Interface PostImportTask

All Known Implementing Classes:
CacheFlushingPostImportTask, RebuildAncestorsPostImportTask

public interface PostImportTask

A task which will be executed after an import is complete to ensure the data integrity of the system. The ImportFinishedEvent is published after all these tasks have finished executing.

Most implementations should log an error and return normally in the event of failure. Throwing an exception from the execute(ImportContext) method will abort the import and leave the system in an inconsistent state.


Method Summary
 void execute(ImportContext context)
          Perform any necessary clean-up to ensure the imported data is internally consistent.

Method Detail


void execute(ImportContext context)
             throws ImportExportException
Perform any necessary clean-up to ensure the imported data is internally consistent.

context - the context of the import which has just finished
ImportExportException - if there was a problem with this task that should mean aborting the import entirely. Most implementations should not throw any exceptions, but rather log an error and allow the import to continue.

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