Interface DownloadResourceManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttachmentDownloadResourceManager, DelegatorDownloadResourceManager, ExportDownloadResourceManager, IconDownloadResourceManager, ThumbnailDownloadResourceManager, WebImagesDownloadResourceManager

public interface DownloadResourceManager

An interface for managers that support reading of downloadable resources. Managers that also support writing, should implement the WritableDownloadResourceManager interface.

Method Summary
 DownloadResourceReader getResourceReader(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String resourcePath, java.util.Map parameters)
          Returns a DownloadResourceReader for a downloadable resource.
 boolean matches(java.lang.String resourcePath)
          Returns a boolean to indicate whether the current DownloadResourceManager will know how to handle the given resourcePath.

Method Detail


boolean matches(java.lang.String resourcePath)
Returns a boolean to indicate whether the current DownloadResourceManager will know how to handle the given resourcePath.

resourcePath - the relative URL of the resource including the application context path. For example, "/confluence/download/attachments/12345/temp.png".
true if the manager can handle the given resource path


DownloadResourceReader getResourceReader(java.lang.String userName,
                                         java.lang.String resourcePath,
                                         java.util.Map parameters)
                                         throws UnauthorizedDownloadResourceException,
Returns a DownloadResourceReader for a downloadable resource. Typically used by HTML/PDF export and resource content downloads. Use this method only if matches(String) returns true.

userName - the user who is retrieving the downloadable resource.
resourcePath - the relative URL of the resource including the application context path. For example, "/confluence/download/attachments/12345/temp.png".
parameters - a map of url paramaters for the resource
a DownloadResourceReader to read the resource content from
UnauthorizedDownloadResourceException - if the user requesting the downloadable resource does not have the permissions to get it
DownloadResourceNotFoundException - if the downloadable resource associated with the resourcePath cannot be found

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