Interface MigrationAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultFragmentTransformer, DelegatingMigrationAwareFragmentTransformer, DelegatingStorageMacroMarshaller, StorageUserResourceIdentifierMarshaller

public interface MigrationAware

To be implemented by those FragmentTransformers, Unmarshallers and Marshallers which are aware of when they've made a transformation that constitutes a "migration" from one format to another.


Nested Class Summary
static class MigrationAware.MigrationPerformedPredicate
          Wraps the MigrationAware interface in a Predicate.
Method Summary
 boolean wasMigrationPerformed(ConversionContext conversionContext)
          Given a ConversionContext that was previously used to perform a migration, determine if that context contains information that indicates whether a "migration" was performed.

Method Detail


boolean wasMigrationPerformed(ConversionContext conversionContext)
Given a ConversionContext that was previously used to perform a migration, determine if that context contains information that indicates whether a "migration" was performed. What constitutes a migration is implementation-dependent.

conversionContext - the context used for the migration
true if migration was performed against the supplied context, false otherwise.

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