Class TestingFormatSettingsManager

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TestingFormatSettingsManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements FormatSettingsManager

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDateFormat()
          Returns the formatting pattern used for dates.
 java.lang.String getDateTimeFormat()
          Returns the formatting pattern used for date and time together.
 java.lang.String getDecimalNumberFormat()
          Returns the formatting pattern used for decimal numbers.
 java.lang.String getEditorBlogPostDate()
          Returns the date time format for the editor blog post date
 java.lang.String getLongNumberFormat()
          Returns the formatting pattern used for integer numbers.
 java.lang.String getTimeFormat()
          Returns the formatting pattern used for times.
 void setDateFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Stores the formatting pattern to be used for dates.
 void setDateTimeFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Stores the formatting pattern to be used for date and time together.
 void setDecimalNumberFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Stores the formatting pattern to be used for decimal numbers.
 void setLongNumberFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Stores the formatting pattern to be used for integer numbers.
 void setTimeFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
          Stores the formatting pattern to be used for times.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TestingFormatSettingsManager()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getDateFormat()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the formatting pattern used for dates. Typically something like "d MMM, yyyy".

Specified by:
getDateFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager


public void setDateFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Stores the formatting pattern to be used for dates.

Specified by:
setDateFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager
pattern - a pattern compatible with SimpleDateFormat


public java.lang.String getTimeFormat()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the formatting pattern used for times. Typically something like "h:mm a".

Specified by:
getTimeFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager


public void setTimeFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Stores the formatting pattern to be used for times.

Specified by:
setTimeFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager
pattern - a pattern compatible with SimpleDateFormat


public java.lang.String getDateTimeFormat()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the formatting pattern used for date and time together. Typically something like "d MMM, yyyy HH:mm".

Specified by:
getDateTimeFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager


public java.lang.String getEditorBlogPostDate()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the date time format for the editor blog post date

Specified by:
getEditorBlogPostDate in interface FormatSettingsManager


public void setDateTimeFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Stores the formatting pattern to be used for date and time together.

Specified by:
setDateTimeFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager
pattern - a pattern compatible with SimpleDateFormat


public java.lang.String getLongNumberFormat()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the formatting pattern used for integer numbers. Typically something like "###############".

Specified by:
getLongNumberFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager


public void setLongNumberFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Stores the formatting pattern to be used for integer numbers.

Specified by:
setLongNumberFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager
pattern - a pattern compatible with DecimalFormat


public java.lang.String getDecimalNumberFormat()
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Returns the formatting pattern used for decimal numbers. Typically something like "###############.##########".

Specified by:
getDecimalNumberFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager


public void setDecimalNumberFormat(java.lang.String pattern)
Description copied from interface: FormatSettingsManager
Stores the formatting pattern to be used for decimal numbers.

Specified by:
setDecimalNumberFormat in interface FormatSettingsManager
pattern - a pattern compatible with DecimalFormat

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