Class HibernateAttachmentDataDao

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
              extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.persistence.dao.hibernate.HibernateAttachmentDataDao
All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectDao, AttachmentDataDao, TransactionalAttachmentDataDao, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean

public class HibernateAttachmentDataDao
extends HibernateObjectDao
implements TransactionalAttachmentDataDao

This class defines an AttachmentDataDao that stores Attachment data in a Hibernate-managed database.

As a result, it is transactional (can be rolled back), so it implements the TransactionalAttachmentDataDao interface.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterMigrationFrom()
          Once a data migration has occurred, remove all records from the table, as they are no longer necessary, and we don't want foreign key violations to occur when removing Attachments.
 java.util.List findAll()
          Find all objects of the class provided by getPersistentClass()
 java.util.List findAllSorted(java.lang.String s)
          Find all objects currently persisted of a particular type and sort results by named property.
protected  AttachmentData getAttachmentDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment)
          Retrieves the attachment data object for a given attachment. getDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment)
          Grabs the AttachmentData object for an Attachment
 java.lang.Class getPersistentClass()
 AttachmentDataStorageType getStorageType()
          Returns the storage type.
 boolean isAttachmentPresent(Attachment attachment)
          Check that an attachment exists
 void moveAttachment(Attachment attachment, Attachment oldAttachment, ContentEntityObject newContent)
          Moves an attachment to a new file name or content object
 void moveDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment sourceAttachmentVersion, Attachment targetAttachmentVersion)
          Moves the attachment data from one AbstractVersionedEntityObject.getVersion() to the other.
 void prepareForMigrationTo()
          This implementation clears out the Attachment data table, so we have a clean base for migration.
 void removeDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment, ContentEntityObject originalContent)
          Removes all attachment data for the given attachment.
 void removeDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment attachment, ContentEntityObject originalContent)
          Removes the attachment data for the given attachment version.
 void replaceDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment, data)
          Sets the data for attachment This method will overwrite any existing data for the attachment.
 void save(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject objectToSave)
          Save an object.
 void saveDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment, data)
          Saves data to the attachment data store
 void saveDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment attachment, Attachment previousVersion, data)
          Saves data to the attachment data store, for an attachment that has been updated.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.hibernate.HibernateObjectDao
findAllSorted, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQuery, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParam, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findNamedQueryStringParams, findSingleObject, getByClassId, getCountResult, index, refresh, reIndex, remove, replicate, saveRaw, setIndexer, unIndex, uniqueResult, updateModificationData
Methods inherited from class
checkDaoConfig, convertHibernateAccessException, createHibernateTemplate, getHibernateTemplate, getSession, getSession, getSessionFactory, releaseSession, setHibernateTemplate, setSessionFactory
Methods inherited from class
afterPropertiesSet, initDao
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HibernateAttachmentDataDao()
Method Detail


public java.util.List findAll()
Description copied from class: HibernateObjectDao
Find all objects of the class provided by getPersistentClass()

Specified by:
findAll in interface ObjectDao
findAll in class HibernateObjectDao
a list of all objects of the appropriate class, or the empty list if no objects are found


public java.util.List findAllSorted(java.lang.String s)
Description copied from interface: ObjectDao
Find all objects currently persisted of a particular type and sort results by named property.

Specified by:
findAllSorted in interface ObjectDao
findAllSorted in class HibernateObjectDao
s - the name of the property to be sorted on. This should be null if no sorting is required.


public void save(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject objectToSave)
Description copied from class: HibernateObjectDao
Save an object. The object's last-modified time will be updated, and if the object is searchable it will be indexed.

Specified by:
save in interface ObjectDao
save in class HibernateObjectDao


public java.lang.Class getPersistentClass()
Specified by:
getPersistentClass in interface ObjectDao


protected AttachmentData getAttachmentDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment)
                                                 throws AttachmentDataNotFoundException
Retrieves the attachment data object for a given attachment.

attachment - the attachment to retrieve data for
attachment data for the provided attachment
AttachmentDataNotFoundException - if the attachment data is not found
org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the database contains more than one data object associated with the given attachment


public getDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment)
                                         throws AttachmentDataNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Grabs the AttachmentData object for an Attachment

Specified by:
getDataForAttachment in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the Attachment representing the data
an AttachmentData object
AttachmentDataNotFoundException - if no data was found


public void removeDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment,
                                    ContentEntityObject originalContent)
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Removes all attachment data for the given attachment. Since Confluence 4.2 the contract of this method has been clarified. It now removes all versions of the given attachment.

Specified by:
removeDataForAttachment in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the latest version of the attachment for which the data should be removed
originalContent - the content the attachment belongs to


public void removeDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment attachment,
                                           ContentEntityObject originalContent)
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Removes the attachment data for the given attachment version.

Specified by:
removeDataForAttachmentVersion in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the version of the attachment for which the data should be removed
originalContent - the content the attachment belongs to


public void moveDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment sourceAttachmentVersion,
                                         Attachment targetAttachmentVersion)
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Moves the attachment data from one AbstractVersionedEntityObject.getVersion() to the other.

This method will overwrite any existing data for the target attachment version.

Specified by:
moveDataForAttachmentVersion in interface AttachmentDataDao
sourceAttachmentVersion - the attachment
See Also:
AttachmentDataDao.moveAttachment(Attachment, Attachment, ContentEntityObject)


public void saveDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment,
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Saves data to the attachment data store

Specified by:
saveDataForAttachment in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the Attachment the data belongs to
data - the InputStream to be written


public void saveDataForAttachmentVersion(Attachment attachment,
                                         Attachment previousVersion,
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Saves data to the attachment data store, for an attachment that has been updated.

This method assumes that the attachment has already been saved.

Specified by:
saveDataForAttachmentVersion in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the new version of the attachment
previousVersion - the previous version of the attachment
data - the InputStream representing the data


public void replaceDataForAttachment(Attachment attachment,
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Sets the data for attachment This method will overwrite any existing data for the attachment.

Specified by:
replaceDataForAttachment in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - Attachment the data belongs to
data - the data to be saved


public boolean isAttachmentPresent(Attachment attachment)
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Check that an attachment exists

Specified by:
isAttachmentPresent in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the Attachment to be checked


public void moveAttachment(Attachment attachment,
                           Attachment oldAttachment,
                           ContentEntityObject newContent)
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Moves an attachment to a new file name or content object

Specified by:
moveAttachment in interface AttachmentDataDao
attachment - the Attachment to be moved
oldAttachment - the original version of the attachment
newContent - the new content the Attachment belongs to


public void prepareForMigrationTo()
This implementation clears out the Attachment data table, so we have a clean base for migration. It circumvents hibernate, so should only be called when nobody else can see the attachment data.

Specified by:
prepareForMigrationTo in interface AttachmentDataDao


public void afterMigrationFrom()
Once a data migration has occurred, remove all records from the table, as they are no longer necessary, and we don't want foreign key violations to occur when removing Attachments. It circumvents hibernate, so should only be called when nobody else can see the data.

Specified by:
afterMigrationFrom in interface AttachmentDataDao


public AttachmentDataStorageType getStorageType()
Description copied from interface: AttachmentDataDao
Returns the storage type.

The client code should be storage agnostic in general. Thus this method should only be used in rare cases in order to hide operations which are known to be not implemented for the specific type.

Specified by:
getStorageType in interface AttachmentDataDao
the storage type

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