Class DefaultCustomContentManager

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.DefaultContentEntityManager
      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.content.DefaultCustomContentManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
CustomContentManager, ContentEntityManager

public class DefaultCustomContentManager
extends DefaultContentEntityManager
implements CustomContentManager

Generic manager for pluggable content.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.content.CustomContentManager
CustomContentManager.SortField, CustomContentManager.SortOrder
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.DefaultContentEntityManager
attachmentManager, contentEntityObjectDao, eventManager, hibernateSessionManager, indexer, labelManager, linkManager
Fields inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 long countChildrenOfType(CustomContentEntityObject content, java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
          Get the total number of children of a piece of content with the given type
 java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findAllChildren(CustomContentEntityObject content)
          Get an iterator of all children of a piece of content.
 java.util.Collection<CustomContentEntityObject> findAllInSpace(Space space)
<T> java.util.Iterator<T>
findByQuery(ContentQuery<T> query, int offset, int maxResults)
          Get the results of a query for PluginContentEntityObjects
 java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findChildrenOfType(CustomContentEntityObject content, java.lang.String pluginContentKey, int offset, int maxResults, CustomContentManager.SortField sortField, CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
          Get an iterator of children of a piece of content with a given type.
 java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findCurrentInSpace(Space space, java.lang.String pluginContentKey, int offset, int maxResults, CustomContentManager.SortField sortField, CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
          Get an iterator of all the current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.
<T> T
findFirstObjectByQuery(ContentQuery<T> query)
          Find the first result of a query for PluginContentEntityObjects.
 int findTotalInSpace(Space space, java.lang.String pluginContentKey)
          Get the total count of current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.
 CustomContentEntityObject getById(long id)
          Find a single CustomContentEntityObject by its id
 CustomContentEntityObject newPluginContentEntityObject(java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
          Create a new CustomContentEntityObject for the given module.
protected  void publishCreateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj)
          This method publishes *CreateEventss.
protected  void publishCreateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj, SaveContext saveContext)
protected  void publishRemoveEvent(ContentEntityObject obj)
          This method publishes *RemoveEvents.
protected  void publishUpdateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj, ContentEntityObject origObj, SaveContext saveContext)
          This method publishes *UpdateEvents.
 void removeAllInSpace(java.lang.String pluginContentKey, Space space)
          Remove all plugin content of a particular type from a given space.
 void removeAllPluginContent(java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
          Remove all plugin content of a particular type
 void removeAllPluginContentInSpace(Space space)
          Remove all plugin content (of all types) from a given space.
 void removeContentEntity(ContentEntityObject obj)
          Removes given content entity object and all associated domain objects i.e.
 void setContentTypeManager(ContentTypeManager contentTypeManager)
 void setCustomContentDao(CustomContentDao customContentDao)
 CustomContentEntityObject updatePluginModuleKey(CustomContentEntityObject content, java.lang.String pluginModuleKey)
          Update the type of an existing CustomContentEntityObject with the specified module key.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.DefaultContentEntityManager
getBodyContentForRevert, getEventManager, getNextVersion, getOtherVersion, getPageDao, getPreviousVersion, getRecentlyAddedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntitiesForUser, getRecentlyModifiedForChangeDigest, getVersionHistorySummaries, refreshContentEntity, removeHistoricalVersion, revertContentEntityBackToVersion, saveContentEntity, saveContentEntity, saveNewVersion, saveNewVersion, setAttachmentManager, setContentEntityObjectDao, setEventManager, setHibernateSessionManager, setIndexer, setLabelManager, setLinkManager, suppressNotificationsOnEventIfRequired, updateContentLinkingTo, updateContentLinkingTo, updateOutgoingLinksInContent, updateOutgoingLinksInContent, updateSingleContentLinkinTo, updateSingleContentLinkinTo, updateSingleContentLinkinTo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityManager
getNextVersion, getOtherVersion, getPreviousVersion, getRecentlyAddedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntities, getRecentlyModifiedEntitiesForUser, getRecentlyModifiedForChangeDigest, getVersionHistorySummaries, refreshContentEntity, removeHistoricalVersion, revertContentEntityBackToVersion, saveContentEntity, saveContentEntity, saveNewVersion, saveNewVersion, setEventManager, updateContentLinkingTo, updateOutgoingLinksInContent, updateSingleContentLinkinTo, updateSingleContentLinkinTo

Constructor Detail


public DefaultCustomContentManager()
Method Detail


public CustomContentEntityObject newPluginContentEntityObject(java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Create a new CustomContentEntityObject for the given module. This method will ensure that the plugin delegate and various necessary arguments are set.

Specified by:
newPluginContentEntityObject in interface CustomContentManager
contentModuleKey - the module complete key of the content's ContentAdapter module
a blank entity object for that plugin


public CustomContentEntityObject updatePluginModuleKey(CustomContentEntityObject content,
                                                       java.lang.String pluginModuleKey)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Update the type of an existing CustomContentEntityObject with the specified module key.

Specified by:
updatePluginModuleKey in interface CustomContentManager
pluginModuleKey - the module complete key of the content's ContentAdapter module
a blank entity object for that plugin


public CustomContentEntityObject getById(long id)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Find a single CustomContentEntityObject by its id

Specified by:
getById in interface CustomContentManager
Specified by:
getById in interface ContentEntityManager
getById in class DefaultContentEntityManager
id - the ID of the entity to retrieve
ContentEntityObject with the given id. WARNING: Due to CONF-17972 the object may not be the correct type.


public <T> java.util.Iterator<T> findByQuery(ContentQuery<T> query,
                                             int offset,
                                             int maxResults)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get the results of a query for PluginContentEntityObjects

Specified by:
findByQuery in interface CustomContentManager
query - the query to perform
offset - the first result to return
maxResults - the maximum number of results to return
an iterator of the results of the query


public <T> T findFirstObjectByQuery(ContentQuery<T> query)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Find the first result of a query for PluginContentEntityObjects. This is a convenience method for queries where we expect to only retrieve a single result.

Specified by:
findFirstObjectByQuery in interface CustomContentManager
query - the query to perform
the first result of the query, or null if no results are returned


public int findTotalInSpace(Space space,
                            java.lang.String pluginContentKey)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get the total count of current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.

Specified by:
findTotalInSpace in interface CustomContentManager
space - the space to count content in
pluginContentKey - the plugin module complete key of the content to be searched for
the total number of non-deleted, non-historical versions of content of the given type in that space


public java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findCurrentInSpace(Space space,
                                                                        java.lang.String pluginContentKey,
                                                                        int offset,
                                                                        int maxResults,
                                                                        CustomContentManager.SortField sortField,
                                                                        CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get an iterator of all the current, non-deleted content of the given type in the given space.

Specified by:
findCurrentInSpace in interface CustomContentManager
space - the space to retrieve content from
pluginContentKey - the plugin module complete key of the content to be searched for
sortField - what field to sort the content on
sortOrder - which direction to sort the content in
an iterator of the non-deleted, non-historical versions of content of the given type in that space


public long countChildrenOfType(CustomContentEntityObject content,
                                java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get the total number of children of a piece of content with the given type

Specified by:
countChildrenOfType in interface CustomContentManager
content - the content to look for children of
contentModuleKey - the module key for the type of child to look for
the number of available children of that type


public java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findChildrenOfType(CustomContentEntityObject content,
                                                                        java.lang.String pluginContentKey,
                                                                        int offset,
                                                                        int maxResults,
                                                                        CustomContentManager.SortField sortField,
                                                                        CustomContentManager.SortOrder sortOrder)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get an iterator of children of a piece of content with a given type.

Specified by:
findChildrenOfType in interface CustomContentManager
content - the content to look for children of
pluginContentKey - the module key of the type of child to look for
offset - the offset of the first result
maxResults - the maximum total results to return
sortField - what field to sort the content on
sortOrder - which direction to sort the content in


public java.util.Iterator<CustomContentEntityObject> findAllChildren(CustomContentEntityObject content)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Get an iterator of all children of a piece of content.

Specified by:
findAllChildren in interface CustomContentManager
content - the content to look for children of


public void removeAllInSpace(java.lang.String pluginContentKey,
                             Space space)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Remove all plugin content of a particular type from a given space.

Specified by:
removeAllInSpace in interface CustomContentManager
pluginContentKey - the plugin module complete key of the content to be searched for
space - the space from which to delete all content of that type


protected void publishCreateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj)
Description copied from class: DefaultContentEntityManager
This method publishes *CreateEventss. Specific content entity object manager that need to publish those events should override this method.

publishCreateEvent in class DefaultContentEntityManager
obj - the created content entity object


protected void publishCreateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj,
                                  SaveContext saveContext)
publishCreateEvent in class DefaultContentEntityManager


protected void publishUpdateEvent(ContentEntityObject obj,
                                  ContentEntityObject origObj,
                                  SaveContext saveContext)
Description copied from class: DefaultContentEntityManager
This method publishes *UpdateEvents. Specific content entity object manager that need to publish those events should override this method.

publishUpdateEvent in class DefaultContentEntityManager
obj - the updated content entity object
origObj - the old version of the content entity object, for history purpose
saveContext - the associated SaveContext


protected void publishRemoveEvent(ContentEntityObject obj)
Description copied from class: DefaultContentEntityManager
This method publishes *RemoveEvents. Specific content entity object manager that need to publish those events should override this method.

publishRemoveEvent in class DefaultContentEntityManager
obj - the removed content entity object


public void removeAllPluginContentInSpace(Space space)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Remove all plugin content (of all types) from a given space. This usually happens when a space is removed. Plugins wishing to perform extra work on space removal should listen for the PluginContentWillBeRemovedForSpaceEvent event.

Specified by:
removeAllPluginContentInSpace in interface CustomContentManager


public void removeAllPluginContent(java.lang.String contentModuleKey)
Description copied from interface: CustomContentManager
Remove all plugin content of a particular type

Specified by:
removeAllPluginContent in interface CustomContentManager
contentModuleKey - the plugin module complete key of the content to be searched for


public void removeContentEntity(ContentEntityObject obj)
Description copied from interface: ContentEntityManager
Removes given content entity object and all associated domain objects i.e. if we remove a page it removes all its labels and attachments

Specified by:
removeContentEntity in interface ContentEntityManager
removeContentEntity in class DefaultContentEntityManager


public java.util.Collection<CustomContentEntityObject> findAllInSpace(Space space)

This method is required for space exports to work properly. Which is a good sign that space exports are evil and need to be rewritten. If you call it from anywhere else, I will kill a puppy.

Specified by:
findAllInSpace in interface CustomContentManager
space - a space
all plugin content within that space


public void setCustomContentDao(CustomContentDao customContentDao)


public void setContentTypeManager(ContentTypeManager contentTypeManager)

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