Uses of Interface

Packages that use PageComponent

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component that implement PageComponent
 class AuiMessage
          Page component for AUI Messages.
 class ConfluenceAbstractPageComponent
 class FavouritePage
          Represents the favourite/unfavourite button for pages.
 class FavouriteSpace
          Represents the favourite/unfavourite button for spaces.
 class ToggleFavourites
          Represents the favourite/unfavourite button for pages and spaces.

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component with type parameters of type PageComponent
<M extends PageComponent>
ConfluenceAbstractPageComponent.getComponent(java.lang.Class<M> componentClass, java.lang.Object... args)
          This method is used to retrieve elements that are added via a plugin.

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.admin

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.admin that implement PageComponent
 class AbstractGadgetAdminTab
 class GadgetFeedsAdminTab
 class GadgetSpecificationsAdminTab

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.attachment

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.attachment that implement PageComponent
 class AbstractAttachmentContainer
 class AttachmentContainer
          Container for a single attachment in the DOM generated by /pages/viewattachments.vm.
 class AttachmentVersionContainer
          Container for a single attachment version.

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.content

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.content that implement PageComponent
 class AttachmentsRow
          Deprecated. since 4.3, use AttachmentContainer instead

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dashboard

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dashboard that implement PageComponent
 class DashboardEntitiesPanel
          Represents the panel on the left of the dashboard that allows the user to browse spaces, pages and their network.
 class DashboardEntitiesTab
          Represents a single tab in the dashboard's entities panel.
 class DashboardGetStartedPanel
 class DashboardNetworkTab
          Represents the network tab in the dashboard's entities panel
 class DashboardPagesTab
          Represents the pages tab in the dashboard's entities panel
 class DashboardSpacesTab
          Represents the spaces tab in the dashboard's entities panel
 class DashboardUpdatesPanel
          Represents the recently updated panel on the right of the dashboard.

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dialog

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dialog that implement PageComponent
 class AbstractDialog
 class AddSpaceDialog
          Deprecated. since 5.4 use page objects provided by the create content plugin CreateSpaceDialog
 class ConfirmPasswordDialog
 class ConfluenceAboutDialog
 class CreateDialog
          This Dialog handles the Create Dialog which is used for blueprints and templates
 class Dialog
 class EditTemplateDescriptionDialog<T extends AbstractTemplatesPage>
 class EmailToPageDialog
          Represents the Email to Page dialog.
 class ImageAttributesPanel
 class ImageBrowserDialog
 class ImagePropertiesDialog
 class KeyboardShortcutHelperDialog
 class LabelsDialog
 class LinkBrowserDialog
 class MacroBrowserDialog
 class MacroForm
          The form for a Macro inside the Macro Browser.
 class MacroItem
          A single Macro item in the Macro Browser.
 class MovePageDialog
          Page Object to handle move page dialog
 class PageOrderingRootTree
 class PageRestrictionsDialog
          Page Object to handle page restrictions
 class ProjectShortcutsDialog
 class RemoveTemplateDialog<T extends AbstractTemplatesPage>
 class SymbolDialog
 class UserStatusDialog
 class ViewDraftDiffDialog
          The dialog showing the unpublished changes from the draft.
 class WhatsNewDialog
 class WikiMarkupDialog

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dropdown

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.dropdown that implement PageComponent
 class QuickSearch
          Represents the Quick Search in the Confluence Header.
 class QuickSearchSuggestions
          Represents Quick Search Suggestions in the Confluence Header.

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.editor

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.editor that implement PageComponent
 class EditorDropdownMenu
          Represents a dropdown menu in the editor toolbar.
 class InsertMenu
 class PageLayoutMenu

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.form

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.form that implement PageComponent
 class AddSpaceForm
          Form shared between the add space dialog and page
 class Autocomplete
          An autocomplete drop-down for a form field.
 class AutocompleteField
          A form text field with an associated Autocomplete.
 class UserWatcherPicker
          Represents the user picker to add users as watchers in the Manage Watchers dialog.

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.header

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.header that implement PageComponent
 class Breadcrumbs
 class ConfluenceHeader
          The header that is visible on all pages.
 class DarkFeaturesMetaTag
          Page object to help lookup enabled dark features, from the meta tag in the current page (if any).
 class TitleText
 class WorkboxHeaderItem
          Represents the workbox item in the header

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.labels

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.labels that implement PageComponent
 class AbstractLabelSection
 class DialogLabelSection
 class PageLabelsSection

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.likes

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.likes that implement PageComponent
 class LikeSection

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.macro

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.macro that implement PageComponent
 class ExpandMacro
          Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 class UserProfileMacro
          Represents the User profile macro that is visible in the People Directory page.

Uses of PageComponent in

Subinterfaces of PageComponent in
 interface MenuItem
          Represents an item in a menu.

Classes in that implement PageComponent
 class AddMenu
          Represents the Add Menu
 class AUIDropdownMenu
          Represents any dropdown menu created via AUI.
 class BrowseMenu
          Represents the browse menu available in the header.
 class ConfluenceMenuItem
          Base class for menu items
 class ConfluenceUserMenu
          Represents the user menu available in the header.
 class CreateMenu
          This page object corresponds to the Create Drop down Menu in the header.
 class DialogMenuItem<D extends AbstractDialog>
          Represents a menu item that opens a dialog
 class HelpMenu
 class PageRedirectMenuItem<T extends Page>
          Represnets a menu item that redirects to a page.
 class SpacesMenu
          Represents the spaces menu available in the header.
 class ToolsMenu
          Represents the Tools Menu

Uses of PageComponent in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.popup

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pageobjects.component.popup that implement PageComponent
 class GroupPickerPopup
 class UserHoverPopup
 class UserPickerPopup

Uses of PageComponent in

Classes in that implement PageComponent
static class PeopleDirectoryPage.UserHover

Methods in with type parameters of type PageComponent
<M extends PageComponent>
ConfluenceAbstractPage.getComponent(java.lang.Class<M> componentClass, java.lang.Object... args)
          This method is used to retrieve elements that are added via a plugin.

Uses of PageComponent in

Classes in that implement PageComponent
 class ManageWatchersDialog
          Represents the Manage Watchers dialog for admin users when managing the watchers of a page/blog.
 class WatchDialog
          a page object for the watch menu/dialog.

Uses of PageComponent in

Classes in that implement PageComponent
 class EditSpacePermissionsRow
          Represents a single row in an edit space permissions table.
static class PagesCollectorPage.TreeBrowser

Uses of PageComponent in

Classes in that implement PageComponent
static class ViewUserProfilePage.UserStatus

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