Class PaginationSupport<T>

  extended by bucket.core.actions.PaginationSupport<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ManualTotalPaginationSupport, UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport

public class PaginationSupport<T>
extends Object
implements PaginationSupport<T>

Where there are a _very_ large number of items to paginate (in othe order of 10,000's), loading them all up in memory from the db and then handing them out to the user in a .subList fashion is not very efficient In this scenario we only want to use this bean to compute our next and previous indexes. Hence please use this bean in one of two ways (a) set _items_ on this bean and have the bean slice and dice up the uber collection for you and serve it to you with getPage() OR (b) set the total on this bean _only_ and leave the items _alone_. this is recommended for really large collections where its not ideal to load them all up.

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
PaginationSupport(int pageSize)
PaginationSupport(List<T> items, int pageSize)
Method Summary
 int getCountOnEachPage()
          Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getPageSize()
 int getEndIndex()
          Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getNiceEndIndex()
 List<T> getItems()
 int getNextIndex()
          Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getNextStartIndex()
 int getNextStartIndex()
          Returns the next start index.
 int[] getNextStartIndexes()
          Returns an array of start indexes for pages that appear after the current page If there are no further pages, null is returned
 int getNiceEndIndex()
          Returns an end index for use in the UI.
 int getNiceStartIndex()
          Returns a start index for use in the UI.
 List<T> getPage()
          Returns a subset of the list of items passed in, based on startIndex and the page size
 int getPageSize()
          Returns the number of items available on the current page.
 int getPreviousIndex()
          Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getPreviousStartIndex()
 int getPreviousStartIndex()
          Returns the previous start index.
 int[] getPreviousStartIndexes()
          Returns an array of start indexes for pages that appear before the current page If there are no preceding pages, null is returned
 int getStartIndex()
          Returns the start index.
 int getStartIndexValue()
          Always return the start index value, regardless of whether the pagination has any total.
 int getTotal()
          Returns the total number of items in the list
 void setItems(List<T> items)
 void setPageSize(int pageSize)
 void setStartIndex(int startIndex)
 void setTotal(int total)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE


public static int DEFAULT_COUNT_ON_EACH_PAGE
Constructor Detail


public PaginationSupport()


public PaginationSupport(int pageSize)


public PaginationSupport(List<T> items,
                         int pageSize)
Method Detail


public int getCountOnEachPage()
Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getPageSize()


public List<T> getItems()


public void setItems(List<T> items)


public void setStartIndex(int startIndex)


public int getNiceEndIndex()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns an end index for use in the UI. It returns the end index - 1

Specified by:
getNiceEndIndex in interface PaginationSupport<T>
a nice end index


public int getEndIndex()
Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getNiceEndIndex()

This implementation always returned the nice end index. The correct end index would have been one less. Deprecating this and introduce a new method that has a more accurate name.


public int getStartIndex()
Returns the start index. If the start index exceeds the index of the last element, the index of the last element is returned. If the start index is less than 0, 0 is returned.

Specified by:
getStartIndex in interface PaginationSupport<T>
the start index.


public int getStartIndexValue()
Always return the start index value, regardless of whether the pagination has any total.

Specified by:
getStartIndexValue in interface PaginationSupport<T>
the start index value, regardless of whether the pagination has any total.


public int getNextIndex()
Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getNextStartIndex()


public int getNextStartIndex()
Returns the next start index. Returns -1 if we are on the last page (there is no next page).

Specified by:
getNextStartIndex in interface PaginationSupport<T>
the next start index. Returns -1 if we are on the last page (there is no next page).


public int getPreviousIndex()
Deprecated. since 3.0 (at least). Please use getPreviousStartIndex()


public int getPreviousStartIndex()
Returns the previous start index. Returns -1 if we are on the first page (there is no previous page).

Specified by:
getPreviousStartIndex in interface PaginationSupport<T>
the previous start index. Returns -1 if we are on the first page (there is no previous page).


public int[] getNextStartIndexes()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns an array of start indexes for pages that appear after the current page If there are no further pages, null is returned

Specified by:
getNextStartIndexes in interface PaginationSupport<T>
an array of start indexes for pages that appear after the current page


public int[] getPreviousStartIndexes()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns an array of start indexes for pages that appear before the current page If there are no preceding pages, null is returned

Specified by:
getPreviousStartIndexes in interface PaginationSupport<T>
an array of start indexes for pages that appear before the current page


public int getNiceStartIndex()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns a start index for use in the UI. It returns the start index + 1

Specified by:
getNiceStartIndex in interface PaginationSupport<T>
a nice start index


public List<T> getPage()
Returns a subset of the list of items passed in, based on startIndex and the page size

Specified by:
getPage in interface PaginationSupport<T>
a subset of the list of items passed in, based on startIndex and the page size


public int getTotal()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns the total number of items in the list

Specified by:
getTotal in interface PaginationSupport<T>
total number of items in the list


public void setTotal(int total)


public void setPageSize(int pageSize)


public int getPageSize()
Description copied from interface: PaginationSupport
Returns the number of items available on the current page.

Specified by:
getPageSize in interface PaginationSupport<T>
the number of items available on the current page.

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