Interface ServiceCommand

All Known Subinterfaces:
AddLabelsCommand, CreateBlogPostCommand, CreateCommentCommand, CreatePageCommand, DeleteCommentCommand, DeleteProfilePictureCommand, EditCommentCommand, MovePageCommand, RemoveLabelCommand, RenderContentCommand, SetProfilePictureCommand, TrashPageCommand, ValidateLabelsCommand
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLabelsCommand, AbstractServiceCommand, AddLabelsCommandImpl, CreateAbstractPageCommandImpl, CreateBlogPostCommandImpl, CreateCommentCommandImpl, CreateCommentFromEditorCommand, CreatePageCommandImpl, CreatePageFromExistingCommandImpl, DeleteBlogPostCommand, DeleteCommentCommandImpl, DeletePageCommand, DeleteProfilePictureCommandImpl, DeleteSpaceCommand, EditCommentCommandImpl, EditCommentFromEditorCommand, MovePageCommandImpl, MovePageToTopOfSpaceCommand, RemoveLabelCommandImpl, RemovePageVersionCommand, RenderContentCommandImpl, RevertBlogPostCommand, RevertPageCommand, RevertPageOrderCommand, RunAsUserCommand, SetPageOrderCommand, SetProfilePictureFromFilenameCommand, SetProfilePictureFromImageCommandImpl, TrashPageCommandImpl, ValidateLabelsCommandImpl

public interface ServiceCommand

A command forming part of Confluence's service layer. Command instances are retrieved from service interfaces (you should never instantiate a command object directly). For more information about the service layer, see the documentation below. If you are creating a new service command, it is best to extend AbstractServiceCommand, as it enforces much of the contract that a command must obey.

The ServiceCommand interface is designed such that commands can be executed in two modes: either by calling the authorize/validate/execute methods separately, or by calling execute directly and dealing with authorization or validation failures as exceptions.

A well-behaved service command implementation must:

Service commands are not thread-safe.

See Also:
AbstractServiceCommand, Confluence Service Layer Documentation

Method Summary
 void execute()
          Execute the command.
 java.util.Collection<ValidationError> getValidationErrors()
          Gets the list of errors that are preventing the command from being executed.
 boolean isAuthorized()
          Determine if the current user is authorized to execute this command.
 boolean isValid()
          Determine if the command is in a valid state to be executed.

Method Detail


boolean isValid()
Determine if the command is in a valid state to be executed. If this method returns true, then execute() is be expected to perform successfully (unless prevented by some system error). If this method returns false, execute will fail with a NotValidException.

This method should be called after checking isAuthorized(). If the current user is not authorized to execute this command, this method must throw a NotAuthorizedException.

If this method returns false, then getValidationErrors() must return a non-empty list of errors explaining why the command was not valid. If this method returns true, the collection returned by getValidationErrors() must be empty.

true if the command is in a valid state to be executed, false otherwise
NotAuthorizedException - if calling isValid() on the command would return false.


java.util.Collection<ValidationError> getValidationErrors()
Gets the list of errors that are preventing the command from being executed. Calling this method before calling isValid() will always return an empty collection.

a collection of ValidationError objects describing why command validation failed


boolean isAuthorized()
Determine if the current user is authorized to execute this command. The "current user" for a command is the user returned by AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get().

true if the current user is authorized to execute this command, false otherwise.


void execute()
Execute the command. After execution, the command should offer any indication of the results or products of the command as implementation-specific getter methods.

NotAuthorizedException - if calling isAuthorized() on this command would return false
NotValidException - if calling isValid() on this command would return false
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the command has already been executed

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