOldestPageCreationDate in class ContentEntityObjectHibernateDao
creation date of the oldest page in Confluence

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