Interface Summary | |
BatchableWorkSource<T> | Source of migration work that can be broken up into batches. |
BatchTask<T> | A BatchTask implementation is supplied to a WorkSourceBatchRunner to actually
perform the required work on individual items read from the BatchableWorkSource . |
ContentDao | DAO to allow us to load content objects by id for migration. |
EmbeddedResourceResolver | Interface to represent the concern of resolving of a v2 embedded resource into a persistent Attachment object. |
ExceptionThrowingMigrator | Migrates / converts text from one format to another. |
ExceptionTolerantMigrator | Migrates / converts text from one text format to another. |
LinkResolver | Resolves wiki text to an xhtml link. |
MacroReplacementRenderer | Generates a rendering that is to replace or override the default rendering of a macro to XHTML storage format. |
MacroReplacementRendererRepository | Representing a component that maintains a list of MacroReplacementRenderer to be used during migration of macros. |
MigrationAware | To be implemented by those FragmentTransformer s,
Unmarshaller s and Marshaller s
which are aware of when they've made a transformation that constitutes a "migration" from one format to another. |
OrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource.EntitySource<T extends EntityObject> | |
SiteMigrator | A component responsible for performing the conversion of content within Confluence to the latest format. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractExceptionTolerantMigrator | A partial implementation of ExceptionTolerantMigrator which provides a default implementation of the
deprecated AbstractExceptionTolerantMigrator.migrate(String, com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext, java.util.List) method, which delegates
to the ExceptionTolerantMigrator.migrate(String, com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.ConversionContext) method. |
AbstractOrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource<T extends EntityObject> | Deprecated. Since 5.3 Use OrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource . |
ColorMacroReplacementRenderer | Converts the old style wiki color macro into an XHTML <span> elements (as used by TinyMCE). |
ColumnMacroReplacementRenderer | |
DefaultContentDao | |
DefaultEmbeddedResourceResolver | |
DefaultMacroReplacementRendererRepository | A MacroReplacementRendererRepository that looks up MacroReplacementRenderers based on the class of the macro to be replaced. |
DefaultSiteMigrator | |
DelegatingMigrationAwareFragmentTransformer | A simple delegating implementation of MigrationAware and FragmentTransformer . |
ErrorReportingV2Renderer | Extend the V2Render with a new method where a writeable List can be supplied to collect any exceptions thrown during renderering. |
ExceptionTolerantMigrator.MigrationResult | Represents the results of an attempted migration. |
HeadingBlockRenderer | |
LatestVersionXhtmlContentWorkSource |
A work source that provides batches of ContentEntityObject s that have XHTML formatted bodies. |
LazyLoadingMigrationRenderer | Required to allow us to break a circular dependency of the subRenderer back to the renderer. |
MigrationAware.MigrationPerformedPredicate | Wraps the MigrationAware interface in a Predicate . |
MigrationPageTemplateDao | Overrides the default behaviour to prevent the last modified user being changed when migrating. |
NolinkMacroReplacementRenderer | Converts the old style nolink or nl macro into an XHTML <span> elements |
OrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource<T extends EntityObject> | A BatchableWorkSource implementation which retrieves batches of EntityObject s by
ordering the entities by their IDs. |
PageTemplateSiteMigrator | A SiteMigrator that manages the migration of Page Templates. |
QuoteMacroReplacementRenderer | |
SectionMacroReplacementRenderer | |
SiteMigratorFactory | Creates various flavours of SiteMigrator . |
UrlLinkMarshaller | A Marshaller specifically used in handling links for UrlResourceIdentifier . |
UrlResourceIdentifier | URL based identifier. |
WikiMarkupContentEntityObjectMigrationWorkSource | Source that provides batches of ContentEntityObject s that require migration. |
WikiToEditorHtmlMigrator | Convert a wiki formatted String into Confluence Editor format HTML. |
WikiToXhtmlMigrator | Convert wiki formatted text to the XHTML format used for storage from Confluence 4.0. |
WorkSourceBatchRunner<T> | This class is typically the basis for upgrade or migration tasks that need to manipulate a large amount of content. |
XhtmlCamelCaseLinkMigrationRendererComponent | Handles conversion of camelCase links to XHTML links during migration. |
XhtmlContentWorkSource |
A work source that provides batches of ContentEntityObject s that have XHTML formatted bodies. |
XhtmlEmbeddedRendererComponent | Migrate images and convert any other embedded types to the multimedia macro. |
XhtmlEmbeddedResourceRenderer | |
XhtmlEmoticonRendererComponent | A migration renderer component that will convert emoticon's in wiki format to the new Xhtml storage format. |
XhtmlLinkRendererComponent | |
XhtmlMacroRendererComponent | |
XhtmlMigrationLinkResolver | Converts wiki link text to xhtml link objects for migration. |
XhtmlRoundTripMigrator | Migrate content to the current storage format using a simple storage to storage fragment transformer. |
XhtmlSpaceDescriptionsWorkSource |
A work source that provides batches of SpaceDescription s with BodyContent of type BodyType.XHTML |
XhtmlTemplateVariableRendererComponent | Renders wiki markup template variables as XHTML template variables. |
Exception Summary | |
BatchException | A composite exception that wraps a list of exceptions, useful for propagating list of exceptions that might have occurred during a batch task. |
OrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource.EntityRetrievalException |