Class DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.links.DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer
extends java.lang.Object
implements RelatedContentRefactorer

A component responsible for refactoring the relationships between pages.

Constructor Summary
DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer(PageManager pageManager, LinkManager linkManager, LinksUpdater linksUpdater)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String refactorReferencesToBeRelative(SpaceContentEntityObject content)
           Update any references to the content itself (such as attachment links or embedded images) or to content in the same space.
 void updateReferences(SpaceContentEntityObject content, Space previousSpace, java.lang.String previousTitle)
           Update all the references in the supplied content when the content has moved from 'previousSpace' and/or had it's title changed from 'previousTitle'.
 void updateReferrers(Attachment attachment, Attachment previousAttachment)
           Iterate through all the content that links to (or embeds) the supplied attachment (prior to it's update) and update the details of this relationship to reflect the current name and owner of the attachment.
 void updateReferrers(SpaceContentEntityObject referee, Space previousSpace, java.lang.String previousTitle)
           Iterate through all the content that currently links to 'referee' and renames all the links, saving the changed content as it goes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultRelatedContentRefactorer(PageManager pageManager,
                                       LinkManager linkManager,
                                       LinksUpdater linksUpdater)
Method Detail


public void updateReferrers(SpaceContentEntityObject referee,
                            Space previousSpace,
                            java.lang.String previousTitle)
Description copied from interface: RelatedContentRefactorer

Iterate through all the content that currently links to 'referee' and renames all the links, saving the changed content as it goes. You should note that the referee itself won't be updated even if it does include references to itself. Instead you should use RelatedContentRefactorer.updateReferences(SpaceContentEntityObject, Space, String).

This rename will be recorded in the content's history

Note: The change of reference assumes that the content referred to has not changed type. It has simply changed space and/or title. For example, there is currently no way of refactoring a reference to blog post to become a reference to a page.

Specified by:
updateReferrers in interface RelatedContentRefactorer
referee - the content we want to update references to, with it's new attributes already saved (e.g. new title, or new space)
previousSpace - the space that the content was in previous to the update (this may be the current space for the content)
previousTitle - the title of the content prior to it being updated (may be the same as the current title)


public void updateReferrers(Attachment attachment,
                            Attachment previousAttachment)
Description copied from interface: RelatedContentRefactorer

Iterate through all the content that links to (or embeds) the supplied attachment (prior to it's update) and update the details of this relationship to reflect the current name and owner of the attachment. All modified referring content will be saved.

Specified by:
updateReferrers in interface RelatedContentRefactorer
attachment - the attachment after it's update (reflecting it's new name and ownership)
previousAttachment - the attachment prior to it's update (with the old containing ContentEntityObject, etc).


public void updateReferences(SpaceContentEntityObject content,
                             Space previousSpace,
                             java.lang.String previousTitle)
Description copied from interface: RelatedContentRefactorer

Update all the references in the supplied content when the content has moved from 'previousSpace' and/or had it's title changed from 'previousTitle'. The updated SpaceContentEntityObject will be saved.

A typical usage of this would be to fix the relative and self references in a SpaceContentEntityObject that has been moved from one space to another or had it's titled changed.

Note: The change of reference assumes that the supplied content has not changed type. It has simply changed space and/or title. For example, there is currently no way of refactoring a reference to page to become a reference to a blog post.

Specified by:
updateReferences in interface RelatedContentRefactorer
content - the content to be updated
previousSpace - the space to update relative links to refer to (the space the content was previously in)
previousTitle - the title of the content prior to it being updated (may be the same as the current title)


public java.lang.String refactorReferencesToBeRelative(SpaceContentEntityObject content)
Description copied from interface: RelatedContentRefactorer

Update any references to the content itself (such as attachment links or embedded images) or to content in the same space. These references will be converted to be relative references.

Specified by:
refactorReferencesToBeRelative in interface RelatedContentRefactorer
content - the content to be refactored
a refactored version of the body of the supplied content.

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